Trial of Adornick

"Wonderful!" Squeaks Elthnorn. "I'll hold you to that."

His voice suddenly deepens. "And I mean it. I may not be as big on the whole 'divine oath' thing as some of the others, but trust me on this."

"You break your word to me, and you'll be very, very sorry." On that somewhat ominous note, he vanishes in a poof of smoke.

With that interruption dealt with, Adam makes his way towards the river. 

The previous ideas of tricking Elthron were now vanished a long time ago by his mind.

After walking a little further, he finds the river. It cuts straight through a beautiful grassy meadow, full of early blooming flowers.

The river appears to be deep and wide, with a strong current that could be deadly.

He approaches the riverbank and takes a moment to take it all in.

His thoughts are disturbed after a few periods by a smooth, pleasant voice begging for his attention.

In the plain cloth clothing of the Elysia people, Adam discovers a lovely young woman.