Chapter 72: doubts

Trixie asked her about the paternity test almost every day.

Sometimes Trixie obviously recognized her impatient tone, but Nathalie still spoke politely to her.

Trixie deliberately did this, just wanting to test Nathalie.

If she can get a paternity test, then she will believe it again. If she can't get it, it proves that she and Daryl are cheating her together.

Two weeks later, Nathalie called Trixie.

The paternity test results came out. Nathalie is related to that child by blood.

Trixie wanted to go directly to Nathalie to get a paternity test, but was stopped by Daryl.

"Forget it, wife, since the child is indeed Nathan’s, let’s give her some money so she will stop, otherwise, we will be branded as a bully to other people for neglecting the pleas of the orphans and widows..."

Daryl twisted his brow and kept persuading Trixie to try to let her let go of the matter. But Trixie just passed the ear and didn't listen at all.