
"Do you want to uproot all of the pepper trees once you've gathered all of the peppercorns, Father?"

"Pepper trees are perpetual plants, but they can't be harvested only once," explained a local who came to help clean up the area.

"Yes, pepper may be picked at any time of the year. These pepper trees have now reached their full potential. It's too bad that they are being uprooted after a single wave of peppercorns."

 "As long as it's alive and well," another townsperson added, "it'll produce a lot of pepper next year, which can sell for a lot of money."

"A year is far too long."

"Pepper plants that can't produce peppers in a day aren't worth growing," Issac added.


There's no point in conversing with this agitated clergyman. "Father, may I make a harsh request?" a townsman boldly said.