Chapter 76 Identification Reasons

After her husband and her daughter left, Trixie began to clean up the house.

These days, she has been busy with paternity tests and Nathalie exempted her for work. She has had no time to tidy up the house ever since.

She lifted down the sofa cover and the bedspread of each room and threw it into the washing machine. Next, she then swept the house again and mopped it up a little bit.

A three hundred square meter room was packed up by Trixie and she was so tired.

It was all cleaned up, and when she looked at the clock, it was already ten o'clock in the evening. Daryl and Kinsley still didn't come back.

Trixie glanced at the clock hanging in the living room once more and felt that Grandma wanted her granddaughter and it was nothing to stay for a while.

While she was putting on her clothes, the mobile phone suddenly rang.

It was Daryl.

Trixie answered the phone and said "Hello' twice but no one answered her.