Chapter 94 Director female companion

"I also took Kinsley to do a paternity test and asked my mother to help me take the blame, which made you misunderstand my mother for a long time."

Trixie lightly chastised, but Daryl happily held her. Because he knew that Trixie had forgiven him.

Although the contradiction between the two had been resolved, Hailey's matter was still complicated.

From previous contacts, Trixie found that this woman was very cunning and a liar.

Hailey must have thought that Trixie was quarreling with Daryl because of the phone call that night, so there should be no action from her for a short time.

On the other hand, Trixie should take advantage of this gap to find a way to solve the problem of the "taboo love" club. However, even if most of the conditions are met, the marriage certificate can be handled by someone, but where would she find a person who’s willing to be with her find to investigate?

That was the biggest headache for her.