The son of Alkatraz ( side story )

The temple was shaking unstoppably.

The massive walls incremented with golden ruby were collapsing.

A women's agonizing screams strike terror in the hearts of the supreme mages.

" May Allfather protect us and grant us his salvation. May Allfather protect us and grant us his salvation "

The mages were mumbling an incarnation.

" It's time."

An emerald-haired man with a snakehead scepter spoke to them.

The twelve mages picked a dagger from their long robe's pocket and cut their hand.

A river of their flowing blood flooded the scene.

The woman has finally made it happen.

She took her newborn baby by her hands and gazed at his golden eyes and whispered in his ears:

" My beloved son, our beloved savior. You are born to become a hero, a hero who will save us from thousands years of suffering. "

The man approached her:

" Angelic sound and a shiny dark hair. He obviously took after you, Melissa. "

" But, he has those same eyes. "

" Those are the eyes of an emperor. His life will be full of success and glory. "

" Will he surpass his father though? "

" I will make sure he definitely will. "

" I'm glad he has you, lord Baphomet." she grabbed his hands thankfully.

The man left with pride and joy.

A year has passed.

The streets of Askabar were full of guards. It was like they were preparing for an ambush.

" Find whoever has golden eyes and kill him!"

The ruined temple was put to fire as for Melissa, she was escaping the city while carrying her son.

" Hurry up, my lady. We should get you outside the city. "

A bunch of smugglers were helping her escape from the route of the sewers.

It was all good when they reached the final door outside the city when suddenly, the baby cried.

The smugglers finally had the chance to look at his face, their eyes met his golden eyes which caused them to flinch and fall into terror.

Those eyes reminded them of their ruthless emperor.

" I'm sorry my lady, but I can't do it. "

The smugglers left her alone when multiple guards surrounded the place.

Melissa, found herself trapped.

She had only one option left.

To sacrifice herself for the sake of her son.

She grabbed a stone and enveloped it in the baby's white towel, and with her full speed, she went towards the forest.

The archers threw their arrows on her, and seven arrows pierced different parts of her body. But she never gave up.

She kept walking towards the river when she put the decoy in the river.

A knight cut her throat when she finally died. She slept eternally with a frail smile.

It took the guards two days to find the stone that was taken by the air current.

When the news reached the royal palace, the emperor unleashed his wrath.

No one could enter the royal chamber. As for the guards, they all were publicly executed. Their families were put in jail.

" How can I have a son? No living creature can withstand the Alkatraz sperm. "

Alkatraz demanded the presence of all his council. However, a particular demon was missing.

Alkatraz flew to the sky and scattered his arms.

A strong light that was mistaken for the sun by the people around the area spread through the capital.

" I see you now Baphomet. "

Alkatraz teleported behind a terrified Baphomet was carrying a dead baby in his arms.

" I have found him, sir. I killed your son. " he said.

Alkatraz saw with his third eye that the demon was not lying.

" You were better than most of my men, so I will spare your life. "

" I am so honored your highness. "

Despite that, Alkatraz didn't totally trust Baphomet, and from that day he decided to keep an eye on him.

And this was the story of the dead son of Alkatraz.