Chapter 78 Intended To Test

Nathalie’s roommate's words deepened Trixie's doubts.

"Has she always been out recently?"

Trixie tentatively asked, but the roommate just stopped talking. She glanced at the other two, equally silent.

Trixie's guess seemed to have been confirmed. What she saw last night might really be Nathalie.

Just then, the sound of a blind guide stick hitting the ground was getting nearer, and Trixie looked back and turned out to be Nathalie.

Looking at her getting closer and closer, she wanted to get out of the way, but Trixie was more selfish and blocked the door.

She wanted to see for herself whether Nathalie's blindness was true or not. Nathalie went straight ahead without meaning to stop. Trixie finally relented. She got out of the way, fearing that Nathalie would fall down.

Watching Nathalie walk into the dormitory and put the blind stick aside, she groped for her place.

"Nathalie, your sister-in-law has come to send you something."