Back on the Road

Having long since Omashu behind, Zuko was nevertheless satisfied with all he'd accomplished in the city, and honestly somewhat happy to be back on the road again, traveling alone and on his own merits under the guise of the wandering vagabond, 'Lee'. Still, even as he continues along his way, the ostrich horse he'd been given by Melody carrying him along, Zuko can't help but think back, even if he's keeping his eyes forward.

His plans are coming to fruition, all of them. Watching Haru cum inside of Michi in front of the poor dear's disgraced husband, watching as he seeded the older woman and no doubt got her pregnant once more… that had been a treat. Almost as much of a treat as enjoying his wife as the Blue Spirit had been or enjoying the Archer Twins had turned out to be.

Getting to see those under him once more, getting to flex his power, his might in such an interesting way had been purely delightful. Zuko would have had it no other way, and his trip to Omashu had most certainly been productive to the fullest. Not least of which because he'd been able to remove that old fool, Ukano. The man had turned out to be a complete and utter waste of space.

Not only could he not get it up and give Michi another child as she deserved, he was trying to steal from Zuko in the meantime, and as a byproduct of that, he had further damaged the relations between the occupying Fire Nation and the subjugated Earth Nation. It wasn't like Zuko was intending to let Omashu go free or anything like that. He knew full well he'd likely have to fight King Bumi whenever the wily old man finally made his move.

… But that did not mean the farmers and the workers, and the common folk needed to be dragged into the games of Lords and Kings. With Omashu occupied, the only battles that should take place in the future would be between earthbenders unable to accept they'd been assimilated and Zuko's soldiers. What they shouldn't have to deal with were rebellions from the commoners, squeezed into a tight spot by truly insane tribute demands like the ones Ukano had been asking for.

Yes, removing Ukano now was only prudent. Making him watch as a young earthbender with more loyalty to the Fire Lord than he'd ever shown took and bred his wife had just been pure justice. And it wasn't like Michi hadn't enjoyed it. The rosy smile on her face after Haru had finished cumming inside of her, the hand on her abdomen right above her seed-filled womb… it had told Zuko all he needed to know about the well-fucked noblewoman's disposition, even in the face of seeing her husband, the father of her eldest, charged with treason and dragged away to face imprisonment for his crimes.

Haru had been left behind to rule Omashu in his place, once Kei Lo in the guise of the Fire Lord and Yue moved on with their good will tour. Zuko was quite confident that together, Haru and Mishi would do a better job than Ukano had. They certainly couldn't do worse, that was for sure… refocusing his thoughts on the road ahead, Zuko grins as he looks out at the rolling expanse of hills before him. This was it for the next while, though he could already see mountains rising in the far distance. His next stop was Ba Sing Se… but hey, who knew what misadventures he'd get up to on the way… he'd go where the rumors took him and enjoy himself thoroughly along the way.

This was probably the last time Zuko was likely to get away from his duties as the Fire Lord like this for so long… so he intended to enjoy it for all it was worth, until he could enjoy it no more. Once the Avatar was his, once Kya's children were safe in his grasp, once Ba Sing Se and the entire world belonged under the banner of the Empire he dreamed of, he'd not have as much reason to travel incognito…

That was the future though. For now, Zuko would focus on what was right in front of him.


"Put this on and take that into the sitting room, right away. Do not dally, do not doddle. If you are lazy or show poor work ethic, you WILL be terminated. Also, if you hear anything, any rumors… do not spread them around. That will also result in a termination. The Lord and Lady of the House are currently quite distraught over their missing child… do NOT add to their distress. Do you understand?"

As Zuko puts on the servant's uniform, he bows his head, a smile on his lips. The man before him, tall and thin-faced and long-nosed, stares down at him for a moment more, even as Zuko reaches out and grabs the tea set, keeping his head down as he moves into the sitting room with all due haste. It hadn't been difficult, infiltrating the Beifong Estate. There were indeed a number of vacancies among the staff, allowing him to very easily be hired as a general all-purpose servant by the estate.

He'd first heard rumors of the Blind Bandit and her true lineage in a small town outside of Gaoling called Goshu. It hadn't been much, but the events of something called Earth Rumble VI had begun to trickle out in bits and pieces. Of course, the Beifong family was doing everything in their power to keep it all under wraps. Zuko could understand why, once he figured out what had really happened.

The Avatar, along with Kya's children, had apparently blown through Gaoling. In the process of attending this Earth Rumble event, they'd encountered the Blind Bandit. The Blind Bandit, who as it turned out, was in fact Toph Beifong, the Beifong family's only daughter. Problem with that was, Toph was blind and her parents had apparently isolated and coddled her for much of her life, trapping her in what amounted to a gilded cage that was the estate Zuko found himself in even now.

He could understand why, if she was truly as powerful an earthbender as some of the rumors said, Toph had chafed under this life. Given the way the Beifong family was even now trying to cover up their daughter's activities, referring to her departure as a kidnapping rather than the blind earthbender simply running away, it was clear that they either would not or could not believe Toph was what she actually was.

Still, Zuko couldn't deny that he was interested in it all. That was why he was here now, infiltrating the Beifong Estate on his way to Ba Sing Se. He wanted to know more about this 'Blind Bandit', about this 'Toph Beifong'. If she was traveling with the Avatar, then she would be another obstacle in his path to making the young female airbender his own. Or perhaps she would simply be another conquest…

Pushing through the door into the sitting room, Zuko is immediately hit with voices as he steps inside, tea set in hand.

"What would you have had me do, Poppy?! We did our best, did we not? We kept her as safe as we could! She was the one sneaking out behind our backs!"

"Do not make this about us, Lao! The departure of our daughter is entirely to be laid at your feet! She is gone because you did not heighten security! She slipped away night after night, doing such dangerous things, because you were not watching carefully enough!"

Zuko's eyes flicker up for just a moment as he moves into the room, and that's enough to give him a lay of the land, so to speak. Lao Beifong, the patriarch of the family, is standing, his hands spread as he shouts at his wife. The man is not an ugly man, and not all that aged either. His mustache is separated in the middle, two thin lines of hair curving down either side of his mouth.

He's not very tall, nor is he that rotund. He's quite… unimposing, in truth, utterly inconsequential if not for his name and his money, and the power and influence that both of those things represent for him. He's certainly dressed well, in the usual earthen tones of green and beige and yellow that Zuko sees on Earth Kingdom nobles all over the area.

Poppy Beifong, meanwhile… is beautiful. There's no denying that she's a classic beauty, and she still looks quite young too, though if what he's heard about Toph's age is correct, she can't be younger than thirty or so. Either way, Poppy is a gorgeous lady to be sure, with voluptuous hair and a buxom body. Unlike her husband, she is currently seated on the edge of a loveseat, her hands primly in her lap, even as she tells Lao off for his failure in keeping their daughter safe.

Its to the small end table beside her loveseat that Zuko goes, putting down the tea set and beginning to pour two cups of tea for the Lord and Lady of the House. His hands are perfectly steady, and they remain so, even when Lao suddenly turns his attention in Zuko's direction.

"You! Can you not see that we're having a private conversation?! Get out! Out with you!"

Zuko bows at that, having already accomplished his task. His motions remain measured as he slowly rises from the bow, but before he can make his retreat from the room, Poppy speaks up in his defense.

"Do not yell at him! I sent for tea just a little while ago, and this service is right on time! If you do not like it, feel free to leave, I will enjoy the tea myself!"

Out of the corner of his eye, Zuko can see Lao's own eyes widen at that.

"You're siding with the servants now?! Over me, your own husband?!"

Poppy just scoffs and picks up one of the tea cups, sipping from it delicately and primly, a true, proper lady.

"This young man hasn't lost our daughter, so yes, I suppose I am."

Unable to handle the judgment any longer, Lao throws his hands up in the air and leaves the room altogether, Poppy and Zuko left behind as the former sips from her tea and the latter hovers by the tea set. A bit of silence falls over the room, until finally Poppy looks over at him. It's likely the first time she's truly looked at him, because Zuko can see that her eyebrows raise and the corners of her mouth lift into an intrigued smile.

To be fair, Zuko cleans up quite nicely. He's actually looking more like himself than he has in months at this moment, not that anyone on the Beifong Estate knows what the Fire Lord looks like on sight, thankfully. His hair is cut short as well, removing the Fire Nation styling that he would normally have, that he did in fact have for a short time before leaving Omashu behind.

Right now, he's just a young man serving tea to a beautiful older woman…

"You… what's your name?"

Zuko smiles slightly, even as he bows his head, answering in a calm, confident voice. Not quite subservient, because really, he doesn't do subservient. But also, not too proud, because he's nothing here, nothing more than a servant. A handsome young servant, though.

"Lee, ma'am. It's Lee."

Poppy continues to eye him consideringly, that soft smile still playing across her lips as she sips from her tea cup and nods her head.

"Lee… I assume you're new, yes?"

Zuko pretends to pause for a moment, before answering somewhat promptly.

"Yes, Lady Beifong. Today is my first day…"

Humming to herself, the Lady of the House continues to sip at her tea for a moment longer. She doesn't send Zuko away though, so he doesn't leave. Eventually, after a few more minutes of silence, he speaks up.

"I, uh… I hope I do not overstep my bounds, Lady Beifong… but if you don't mind me saying, you're far too pretty to be yelled at like that…"

Poppy immediately freezes up, the tea cup mere centimeters from her lips as she processes his words. Setting the little cup down entirely, Poppy turns her gaze onto him fully, almost as if she thinks she can make him squirm under it alone. Given her station, and the supposed power she has over his 'livelihood', she probably could under normal circumstances.

But Zuko does not squirm. He does not fidget. That's just not who he is. Instead, even in the guise of Lee, who he is, is the young man who even now stares back at Poppy Beifong with a level stare, not giving ground, not backing off for even a moment. Eventually, she responds, her eyes filled with curiosity of a different sort now, her hands playing with the lap of her robes as she begins to fidget slightly under his constant stare.

"… How do you mean?"

Given the opening, Zuko isn't about to NOT take it. While he's kept his hands clasped behind his back for most of this, now he brings one out, gesturing at her casually as he shrugs his shoulders.

"Well… respectfully ma'am, if I were ever married to a woman as beautiful as you, I wouldn't yell at her. I would never raise my voice in her presence. She would be too precious to me, my most prized treasure. It would be my duty to love and cherish her, not upset or anger her. She would see my best side, not my worst… not ever."

By the time he's done speaking, Poppy is almost leaning forward towards him as she soaks up his words. It's as if she's in a trance, though Zuko isn't doing anything special besides saying the words. Still, he's no idiot. The words are carefully chosen, not quite from the heart. He's saying what he's saying for a very specific reason, after all… and as Poppy slowly rises from the loveseat and takes one step, and then two in his direction, he's pretty sure that he's got her.

Walking up to him with all the confidence of a woman who knows she can call for guards at any moment, Lady Beifong does not do so. Instead she reaches out and runs her fingers along his uniform, before bringing them up to his chin. She looks him over, inspecting him like a piece of meat for several moments. Her eyes slide down his body further than is appropriate, but her fingers do not.

Eventually, she makes eye contact, staring him down as she stands before him.

"… And what, my dear Lee… would your best side look like?"

Well now, that's an invitation if he's ever seen one. Gathering Poppy Beifong up in his muscular arms is the work of but a moment, and then he's kissing her, just like that. It's the right move though, because she almost immediately melts into his embrace, their lips pressing together passionately, and their tongues intertwining in mere moments as Poppy returns the favor and kisses him back just as heatedly as he's kissing her.

Her hands press into his broad chest, while his hands move along her back. They makeout like that for what feels like an eternity, until eventually Zuko decides to be a bit more forward. His fingers play at the ties on the back of her robes that keep her garments together… and then he pulls one of them undone. Poppy feels this of course, her eyes widening as she pulls back for a moment, their lips detaching from one another in the face of his action.

They stare each other down again for a long moment, but once more, Zuko has no intention of giving ground. His own gaze is hot with desire and filled with confidence in his good looks and the pleasure he can bring her. Poppy, meanwhile, is clearly searching his face, trying to figure out what she should do. When she finally decides, she shows him what she wants by going back in for another kiss. As they makeout again, Zuko quickly returns to undoing the ties to her dress, pulling them apart one by one and running his fingers across her now bare flesh as he drags the noble garment apart and off her shoulders.

In short order, Poppy Beifong is naked, and once she's naked, she demands the same of Zuko. She helps him strip, and gasps when his half-hard cock flops out into her hand. Zuko just grins as the mostly naked noblewoman stares down at it in amazement. Its not hard after that to push her backwards, eventually putting her into position. Laying back on the couch, her legs spread wide as Zuko leans over her, Poppy seems to finally realize what she's doing, what THEY'RE doing as his cockhead comes to rest against her pussy lips and his mouth falls upon one of her full, pale breasts.

She moans and then catches herself, her breath hitching as she stares up at the ceiling. One of her hands has instinctively come up and tried to grab onto his short-cut hair, pulling him closer to her breast. But her words… her words show how conflicted she is.

"Oh… we shouldn't… I shouldn't be doing this. Oh, but it feels so good… d-don't stop…"

Zuko's eyes gaze up at Poppy's face as he continues to lick and slurp and nibble at her soft tit flesh. He watches her features contort with pleasure, while at the same time he continues to tease her entrance with his cockhead. She's quite wet and was before he ever even touched her. Had their small little dialogue truly got her that turned on that fast?

Or was her husband simply not satisfying her needs, and so she found herself hornier than usual? It was possible that in the end, it was just a mixture of both. Regardless… Zuko thrusts forward. He also places a hand over Poppy's mouth in the same moment, knowingly muffling the resulting cry that escapes her lips as he penetrates DEEP into her cunt. Filling the noblewoman with his cock, watching her eyes go wide as he keeps her quiet, Zuko pulls back from her breast and smiles down at her.

Slowly, he removes his hand. He's already buried inside of her now, and its clear that he's not going anywhere. Poppy is left trembling beneath him, any of the confidence or control she thought she had as Lady of the House lost now that she was just a woman, impaled on a handsome young man's big fat cock. Leaning in, Zuko captures her lips again and then begins to fuck her, muffling and swallowing the noises of her pleasure with his own mouth.

Poppy shudders in orgasmic bliss, and a moment later she is indeed cumming along his cock length. She wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him closer, even as he fucks her right there on the loveseat, taking her to pound town just a few minutes after an argument with her husband in this very same space. To be fair, that was Zuko's intention from the very beginning. While yes, he was here to get some information on the Blind Bandit and to confirm what he'd already found out… that had been easy enough as it was.

Now that he knew for sure that Toph Beifong was traveling with the Avatar, he could accomplish his secondary objective… fucking the girl's mother nice and hard, plowing Poppy Beifong right there in the middle of her home while her husband fumed elsewhere, unaware. Not that he would remain unaware for long. Zuko had initially considered spending a few days working his way into the Lady of the House's good graces before seducing her, but the married couple's little tiff had given him an opening he wasn't going to pass up.

Now, fucking her into the loveseat, ramming into her with his hard cock faster and faster, Zuko knew that tonight… tonight would be the night he left the Beifong estate behind. But first… first he was going to have his way with the place, in more ways than one. With a grunt, Zuko finally allows himself to cum, right as Poppy is reaching the zenith of her penultimate orgasm. The noblewoman's eyes are crossed, and her mouth is wide open beneath his, forcing him to pull back and cover it again in order to silence the scream of pleasure trying to emanate from her lips.

As he pumps her womb nice and full of his seed, he can see the recognition of what he's doing in her eyes. Poppy knows he's just cum inside of her… she knows he's filled her with his virile ejaculate, her womb now gushing with life-giving cum. As Zuko pulls back, his cock finally popping out of her freshly fucked cunt, the Lady of the House scrambles away from him, gathering up her clothes and staring at him with wide eyes.

Zuko, in turn, is the picture-perfect image of calm and confidence, even as he gets re-dressed as well. About halfway through, Poppy finds her voice.

"You… y-you should not have done that."

Zuko's gaze slides over to the Lady of the House. He can already see the wheels and gears turning in her head. She's going to blame him for this, likely crying rape after she gives it a day or so of thought. He's not surprised, in fact, he was kind of expecting it. That was why tonight would be the last night he'd be in the Beifong Estate. Still…

Cocking his head to the side, Zuko grins wickedly.

"Did you not enjoy it… Lady Beifong?"

Her gaze, which had shifted away from him as she considered the ramifications of their sleeping together, snaps back up to his face and she glares heatedly before pointing a finger at the door.

"O-Out! Get out!"

The hitch in her voice greatly undermines her authority, but Zuko just bows at the waist, collects the tea set, and leaves the room, his own clothing perfectly in place. He leaves a hot young MILF behind him, his seed just beginning to ooze out of her pussy lips as he departs.


It takes her a while to get to sleep that night, tossing and turning as she thinks about what had happened earlier in the day. That handsome young servant, Lee… she'd let him fuck her. Poppy Beifong hadn't meant for it to go so far, but he was so… thoughtful. His words had ignited a fire in her that her husband hadn't managed… practically ever. It was the first time she'd felt truly valued in who knew how long.

But she still shouldn't have lain with the boy, and she certainly should have found a way to stop him from cumming inside of her. The vicious satisfaction across the young man's face told her he knew exactly what he'd done… and Poppy could only imagine what he planned to do with her indiscretion. In the end, the only way she managed to finally get to sleep the following night was by coming to the hard but right decision. Tomorrow, she would tell her husband that the boy had raped her. Tomorrow, she would see Lee imprisoned, before he could do anything to harm her or her family.

At least, that was Poppy's plan. Instead, after finally falling into a deep sleep, the Lady of the House woke up in bindings, stripped naked and tied up somehow without her ever awakening… until a hand patted her cheek enough to get her up. Opening her eyes groggily, she finds herself bound with her arms behind her back and her knees bent, the rope around her thighs and her shins. She's on the floor before the bed her and her husband sleep in… and as she looks up, her husbands muffled protests reach her ears just as his spread-eagled form comes into view for her eyes.

Suddenly, there's a sword at his throat. Poppy's eyes go wide, and she tries to cry out, but she too is gagged. All she can do is scream through the thick fabric as she watches a masked man, the visage of which she recognizes from wanted posters, press the edge of his blade up under Lao's chin. The Blue Spirit has come to call… the Blue Spirit stands to the side of the Beifongs' bed, one of his blades ready to chop of the Lord's head right then and there.

Lao goes still and stops his protests. Slowly, the Blue Spirit pulls his blade back, moving down the length of the bed to where Poppy has been left kneeling in the center of the room. He doesn't say a word… he doesn't have to. The threat is clear, and though Lao whimpers and trembles a few times, the man no longer protests. Not even when the Blue Spirit kneels behind her and pushes her forward onto the end of the bed, leaving her face down between her husband's feet.

Not even when… w-when a rather large phallus pushes into her exposed cunt from behind, drawing a muffled whine from Poppy as her eyes tear up at the unwanted intrusion. She's not even remotely wet right now… at least, not at first. The Blue Spirit is slow and methodical, and clearly after something specific from her. Why else would he take his time, provoking a reaction from her, exposing her perverse lusts right before her helpless husband's very eyes?

Tears continue to stream down Poppy's cheeks, but she's also moaning, growing flushed and aroused against her will as the Blue Spirit slowly speeds up. Her inner walls are wet now, no longer dry, and he's able to go faster and faster, raping her right there in front of her husband, fucking her bent over her own marital bed.

And she likes it. She hates herself for it, but she likes it all the same. She even cums twice around the invading member as he continues to fuck her, much to her eternal shame and chagrin. She does her best to hold back, but on the second orgasm, the Blue Spirit has a fistful of her hair in his hands, forcing her to arch her back and lifting her entire face up off the bed for her husband to see as it contorts in pleasure with her climax, her eyes going crossed and muffled moans leaving her gagged mouth.

Then, much like Lee had done hours before, the Blue Spirit cums inside of her. This causes protest to once again erupt from Lee, as he can tell from Poppy's panicked gaze exactly what's happening. But neither of them are loud enough to call for the guards, no matter how much they yell and shout and scream through their gags. The Blue Spirit fills her with his seed, pumping it deep into her womb.

Perhaps its just that its happening so soon, one after the other, but the whole experience actually does feel… familiar. Not the bondage bit of course, but the girth of the cock penetrating her, the amount of cum left behind in her fertile womb… if she didn't know any better, she'd say that it was the exact same member, defiling her once more, this time in front of her husband.

The Blue Spirit pulls out of her and leaves her there for a moment. Poppy doesn't even have the strength to lift her head as for the second day, cum oozes out of her pussy lips. Before, she'd been able to immediately take a bath afterwards and clean herself out. Now… now she can't even do that much, bound and gagged as she is.

Lao's continued muffled protests and the sounds behind her tell Poppy what the Blue Spirit is doing, however. He's ransacking their bedroom, robbing them of their valuables. Probably the smallest things, like their jewelry and their most prized possessions. He's not going to walk off with a full-sized painting, after all. But eventually, he has what he wants, and he walks back over.

Poppy finds herself pulled up by her hair once again, a sword brought to her neck as Lao tries to shout 'no' through his gag. The Lady of the House herself can't really muster must of a fight, though she does whimper and tremble as the edge of the blade caresses her soft neck. The Blue Spirit leans down, bringing his mask right next to her face… and then he speaks.

"It was a pleasure, Lady Beifong. I can only hope your daughter is as… exceptional as you are. Until we meet again… ma'am."

Far too quiet for his voice to reach Lao, but every word from Lee's lips hits Poppy's ear like a sledgehammer. Because it is him, it IS Lee… and as he pulls away, his sword leaving her throat, Poppy trembles, knowing that she's well and truly fucked, in more ways than one. The Blue Spirit's blade comes down through the bindings around her wrist, but it takes the sobbing, terrified noblewoman several minutes to even take advantage of that as her husband tries to get her attention through muffled calls.

By the time Poppy unties herself and Lao and the Lord of the House alerts the guards, the Blue Spirit is long, LONG gone. But for how long, Poppy knows not…


"I can help you, Sela. But there will be a cost."

The beautiful woman, a mother of two, looks up sharply at that, tears streaming down both cheeks as she stares up at Zuko.

"Y-You… w-what cost?"

Zuko stands over the woman in turn, staring back down at her. The whole situation was kind of fubar'd, at the end of the day. He'd arrived in this village and immediately found an enemy in the Earth Kingdom soldiers stationed there, specifically their Commander, a man named Gow. While Zuko had yet to make an example out of them, he fully intended to before leaving… but now, now he could kill two birds with one stone.

Raising one hand, Zuko causes a burst of fire to appear in his palm. Sela's eyes go wide and she immediately scrambles backwards, frightened.

"F-Fire Nation!"

Smirking slightly, Zuko inclines his head.

"You have no idea how right you are, my dear farmer's wife. Sela, you stand before the Fire Lord himself. My name is Zuko… and I am the best chance your sons have of surviving."

He pauses briefly, but Sela doesn't say a word, too shocked to figure out how to respond from the looks of things.

"… I said there would be a cost. I will retrieve you son from Gow and his men and end their tyranny over this village. I will also send word that your eldest is to be treated with respect befitting a prisoner of war. In exchange… you will bear my child."

That gets a reaction. Sela gasps and shakes in barely suppressed fury as she glares up at him.

"Y-You… you're a monster."

Zuko sighs as he cocks his head to the side.

"I've been told as much before, my dear. But this is the price I ask from you. What will you give to see your sons safe? What will you give to see this war ended finally, after so damn long? Will you give yourself? Or shall I walk away?"

A bluff of course. He was going to beat Gow and his men bloody and replace them with Kyoshi Warriors one way or another, to be perfectly honest. At this point, that was a foregone conclusion. But Zuko's plans called for the spreading of his progeny far and wide, and Sela had already proven herself to be of good breeding stock, giving birth to two strong boys. And she was still beautifully put together as well, more than desirable for the young, insatiable Fire Lord.

In the end, Sela has no way of knowing Zuko will defeat Gow and his thugs regardless, and even if she did know that much, she would still have her eldest son, currently in Fire Nation custody, to worry about. Slowly, the beautiful MILF climbs back to her feet… and bows.

"I-I submit myself to your… your care. J-Just please, s-save my son."

Zuko smiles slightly at that, reaching out and placing a hand atop Sela's head.

"Consider it done."

Then, he's gone. He has some idiots to deal with, after all.


"Oh! Oh, oh, oh! Mmmmmph!!!"

Right as Sela's about to let loose a scream of ecstasy, Zuko covers her mouth with his hand, stifling her voice. Then, he keeps right on fucking her up against the side of the barn. It's a day later, and Gow and his men have been thoroughly and summarily… beaten and removed from the equation. The letters have been sent and the Kyoshi Warriors will arrive within the week, while Sela's eldest child will be released into his father's custody whenever the farmer finally shows up looking for him.

Sela's youngest, a small boy named Lee, is currently fast asleep in their home, resting away the events of the previous day and his close brush with forced conscription or whatever it was that Gow and his vile thugs had planned for the poor child. Now it's Sela's turn to fulfill her end of the bargain. With her dress hiked up and her full, fat ass exposed, Zuko is going to town on the poor woman, his cock out and filling her cunt as he fucks her from behind.

Meanwhile, Sela is stuck pressed between the broad side of the barn, the side that faces away from her home, and Zuko's fat member, his length pumping into her again and again as she tries to hide her pleasure, tries to hide how much she's enjoying all of this. She's failing, obviously. She's failing quite spectacularly in fact, and Zuko is enjoying making her acknowledge just how much she likes having him rail her from behind like she's a young maiden again.

Not that that changes the fact that she's really a smoking hot babe of a MILF. Definitely one of the hardest working MILF's he's had in his travels. In comparison to say, his latest conquest, Poppy Beifong, Sela is all edges, all muscle. But she's still a woman as well, and there's pleasure to be had from the body of a farmer's wife like her.

With a growl into her ear, Zuko grins viciously as he speeds up his thrusts.

"Getting close now, Sela. Going to pump your womb full of my seed. You want it? Yeah, you want it."

Sela growls back at him, trying to shake her head in response… but her pussy juices flowing down the length of his member and the way her inner walls clench down HARD around his cock at the very mention of breeding give truth to her lie. Still grinning, Zuko finally lets loose. With a loud groan of his own, still covering Sela's mouth, he pins the beautiful MILF to the barn and pumps a nice, thick load of his seed deep, DEEP inside of her womb.

Just like he did with Poppy and every woman before her, Zuko takes his time making sure he fills Sela to the brim, leaving no room for error. He cums and she shakes and trembles as she takes it, and when he finally lets go of her and pulls out of her cunt, Sela falls to her knees, her legs like jelly and no longer able to support her as she just rests against the side of the barn, panting heavily.

Looking down at her for a moment, Zuko nods in satisfaction.

"Consider the terms of our deal met, my dear. But do not think this is the last you will see of me. The child you bear me will be royalty, after all. If anything happens and I find out, you played a part in it… I'm sure you know the consequences."

Sela shakes a bit, even as one hand goes over her abdomen. Biting her lower lip, the farmer's wife hangs her head and speaks quietly, more subdued than the fiery woman who'd he'd seen before when she was confronting Gow and his men.

"Yes… my Lord."

Smirking slightly, Zuko fixes up his clothing and leaves her where she is. This was another fun detour, but he does have things to do and places to be…


Of all the things Zuko expected to come across on his travels, this was not it. He was heading for Ba Sing Se, after all, but he wasn't actively hunting the Avatar. So why the hell had he just run into what was very clearly Toph Beifong, stomping her way along with an angry expression on her face? Staring at the girl for a moment longer turns out to be a mistake though, because the moment he so much as shifts his weight from one foot to the other, she realizes he's there.

Zuko gets a first-hand show of how a blind girl might be able to survive on nothing but earthbending when Toph whirls around, her bare feet swirling in the dirt beneath her feet and a fist thrown in his direction that in turn causes a large column of rock to burst out of the ground at him. Acting purely on instinct, Zuko ends up dodging over the rock, revealing himself to be more than the wandering vagabond he would have portrayed himself as under most normal circumstances.

"Who the hell are you?! Get away from me?!"

He wasn't about to do that though. Grinning slightly, Zuko continues to dodge around Toph's attacks. She's good… she's very good, but he's better. Even still, she's undoubtedly the best earthbender he's ever seen, and that's saying something. Chuckling darkly as he closes in on the short young woman, Zuko can't help but respond to her.

"Why would I leave? I'm in the presence of such a beauty!"

Toph's sightless eyes go wide and he sees the blush spread across her face for a moment before she scowls and begins to attack with even more ferocity. And yet, her strikes are slightly sloppy… and Zuko can tell that she's tired for some reason, exhausted even. Why is that? Why isn't she with the Avatar and her friends? What the hell is going on here?

"S-Shut up! Did my parents send you? I'm not going back to them! I'm NOT!"

That last 'not' is punctuated by a rather large pillar of rock. Rather than dodge it, Zuko has to face it head on… and his kick breaks right through as he lets the momentum carry him past the pillar and into Toph's personal space. Before the young woman can react, he's on top of her, his aerial entry giving her almost no warning about where he is. Zuko leans in and gives the blind girl a quick peck on the lips, before darting away again as she responds instinctively with more earthbending, clearly trying to entrap him or smash him or do whatever she can to take him down.

None of it works of course, and her shriek of impotent fury echoes through the area, even as Zuko laughs gaily.


Smirking, Zuko darts this way and that, continuing to dodge her attacks, easily moving out of the way given just how frustrated she is by this point, just how haphazard her strikes are. She is… very much out of her league right now, though he can't deny that he'd love to have a match with her at her full strength.

"Did you not like it, my dear? Sorry, but I just can't help myself! You're so filled with fire, so strong! Its beautiful how you burn!"

The blush is most definitely back as Toph hears that, and Zuko can even make out a very distinct whine building in the back of the blind girl's throat as she remains unable to hit him. She's practically swaying on her feet at this point from what he can see… so perhaps its time to bring this to an end. With a sigh, Zuko darts past Toph's final attacks, slips behind the girl… and konks her right on the back of the head, knocking her out with an easy tap that sends her face first into the dirt.

The attacks stop coming, and Toph lays unmoving save for breathing. Reaching down, Zuko picks the petite girl up and leaves the area. She needed some rest, that much was obvious… and when she awoke, they'd talk some more.


Toph is honestly surprised that she even does wake up. Her eyes snap open, but her vision remains as dark as even, even as she finds herself pulling apart furs and blankets in order to stand. Her feet aren't on ground… until they are, and then she can see everything around her through her extra sensory powers. Letting out a sigh as the seismic vibrations of the world provide her with what her eyes cannot, the blind girl 'looks' around for a moment.

She quickly finds the familiar feel of the man she'd been fighting before… before he so easily knocked her out. Sitting beside a fire, his head turns to her and he chuckles lowly as she takes up a stance instinctively.

"Come, sit. Have some tea."

His voice, now that she has a moment to actually listen to it, is young… probably as young as she is. Biting her lower lip, Toph considers him for a moment, and everything she knows. She'd… well, she'd left the Avatar behind after they'd gotten into an argument that had most definitely been brought on by sleep deprivation. Now that she'd had a good several hours to rest and recuperate, she was thinking a lot more clearly.

The Avatar and the others needed her, didn't they? She'd abandoned them, but they needed her now more than ever… and this man, whoever he was… he'd helped her. Slowly, Toph approaches the fire and sits down beside it. A tea cup is placed down on the ground beside her, which Toph reaches for without looking. When she sips the tea, she can't help but be a little surprised… and immediately wary. It tastes like home.

"My parents… they did send you, didn't they?"

Another chuckle, causing Toph to flush a little, her ears turning red. He had a nice laugh, this guy who'd complimented her looks but also her earthbending skill and her personality. He was the first man who'd ever told her he liked the way she was, the fire in her belly. It made her feel strange. And he was probably her age, too…

"No, they didn't send me. I did stop by there though, and yes, I know who you are. But I'm not here to drag you back to your parents, Toph Beifong. A woman like you should not be caged, not even in a beautiful place like that. Your freedom is very important to you, I can tell."

Toph blushes profusely at that. Not only is he saying all the things she wants to hear, but now he's referring to her as a woman as well? Not girl, not invalid… but woman. He's treating her like… like she's an equal.

"I… I have to get back to my friends. They're in danger."

The young man nods.

"Do you know where they are?"

Thinking about it for a moment, Toph frowns.

"N-No… but I can probably track them down. I can still feel it, whatever that thing is that's hunting them. I can feel it moving away from here as we speak. It's probably following them right now."

There's a few seconds of silence before the stranger who had so easily bested her in combat speaks.

"I see. Do you think you're ready? Do you feel balanced?"

Toph's frown deepens at that.

"Balanced? What the hell does that mean?"

He chuckles yet again, and now its like there's a heat in Toph's belly that has nothing to do with her fiery personality. Jeez, is this what a crush feels like? Because she's never really had one of those before, but if one were to have a crush, she'd imagine that it would be something like this…

"You were very… out of sync when we fought earlier, Toph. If we're going to go help your friends, you need to make sure you're in the right frame of mind."

He doesn't even hesitate to include himself, and while in other circumstances that might have bothered her, that he was just assuming he could come along, right now it actually made her happy for some reason. D-Damn… definitely a crush.

"O-Okay… so what do I do to get in the right frame of mind?"

The young man suddenly leans over, and Toph freezes up as he presses his lips against hers. His kiss is tentative at first, hesitant… but when she doesn't immediately try to swallow him in rock or push him away, he kisses her some more. And Toph? Toph responds. She kisses him back, the idea of attacking him not even really crossing her mind as they begin to makeout right then and there in the middle of the cave beside the light of the campfire.

She soon finds herself on her back, him over her. He's kissing her and she's kissing him, and his hands are moving under her clothing, running over her budding breasts. She's not a child by any means, and in fact, she's quite older than she looks. Her body just hasn't developed as much as she'd prefer, leaving her with a petite frame and small breasts and a clean-shaven pale crotch. But if that bothers the young man, he doesn't show it.

He treats her like the woman she is, rather than the blind girl everyone assumes she is. For the first time in Toph's life, she feels wanted, she feels love. Perhaps that's why its so easy for her to just go with the flow and let it all happen. Perhaps that's why she doesn't actually put up any sort of resistance when the young man places his cockhead against her pussy lips and pushes in, taking her virginity.

For a young noblewoman like Toph Beifong, the purity, her virginity was a very important thing indeed. It was the kind of thing that her family would use to bargain for a better marriage for her, the kind of thing that they would have some third party inspect to make sure the hymen was still intact. Well, it wasn't intact anymore, and even though she'd already run away from home and had every intention of forsaking the life of a noble, part of Toph was only freed in that moment when she lost her virginity.

She couldn't go back now, not like this, not anymore… and that was a Good Thing in Toph Beifong's book. Wrapping her arms around the young man's neck and her legs around his waist, the young blind earthbender happily lets him make love to her, happily lets him fuck her against the rock beneath her. To any other woman, it would have likely been an entirely uncomfortable first time. For Toph, who was just beginning to discover what having a crush for the first time was even like, it was amazing. And not just because she liked the guy, but also because of where they were doing it.

A cave? She was surrounded by her element, she was blanketed in safety. Whether knowingly or unknowingly, the young man had brought her to the place where she was the most protected, where she could defend herself at a moment's notice, where… in truth, where she felt most at home compared to any other place, even the Beifong Estate.

It was the perfect place for Toph to lose her virginity, and by the time he was done, and his seed leaked from her folds, Toph was finally getting an idea of what he had meant by "right frame of mind". As the two lay next to one another, both catching their breath and recovering from their respective orgasms, Toph grins happily.

"That was… damn."

Another chuckle, which by this point, she's quickly beginning to fall in love with the sound of.

"You weren't half bad yourself, Toph. Now… think you're ready to save your friends?"

The blind earthbender considers that for a moment… and then promptly rolls over onto the top of the young man, making sure to keep her feet firmly on the ground as she reaches down and takes his cock in her hand, guiding it to her cream-filled pussy lips.

"… Maybe in a little while."

As she impales herself on his shaft, Toph moans, feeling his hands go to her waist. The young man grins roguishly and proceeds to give the prodigal earthbender EXACTLY what she wants.


"Hey, did any of you recognize that guy by the way? The one I showed up with?"

"… No, he was wearing a blue mask the entire time."

"… Damn it!"


As Zuko casually approaches the large armored tank where he knows Azula and her friends are staying, he removes his mask, shedding his disguise as the Blue Spirit as a wicked grin spreads across his face. Obviously, he'd gone with Toph to help out Team Avatar against Azula's ceaseless onslaught. For one, he'd promised the blind young woman that he would, and after taking her virginity in some dingy cave, it was really the least he could do. Not that she seemed to mind the location all that much, heh.

Either way, he wasn't about to reveal himself to the Avatar, so when he and Toph finally got to town and met up with the Avatar and Kya's children, he was already properly disguised as the Blue Spirit, his swords at the ready. This also had the added bonus of alerting Azula to his presence without exposing himself to the female Avatar quite yet. As soon as she'd seen his mask, Azula had frozen for a second and then proceeded to throw the fight HARD, sandbagging as she allowed herself to be beaten back by the Avatar and her friends.

In the end, all was well that ended well. With Azula chased off, the Avatar would continue along her way to Ba Sing Se with Kya's children and Toph at her side. Zuko would eventually make it there as well… but for now, he had his dear sister to deal with. As he walks up to the tank, he's not surprised to see that Azula, Ty Lee, and Mai are already waiting for him… all of them naked and kneeling, their heads bowed.

Chuckling lightly, Zuko walks up, tossing his mask aside for the moment as he moves along the line, brushing his fingers against each of their chins and lifting their gazes to meet his. Mai has a flicker of lust in her otherwise apathetic gaze, while Ty Lee looks eager as ever to do whatever he wants. Azula on the other hand is… well, she's his sister, and she knows she disobeyed him, even if it wasn't directly.

"Azula… I approve of your initiative, you know. I also approve of your diligence. But explain to me what made you think I wanted you to hound the Avatar and her companions THIS much?"

Flushing a bit, Azula glances over her shoulder when Zuko looks at the armored tank behind her and her friends and gestures at it to punctuate his statement. The thing is large and most definitely overkill, and he half-wonders where she even got it. He knew some of his designers were working on some pretty cool things, but this was new to him…

"Ah… um…"

Sighing at Azula's non-answer, Zuko pulls out his cock and slaps his sister across the face with it for a moment, before stuffing it into her open mouth. She sucks on his dick without complaint, even as Ty Lee and Mai look on with clear envy in their faces. Turning to Mai, even as he proceeds to face fuck Azula on his cock, he asks her instead.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

"Mai… why were you all hunting the Avatar day and night without giving her any time to rest?"

Staring at where Azula's lips are already making their way all the way to the base of Zuko's thick large cock, Mai licks her own lips and then responds in that deadpan no-nonsense way of hers.

"Azula got over-zealous and began to think she could gain more favor if she brought the Avatar to you in chains."

That's why Zuko asked Mai instead of Ty Lee. Even now, the brunette acrobat was fidgeting in place, squirming at how Mai was throwing their mistress under the bus. Ty Lee would have tried to make excuses for Azula… but Mai understood that at the end of the day, all three of them belonged to HIM first. Nodding slowly, Zuko looks down into his sister's watery eyes as he continues to force her down his cock again and again. Azula's hands are gripping tightly at the top of her legs and her tongue is writhing along the underside of his pistoning prick as he sighs down at her.

"Azula… I would have been very angry with you if you had actually captured the Avatar and brought her before me. You would have ruined plans I've been working on bringing to fruition for quite some time now. Hear me, dear sister. When the Avatar enters my bed, when she lays beneath me and takes my cock and bears my child… it will ALL be willing. She will not be forced, she will not be chained. She will want to join with me, because I am the best chance this world has of seeing peace in our lifetime. She will join our empire willingly… or not at all."

Azula's eyes are watery with involuntary tears from the throat-fucking, but they're still sharp as ever as she gazes up into Zuko's eyes, clearly taking in what he has to say. With a grunt and then a groan, Zuko buries her nose in his crotch and begins to cum down her throat. To her credit, the Fire Princess swallows every last drop of her brother's load, drinking and drinking and drinking some more.

With a contented sigh, Zuko pulls out and lets Azula catch her breath. Once she's done so, once she straightens up and looks up at him with her chest out and her breathing even and calm, Zuko reaches down and caresses her ruined cheek, smiling down at her tear-streaked, saliva-covered face.

"Do you understand me?"

There's no resentment in her gaze, no anger or irritation. Azula is as loyal and in love with him as ever, her eyes filled with devotion and adoration as she answers his question.

"Yes… my lord."

Chuckling, Zuko pulls back his hand.

"Good. Now, up against the tank you three. Your punishment is just beginning."

The trio of some of the most capable, strongest young women in the Fire Nation rise from their kneeling positions and bend over the side of the armored tank they'd been using to harass and hound the Avatar. Still completely nude of course, he hasn't given them leave to put on clothes yet after all. As they push out their fine behinds in his direction, Zuko takes a moment to admire the asses before him. Ty Lee definitely has the firmest, but also the cutest, a plump yet fit behind that speaks to her athletic background.

Azula has the plumpest though, her ass fat and clearly designed to be that way… she was mimicking their mother's body shape, very clearly, trying to catch his eye. But then there was Mai… and Mai just had this perfect, heart-shaped derriere that very much DID draw his eye. Zuko starts with her, giving her a sharp spanking before moving onto Azula and then Ty Lee. Their yelps and squeals are music to his ears as he goes back and forth, playing their behinds like instruments, spanking them one after another time and time again.

"For not stopping Azula, for not so much as thinking you should reconsider… Mai, your next child will be Haru's. He will breed you, and you will bear him a baby boy or girl."

Mai hangs her head but gives a 'Yes my lord' all the same. Not like she was ever going to say no… and to be fair, Zuko had had plans to breed the two young people together next anyways. It was just easier to also make it a punishment.

"Ty Lee, you will be playing center stage to some of the orgies that take place between my Kyoshi Warriors and others until the end of the Omashu Campaign."

"Yes sir!"

Ty Lee was of course chipper as ever, though she gave the cutest gasping squeals every time he spanked her derriere. And then there was one. Moving behind Azula, Zuko stops spanking the three young women. Instead, he grabs his sister by her hips and spears her fat ass from behind, his cock, lubed up with her saliva, filling her back door. Azula moans as her anus is plundered, while Zuko leans in and nibbles at his sister's ear.

"Tell me, Azula… do you know the names of Kya's children? The two Water Tribe kids who travel with the Avatar?"

"A-Ah… yes, my Lord. The boy is named S-Sokka and the g-girl is named Katar-ah…"

Smirking at her reactions, Zuko speeds up a little bit, drawing grunts and groans and moans from Azula as he presses her into the side of the armored tank while Ty Lee and Mai are once again regulated to just watching.

"That's right… Sokka and Katara. Are you ready to hear your punishment, Azula?"

"Yes… my Lord."

Chuckling, Zuko licks his lips and then tells his sister what he wants from her."

"Your next child… will be Sokka's. Your job will be to seduce him and to let him fuck you until he knocks you up. You'll have to convince him of your sincerity, given he only knows you as an enemy… but I'm sure you can make it work."

Azula's breath hitches and she falls silent for a moment, processing his words. She knows what it means, after all. If her next child has to be Sokka's, then neither Zuko nor any other man is going to fuck her in her cunt until she's pregnant with the Water Tribe boy's baby. And given their current relationship was one of pure enmity, given that Sokka wasn't even part of the 'family' yet… well, Azula certainly had her work cut out for her, and Zuko didn't have to tell her that for her to know it.

"Do you understand, Azula? You aren't allowed to force it. You have to make him want to give you a baby."

"I-I understand, Fire Lord. Your will… be done."

Grinning, Zuko proceeds to speed up as he fucks Azula even harder up the ass. He takes her to pound town, and once he's done, he fills her bowels with his seed. Then, he moves onto Mai's heart-shaped derriere and does the same thing. Each of the trio gets a nice, deep ass-fucking before Zuko finishes with them. Leaving them thoroughly chastised and with their new 'assignments', the young Fire Lord makes his way back onto the road just a few hours later.

He's still got a mission, after all, and while this was a pleasant detour and he was quite pleased to make Toph Beifong's acquaintance in such a spectacular way… well, Ba Sing Se still stood. Best not to keep it waiting.


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