
The alarm wailed as it can be heard throughout the academy, today is the schedule for another class, Confucian way. My first night sleeping on a proper bed is quite new to me.

at 5 am I had already gone to the kitchen to prepare my team's breakfast, I also run 10 laps at the range early in the morning. I decided to cook for them as a welcome gesture and to thank them for choosing me as their leader.

I walk faster to the main hallways and passed through the other dorms which are all peaceful, I guess I am the first one to wake up.

When I reached our room, I kicked the door as I went inside carrying the food basket I brought from the kitchen. The room is still quite aside from their snores that can be heard, I shook my head.

"Dorm 5, wake up!!!!" I shouted as I kicked each of them and heard them groaned and turn their backs on me, still not letting go of their beds.

"How can you even sleep properly on your first night? Don't you get homesickness?" I whispered, I came back again this time pulling their arms to stand up.

"next time I have to soak you all in cold water to wake up" I breathe under my nose

"we'll be late if you keep on sleeping. Come on" I opened the food basket as I sat down at the center table. they rubbed their eyes as they sleepwalk to follow and take each of their seats.

"I cooked early and you will not appreciate my skills?" I asked them

Laohu's eyes widen as he is widely awake by now, I smiled at him sweetly before he stood back up again and try to return to his bed I caught his robe and dragged him back to his seat.

"sit down," I said.

"I'm full" Laohu begging for his release when the three started to dig in the food. I looked at each of them as Laohu and I waited for their reactions.

Right there and then they all vomit the food, looking disgusted as I looked at them madly. They tried to swallow again as I asked them how is the food. I held out a kitchen knife threatening.

"does it taste good?"

they nodded slowly looking at the knife as they try to swallow again.

"Ok you can finish it all up," I said with their faces horrified.

I looked at Laohu as he tried escaping again, I smiled as I put the knife down, making them gulp in the process, their faces are scared as they initiated for Laohu to take my orders, he took a spoon and eat.

When they finish the food I asked them if it is too sweet which they responded "it's ok". I smiled at them and let them change into their robes. We all went out together to go to the lecture hall, we were earlier than others. Last night they'd given us the books we needed to read for the lessons today, I'm wondering if the lessons are all about the book alone or not.

While walking I noticed how they were all towering around me, my height is incomparable to theirs as of course, they are men, though Chou Xi's height is not too far from my height, he's still more manly than I look. I am guessing based on his proportions he could be around 175cm or so.

Lao hu's height is around 177cm. Eun Jo and Pei Hang are at most 180cm. While I am just running around with 165cm.

When we arrived at the lecture hall, this is a pavilion where it is surrounded by water with lilies on it. Such a serene pavilion is close to nature. The hall is empty as we heard the other students gathering around the main entrance of the west wing as if waiting for something. My eyes were drawn to the new person emerging from the bridge part of the pavilion, since it is surrounded by water, the hall is connected through the main walkway by a beautiful bridge, making it an islet.

I saw Ji wok coming to the hall not bothered by the commotion as he passed by it, his facial expression is still stoic, his hands are always settled at the back of his torso as if analyzing every living thing. I asked what is happening the moment he reached the lecture hall's steps.

He just shrugged. "Girls from the palace will enter the academy today," he said in a low voice as he sat beside me.

The arrangement is that the first row is assigned to the leaders by the number. While the members will sit at the back of their leader and so on.

"oh," I replied, I look at my team behind as I saw they are not interested in the commotion. I looked at them sitting behind me, I nodded.

"aren't you going there?" I asked them which they just shrugged

"I've seen them many times, why do I have to see more?" said Cha Eun Jo which I agreed, listening to their reasons, not really satisfied.

"No, not interested" also said Laohu and opened his booklet.

"I've seen different kinds of girls in the market and downtown" replied Pei Hang and coughed. And I looked at Chou Xi, he really is a kid for me, he looks like a kitten that was lost.

"What?" we all looked at Chou Xi "No, I am not interested" as if busying himself cleaning his flute.

"Alright alright, the team that isn't bothered with earthly things as well as material needs, will prosper," I said as I tried to say it in front of Ji wok, I put my head on my arms as I try to sleep.

I heard Ji Wok laugh which made me turn my gaze on him, his dimples are showing as he said the magic words, which changed the flow of the events.

"they are the newly passed imperial physicians," Ji Wok said which the four of them immediately stood up and run away to the entrance.

My eyes widen as they all hurriedly left their seats and runoff to where the commotion is happening, I massaged my forehead in embarrassment.

"liars. men always lie." I said in between breaths, but my eyes landed again on Ji wok as we were the only ones remaining, he stood up.

"women can be deceiving too," Ji Wok said and looked at me, I met his gaze as he reached for something inside his robe, he put down a small jar on my table and look at my bandaged hand

"treat your wounds," he said and turn his back on me as he was about to leave

"I don't think our class will resume anytime soon, you can go back to your dorm too" and left me. I was dumbfounded, as I took the small ceramic jar and smell it. I was also about to meet Mu Lin later to ask her for some treatment too.

I went to my team's table and gather their things as I left the hall, I will practice at the range today. The day must go on, as I have a lot to learn.

As soon as I arrived at the dorm, I put down all of their belongings at their table. I changed into my gear and changed the bondage of my right hand to black cloth. I am so tired of seeing blood. I put the arrows carefully as I walked down the alley going to the range, the alleys are quiet; I don't think anyone's at the range today.

I took the practicing bow today, my hand is still sore so I cannot use the cursed bow for the next two weeks. Normal bows are my comfort zone, they are my ally, and memorizing every bit of it is where I'm good at. I even killed wild beasts using this while growing up so it's natural. I am analyzing the arrows given to us while walking,

When I entered the range, I hear swords clicking and heavy breathing. I hurriedly went down the hall as my head creased.

I saw Tae Hua and Nu Lee sparring at the range, I don't think any of them are gonna be killed now, but looking at Nu Lee he is determined to finish off his brother. I saw how Nu Lee was trying to catch Tae Hua, while the latter kept dodging the sword.

[ Third Person ]

The schoolyard is busy waiting for the physicians that are newly endorsed, they have their first tour today inside the palace including the academy. While Nu Lee went to the Freshmen's dorm, he looked for his brother. He saw one of them busy doing the homework as he asked where his brother stays, the freshman smirked as he turns in his batchmate.

Everyone knows that Nu Lee and Tae Hua never got along and means trouble in the same place.

Nu Lee brought his sword with him. He opened the Dorm 4 as he saw his brother lying on his bed.

Sudden surprise engulfed Tae Hua as he saw his brother entering their dorm, he's in his training clothes.

Nu Lee looked around the room as he saw the sword lying on the table, he knew for an instant it was his brother's sword. He hurriedly took it and threw it off of him. As Tae Hua immediately stood and caught the sword.

The sword is an heirloom of the Yun Clan, it was given to him by his mother, the empress when he was a kid.

Nu Lee exited as he tried to follow him, he wanted to ask what is happening until they reached the training grounds. He removed his sword from the saber as he points it at his younger brother. The latter turned around.

"Stop being a kid and fight me."

"I can't," he said, as Nu Lee advances he purposely tried pushing Tae Hua that he landed on the ground. He once again pointed his sword to him annoyed.

"Stand up" he commanded which the latter followed. The sudden attack of Nu Lee scratched his right arm in the process. He endured the pain still not taking the sword out of his saber.

"stop being so weak, if you want the crown bear its weight and fight" he shouted

"I told you" He dodged once again when Nu Lee's sword landed, their position changed as he was trying to avoid the advances "I don't want the crown"

Nu Lee gritted his teeth in the process "tell that to the Empress and your family"

"I already did," he said which angered Nu Lee once more

"Your mother wanted to throw my mother out of the palace"

"wha-what?" Nu Lee sarcastically smiled, angered by the response

The imperial court ordered the concubine lee to be exiled because of the case when Tae Hua almost died when he was 2 years old, the court always believed that he was purposely assassinated, so the investigation is still on the process, having been killed almost hundreds of eunuchs and palaces maids due to poisoning. The investigation is still ongoing and after 18 years they have concluded it was Imperial Consort Lee's doing.

"I'll talk to my mother," he said which made him more furious.

"I don't need your help" he was about to target the other arm without Tae Hua's knowledge, he's been preoccupied when he heard what is happening.

Nu Lee decided to turn all the events as he was about to slash his sword when an arrow scratched it and his sword was thrown due to its impact. He deeply closed his eyes as he turned to the entrance, a freshman is running towards them.

"Who the hell are you?" he shouted, Tae Hua is sitting on the ground while his other shoulder is bleeding.

"Weicheng" he helped Tae Hua get off his feet as he was pushed by the latter "I am not helping you"

Nu Lee laughed hysterically "You're helping the wrong person, kid," he said

"You should've let me die" he shouted to Weicheng while his mind is still bothered by what he learned.

"You'll die in my hands" Weicheng countered. Nu Lee just walked and left them.

"Thank your savior, I'll come back at you again," he said before getting out of the range.

Weicheng took his arrow and Tae Hua's sword and threw it on the ground in front of him. "Your brother will never kill you, you're just a weak opponent in his eyes, he couldn't stand to see you holding the sword without even fighting."

"Why do you have to bother yourself," he said not minding his shoulder that is bleeding

"I am not saving you, as I said, you will die in my hands"

Weicheng promised herself to kill every Yun that became the reason for their Tribe's disappearance and lies spreading that her master committed treason.

Weicheng turn around as he remembered the jar that was given by Ji wok, he also threw it beside the sword as he walked again "treat your wounds so you can get back at me" before she walks away he saw the side-glanced, Tae Hua made.

She just heave a sigh.

Every step of Weicheng there's blood dropping to the ground. Tae Hua checked his shoulder and realized it was Weicheng's right hand that is bleeding. He stood up and took his sword. Looking at the ointment jar he creased his forehead.

He took it on his hand and check its texture. Tae Hua recognized the jar as its ceramic and formation resembles Yun Clan's way of production.

He walked back to the dorm as the students are still engorged with the imperial visitors. The noise annoyed him even more as he walk back holding the cold ceramic jar.

As he opened their room he saw the person he was looking for. He looked at his second cousin, Yun Ji Wok as he is busy with reading. He grew up with Ji Wok, since he is the son of the Minister, he was always around the imperial palace. He became accustomed with Ji Wok on his side. Since Ji Wok is known to being one of the most intelligent, he is also known as calm and collected, he always appear as mysterious to everyone, except that for him, Ji Wok is always visible. He knows everything that people do not know about his cousin.

He was standing at the middle of the room when Ji Wok turn his head towards him, he averted his gaze as he sat down the nearest chair. Ji Wok on the other hand was confused as to what is happening, he asked him.

"What's the matter?"

Tae Hua analyzing the gesture just shrugged "none, I'm just curious"

Ji Wok closed his book as he looked at him "about?"

"just random things" he just nod as he tried to change the topic

Ji Wok looked at his cousin confused as he saw the Cold Sword and his shoulder wounded. He went to his side, although they are the same height, Tae Hua is older than him and the grandson of the North.

"What happened to your shoulder?" he went to where their first aid are and took a bondage and clean the wounds

"Nu Lee" he said without any context

"ah he heard the news?" Ji Wok asked as Tae Hua just answered watching his cousin. After he cleaned it he went back to his book and read again. Tae Hua's confusion led to him asking if he have an ointment.

Ji Wok suddenly paused as he was dumbfounded, he smiled a little and said he forgot to take one from the palace. Tae Hua just nodded and smiled a little. Realizing he's cousin is lying.

"Yun's ointment is made from the best and rarest kind of medicines, it's really hard to take one without the palace physician knowing. And every year there are only a few being given to the palace from the north." Tae Hua stood up and thank his Cousin as he went out again.

He remember when they were kids Ji Wok always knew medicines and herbs, and everyyear the North Kingdom supplies the rarest ointment. Ji Wok always take one in case of emergency and keep it so that it will be a big help for them when they try to practice. The jar is made from one of the best ceramics and the ointment can heal the wounds in two days. Given that they are entering the academy and they are prone to wounds, it's impossible he haven't got one to take with him.

Ji Wok do not care about anyone, he is just a cold hearted like that. And knowing that the ointment came from Dan Weicheng made him confused.