Chapter 143 Another Dispute

"Why do you have an extra shell on your mobile phone? When did you buy it?"

Trixie conveniently took the mobile phone in his hand. Before he could look closely, Daryl's hand had already reached out, and he wanted to take it back. His behavior, in Trixie's view, was guilt.

Her eyes were straight into Daryl's eyes, but Daryl's eyes glanced away and did not dare to look her in the eye.

Trixie's mood quickly deteriorated. She was trying to ask, but Daryl really had something on his ghostly heart, which disappointed her extremely.

Seeing that look on Trixie's face, Daryl immediately held her in her arms and explained, "Today, the back of the mobile phone fell and cracked a seam. It didn't look good, so I told Erin to buy me a new one."

His explanation was reasonable, but Trixie was no longer willing to believe it. Trixie ignored his explanation and pressed his thumb directly on the fingerprint unlock.

The fingerprint lock was not opened, and Trixie's heart sank to the bottom.