Chapter 98- Interest Marriage

After returning, Trixie thought that Allyson might have been married and looked everywhere for her information.

However, aside from WeChat, Trixie did not have any of her social media links. Luckily, it happened that her WeChat circle of friends also set permissions.

When Trixie saw her nickname on WeChat, she had a whim and started her search. Surprisingly, there was a microblog user with the same name as Allyson's WeChat nickname.

She hurriedly opened it and checked it. According to the selfie picture she found in it, she then confirmed that this was her microblog.

Unexpectedly, the old routine of checking Erin's Weibo was still useful.

She was happy by what she accomplished so far. She read Allyson's microblog one by one, not letting go of a word or a phrase.

For half an afternoon, she finally found a useful clue.

This is a microblog sent by Allyson a year ago, with a red certificate book and something written on it.

"What should be put down, must be put down after all."