Chapter 119 Hide What

"I was going to go to school again with the police. I saw her come back with Kinsley and Aiden as soon as I went out."

Daryl sat beside Trixie and gently stroked Kinsley's hair. "She said that she had something to do so she picked up Aiden in advance today. As soon as she entered the school gate, she saw Jane running out with Kinsley and getting into a van. Then she quickly drove to chase, Jane left Kinsley and ran away. After that, Kinsley stayed with Hailey all the time, and they just came back from dinner. "

Daryl's words are justified, but Trixie always felt something was wrong.

She asked Kinsley in her arms in a soft voice, "Kinsley, did Aiden's mother save you today?"

Kinsley tearfully looked at Trixie, she nodded her head. With her daughter's affirmation, Trixie's doubts were dispelled a lot.