Chapter 136 Heart Hostile

Seeing Aiden, Trixie paused and thought Hailey was also there. But she looked at the door for more than ten seconds and did not see the woman.

Did Daryl only bring Aiden?

Noting that Trixie's eyes have been staying on Aiden, Daryl took the initiative to explain, "Today, Hailey went to get Aiden a school registration and asked me to take care of Aiden all night. My wife, don't be angry, I'll just help her take care of the child. I didn't talk to her..."

"Take care of it, and I didn't say I didn't agree."

Daryl said that if Trixie quarreled with him again because of this matter, it would be that she was narrow-minded. When she came out of the door, Trixie looked at Daryl's eyes even more unhappy.

"Do you have anything to do later?" Trixie got up, picked up Kinsley from Daryl, and asked casually.

"There is still some work not finished, and I may have to go back later."

"Then I'll take Kinsley home first, and you do your work first."