Chapter 6: The Imperial Concubines (Lineage of the Phoenix Emperor)


As she kneels before him and takes his member in her two hands, Izumi is quiet, affecting a shy attitude. Zuko smiles down at her, running a hand across her cheek in a comforting caress.


With a practiced blush, the bespectacled young woman leans in and takes the Phoenix Emperor's cock in her mouth, beginning to suck him off right then and there. As she bobs up and down on his length, she tastes not just him… but those that came before her. Zuko lets out a contented sigh and rests back, allowing her to work him over with her tongue, cleaning off the excesses of what had happened just before this, in preparation for her own turn.

This right here… was probably the riskiest thing she and Hato had done at this point. It'd been a little while since the events at the Oasis, and while Izumi wouldn't deny that there'd been some risk involved there as well, that was nothing compared to this. Mostly because this next step… it involved the manipulation of her father himself. Direct and personal contact with the Phoenix Emperor, in order to get what she and Hato desired.

In the broader context, the Phoenix Emperor was planning to take his biannual trip to Ember Island, to relax and spend some quality time with family quite soon. On occasion, many of the others in the Royal Harem made plans to join as well. Hato and Izumi were both well aware of this routine, and it was Izumi who had begun to make arrangements before the Phoenix Emperor could even leave for Ember Island.

First and foremost, some liabilities had to be dealt with. That was why she was here now. Her own older sisters… needed to be handled, if everything she and Hato had planned for Ember Island was to go off without a hitch. While Kiyi and Kanna had taken to their new roles as Zuko's concubines well over the past five years, even bearing him children… they had also united in monopolizing their father and master as much as possible.

Now, as little more than Imperial Concubines, the two young women couldn't exactly keep the Phoenix Emperor from doing anything he wanted to do. Nor could they necessarily keep any of the older women in his harem who had come before them away from him. However, what they could do was block their younger siblings, the numerous sisters who had all come of age and desired their own fair share of their father's attention and touch.

Zuko was a powerful man. He was an overwhelming man, even. But he was still just one man, with the same amount of time in the day as everyone else. Kiyi and Kanna… were a pair of bullies when it came to keeping their younger sisters from ascending to the harem properly. They both knew it, they knew what they were doing, but their own selfish desires kept them from correcting their own behavior.

As such, it fell to Izumi to do something about it. In the end, the real problem was simple… Kiyi and Kanna had never been with another man beside their father. But the Royal Family, the Phoenix Emperor's Harem, had several men within it. Zuko had been wise as he'd conquered the world. He'd seen that he was only one man and had collected several other men to work as pillars and supports for the new world he was adamant about creating.

Distracted as he was with the running of his Empire, the Phoenix Emperor had not seen fit to have either Kiyi or Kanna be bred by one of the other male options in the Royal Family. But there was plenty of precedent for it all the same. Every other woman in Zuko's harem had had children by multiple men by this point.

And so… Izumi figured… all she needed to do was give the right push. That was why she was here now, in the Palace, in the throne room… competing with her older sisters. Not that there'd been much in the way of competition. Izumi had played the part of shy but determined, and Kiyi and Kanna had taken the opportunity to walk all over her. Telling her to stay put, to sit back and watch for now while they showed her 'how it was done', the two women had gone to the Phoenix Emperor together.

… Their sweat-covered bodies lay strewn on the floor just behind Izumi, even as she sucks the last of their bodily fluids and Zuko's subsequent cum loads from his big fat cock. Pulling off of his throbbing member with a pop and a gasp, Izumi looks up from her task.

"A-Are you ready now, your Majesty?"

Chuckling, Zuko nods his head gently, seeming to buy her shy and bookish act. To be fair, it's not fully an act. She IS quite bookish… she's just not as shy as she once might have been. Hato and her have played off each other quite a bit, since they became partners in crime.

Climbing to her feet, Izumi wastes no time in climbing into the Emperor's lap. His cock, big and thick and very much comparable to his son's, pushes into her folds and a moment later, slides up into her. Izumi groans and moans as she drapes her arms over her father's broad shoulders, sinking down onto his member inch by inch within mere moments. She's sopping wet, of course. Watching Zuko fuck Kiyi and Kanna into a stupor… it'd definitely gotten her engine revving.

Still, even as she begins to gyrate her hips and then starts bouncing up and down on her father's shaft, Izumi keeps her eye on the prize. After a long moment, she shyly speaks up, her tone as soft as ever. Not just because it's part of her carefully crafted persona, but also to keep the barely cognizant, completely insensate Kiyi and Kanna from hearing her. They've both been fucked silly and relentlessly plowed senseless, but she still doesn't want to risk them overhearing and trying to fight against her plans.

"F-Father… ah… I had… a proposal…"

Cocking his head to the side, visibly surprised but not upset, Zuko hums as he runs his hands along her body, clearly letting her take her time, letting her adjust to his size. Of course, Izumi doesn't doubt for a second that he can tell she's been sexually active for years now. The Phoenix Emperor is not a fool. Nor is he a tyrant, however. Kiyi and Kanna were stripped of their inheritances and reduced to concubines through their own actions.

… What he would think of Izumi and Hato's actions when all was said and done THERE, she did not know. Izumi highly suspected that it would depend entirely on just how successful she and her half-brother were in their ultimate plans. How far they got… if they succeeded, even.

"Oh? A proposal, my dear?"

He's treating her like fine glass, acting like a single wrong word or action might make her break. To be fair, that's at least partially Izumi's own fault. She's definitely cultivated a façade as a fragile young woman, one who prefers to stick to her books above all else. But he can no doubt feel through her body that she's gone beyond that, and the contradiction needs to be addressed.

And so, Izumi pouts mightily, puffing out her cheeks a little bit and positively SLAMS herself down onto Zuko's cock, having surreptitiously lifted herself up a moment before. She squeaks, and it's not an entirely feigned noise, but she also grinds herself into the base of his member, gyrating her hips upon his dick as her pale face goes bright red.

The Phoenix Emperor is taken aback, before grinning at her, clearly pleased with her little show of strength. She is HIS daughter after all, and while they both knew he'd love her no matter what her personality, there was no denying that she had some of him in her. No denying that at all.

With that said, Izumi takes in a low, shuddering breath, making a point of visibly collecting herself before finally speaking.

"I think… it would be in the best interests of my elder sisters… if they were given the opportunity t-to explore their roles as concubines… and breed with another male i-instead of you. I think… I think this would keep them occupied… so that you could be free to pay attention to your many other daughters during your trip to Ember Island… your Majesty."

Bouncing up and down on his cock as she speaks, gasping and moaning all the while, Izumi makes eye contact with her interested father as he processes her words.

"It… nngh, it is my b-belief that many of your daughters… of my fellow half-sisters… are intimidated at the prospect of, mm, competing with our eldest sisters…"

This is it. This is the great big gamble, even if it might not feel like one. After all, Izumi is only telling the truth. Kiyi and Kanna HAVE been blocking their younger siblings from time with their father. They've been hogging him. There's no way Zuko couldn't have known that, Izumi figures, but he's been too busy to deal with it. Now though… now he has his third eldest daughter, and technically one of his potential heirs, coming to him directly about it. Not even on her own behalf either, because here she is, his cock buried inside of her. But for the sake of her sisters.

Still, as much as Izumi's cause is blatantly righteous, she's still attempting to manipulate her father. And there are a million ways that could backfire and blow up in her face. So, she doesn't focus on any of them, instead burying her face in her father's neck and moaning into his skin as she makes it clear she's said her piece. Bouncing up and down on his cock, quivering in ecstasy at the feel of his throbbing length inside of her, Izumi awaits his response.

He's quiet for a few minutes, his hands brushing across her body as he considers her words. The only sounds in the chamber are her muffled moans, and the squelching noises of her sopping quim sliding up and down his meaty shaft. Until finally…

"There is merit to what you say, dear daughter."

There's a pause, and Izumi waits with bated breath to hear her father's final decision. As he gives it, his hands fall upon her hips with purpose in them, his fingers digging gently but firmly into her flesh.

"Very well. When we're done here, make arrangements with Jin for me, alright? You may tell her that you and she both have my blessing in this. Is that satisfactory?"

Shivering, already feeling a weakness in her legs as Zuko takes control and begins fucking her even harder upon her cock, Izumi blushes and nods her head shakily.

"Y-Yes, father…"

"Good. It is far past time for you to have your own first child, my beautiful daughter. Prepare yourself."

And only then does he truly begin fucking her, bouncing her up and down on his member at a breakneck speed that speeds Izumi squealing, her glasses ending up askew on her face.

"Y-Yes father!"

This was… a foreseen consequence, of directly manipulating the Phoenix Emperor into doing anything. Izumi had known that by getting so close to him, by becoming intimate with him, that this was almost guaranteed. She wasn't worried about it… no, rather, it would be more accurate to say that she was actually anticipating it… hoping for it, even.

After all, she would need to cover up the fact that she was already pregnant with Hato's child. Her half-brother had gotten more and more insistent since the Oasis and had been damn near impossible to argue with. He was an insatiable hot-head, despite being the one of them who had the Water Tribe heritage. It would be humorous… if she weren't on the receiving end of Hato's lusts.

That he'd waited so long to make his desires reality would also be commendable, if she weren't the object of those desires. Ultimately, Izumi had been playing with fire for a long, long time… and Hato had finally done it. He'd knocked her up. Luckily, she wasn't showing yet. She was barely even far enough along to know she WAS pregnant, thankfully.

And so here she was, killing two birds with one stone. Not only had she managed to finally neuter her elder sisters and the stranglehold they had over their father, but she was also covering up her and Hato's indiscretion, by convincing Zuko to do the deed himself and fuck a baby into her. A job well done deserved a proper reward, did it not?

With a loud, lewd cry, Izumi tosses her head back and lets herself really enjoy the rough fucking her father is giving her. No more plans, no more manipulation… just her, as a woman, being fucked silly by the strongest, most powerful man in all the land. The Phoenix Emperor himself had turned his attentions onto her… and Izumi would be a fool not to bask in them for as long as she possibly could.

She loses track of just how many times she cums, before Zuko finally spills his seed inside of her. But that's alright. It's enough. It's MORE than enough.


"Come along, girls. They're waiting for you."

Not for the first time, Kiyi and Kanna exchange mulish expressions as they follow Jin down the hall to one of the Tower's many audience chambers. Neither of them is particularly enthused about this… but unfortunately, Jin is operating under orders from their father, and the Phoenix Emperor's Will is absolute. Neither of the two Imperial Concubines would ever dare disobey him.

Five years. Five years, the two former Imperial Princesses had served as their father's concubines. They'd enjoyed themselves greatly, reduced in status to that of broodmares. Both of them were mothers now, thanks to their time spent with Zuko's cock buried inside each of them. Neither could really bring themselves to regret a single moment of it.

Still, they'd managed to avoid being the plaything of any other man until this point. Call it what you will… pride, more than anything, but neither Kiyi nor Kanna had truly any desire to lay with a man who wasn't stronger than them. Obviously, their father was the strongest and most powerful there was, and after he'd defeated the two of them in combat, well, submitting to his might had felt more than right.

But at the same time, how could any other man compare? The Phoenix Emperor was the best. He was the cream of the crop. They didn't want to lay with subpar options. And so… they'd done their best to keep Zuko occupied with their bodies, done their best to always be available when he had need of women to slake his lusts upon.

The only problem was, there was only so much time in every day. Kiyi and Kanna had realized in recent years that there were more and more women who wanted a piece of their father. Not from foreign lands, not outsiders… but from within their own family. Indeed, Zuko's daughters were growing up by the day, and each and every one of them wanted a share of their father's love and affection. Kiyi and Kanna… could not allow that. If he was too distracted by the others, he might forget about them. Or worse… loan them out to some of his stabled stallions to be bred by a man weaker than them.

It was their worst case scenario, but unfortunately, it seemed they'd been bamboozled. Both of them had thought they could intimidate Izumi of all people into backing down by giving her a little taste of just how powerful a lover their father was. They'd hoped to show her that she couldn't handle him… but not only had the sneaky, conniving little twerp stuck around until they were both fucked senseless, she'd gone on to have her own turn with the Emperor, resulting in a potential child. But worst still, she must have whispered into his ear, because all of the sudden Jin was escorting them to an orgy that Zuko wasn't involved with.

Stepping into the large chamber, Kiyi and Kanna find a large gathering is indeed waiting for them, just as Jin said. There are people all over the room, already engaging in acts of lust and debauchery. This in and of itself would not be a problem… the problem is that Kiyi and Kanna are expected to join them. More than that, they're expected to come away from this pregnant themselves. Neither is all that excited, even as their eyes roam across the room.

In one corner, there was P'li, the firstborn daughter of Ty Lee and Ignis. Currently, P'li is tending to her father's needs. Ignis was an assassin who had once been known as the Combustion Man. Granted, Sokka and a few others still insisted on calling him Combustion Man to this day… but the retired assassin never objected to that, nor did he seem to care.

While P'li and Ignis are fucking, Ignis' son, Ku, is being tended to by his mother June. The former Bounty Hunter has her son's cock in between her breasts, but his cum is already leaking out of her cunt, revealing how long they've already been at this.

In another corner, sits Valor, the son of Zuko and an Earth Kingdom woman named Ying. He's currently being tended to by Jing herself, along with his half-sister Hope. Meanwhile, Ying's husband Than is also there, being tended to by his sister and his daughter with her, Hedoni.

At the center of the room, however, is Kiyi and Kanna's reason for being there. Seated there, lounging back with a confident smirk on his face, is their younger brother Hato. With him is his half-brother from Jin herself, Gozu. Both of them are being tended to by a young Joo Dee under Kya's watchful eye. They all look like they're enjoying themselves and that's not something Kiyi and Kanna begrudge… they just don't have any desire to join in. Unfortunately…

Stepping in front of them and turning to face them, the Head Mistress of the Palace gives them both a knowing look. Smiling slightly, but also staring them down, Jin sighs as she clasps her hands together in front of her.

"Being Imperial Concubines does not preclude you from entertaining the Phoenix Emperor's many favored and beloved. Nor does it mean you will only ever carry his children. You've had five long years to get used to this, but now the Emperor has decided it is time. If you cannot make the right decisions on your own… then you will have to be prodded into them."

Kiyi and Kanna both grimace at that.

"Our father is worthy of us. What makes anyone else worthy, huh?"

"Yeah… we're HIS concubines because he defeated us in battle!"

Jin just rolls her eyes.

"What makes others worthy? They've been chosen by your father. That should be enough, don't you think? Not to mention how… displeased the Phoenix Emperor would be, if he found out you both were not cooperating. Am I understood?"

Wincing, the two women know that Jin is right. And Zuko's displeasure wouldn't be the fun kind, where he 'punished' them with sex. No, his displeasure would no doubt be even worse than just going along with this… this farce. Letting out mutual sighs, Kiyi and Kanna both bow their heads begrudgingly.

"As you say, ma'am…"

"What would you have of us, Head Mistress?"

"Good. You both will tend to your brother's needs. I am no monster, so we will ease you into things. Hato is in line for the throne, after all, so he is the closest to your father, is he not?"

Kiyi and Kanna exchange looks at that, silently disagreeing… but also not voicing that disagreement. They know better.

"I shall demonstrate by tending to my own son… and while you both are bred by your brother, Gozu shall breed me true. This is how the Royal Family works, you two. While my first two children were from Zuko, I have had many others. I have had children from Sokka, from Haru, and even recently from Gashuin and Ignis. We are all a part of the Phoenix Emperor's plans… and it is high time you learned that."

Looking between them both for a moment, as if to make sure her words have stuck, Jin gives one last nod.



Hato can't help the grin, as he looks down at his two older sisters. Kiyi and Kanna… ah, to have them kneeling before him, hands on his cock, tongues trailing up and down his shaft… yes, this feels quite good indeed.

"Kiyi. Kanna. Finally right where you belong, I see."

The two Imperial Concubines stiffen and scowl at that, and one might thing Hato foolish for prodding and antagonizing them. But he's not worried. He's so unworried that he reaches out and plants his hands atop both of their heads, his fingers splaying out and spreading along their scalps. Just as they're starting to really bristle with anger at his presumption, Hato smirks and activates his secret ability.

Having recently mastered a unique Bloodbending technique that he had been working on for the last five years right alongside his and Izumi's schemes, Hato targets the pleasure centers of both Kiyi and Kanna's brains. He can't do much, to be fair. His technique doesn't fully control another person's blood, but because of that he doesn't need the full moon to use it.

Instead, it allows him to play with the temperature of the blood, as well as several other things. Firebending and Waterbending really could do the most impressive things, when they were combined properly.

The result is immediately. The anger and rage in Kiyi and Kanna's eyes flees in place of reluctant, sudden ecstasy. Their eyes roll back in their heads and their mouths form up into involuntary joyous grins as he massages their scalps, Bloodbending them into a more… hm, appreciative and compliant state of being. When he's done, when he pulls his hands back, they're both quick to recover, strong-willed and possessive as they are, but Hato isn't worried.

"What… what did you just do?!"

"That was… Bloodbending!"

Smirking, Hato looks down at their incredulous eyes… and waits. He doesn't have to wait long. Just a second, before…

"Girls! Don't be slacking off now!"

Kiyi and Kanna both flinch back as they realize they stopped their foreplay, stopped pleasuring his shaft. Jin noticed and called them out on it from where she is only a few feet away. With Kiyi and Kanna occupying Hato's time, his half-brother Gozu is currently having quite a lot of fun with Jin and his Joo Dee half-sisters.

Meanwhile, it's not just Jin that's watching carefully.

"Jin is right, darlings. If you feel like you've done enough with your mouths… then perhaps its time to move onto the main event."

Kya's voice causes both Kiyi and Kanna to stiffen. Only one of them is her actual daughter and Hato's full-blooded sister, but they'd been raised with her as one of their mothers all the same. Hato chuckles at Kya's assistance and gives his mother an appreciative nod.

"Couldn't agree more, mother."

Without hesitation, he grabs Kiyi and yanks his paler sister up off of the floor and into his lap. His half-sister squeaks, as he promptly impales her upon his cock without so much as a 'by your leave'. Kanna squawks where she's still kneeling on the floor, suddenly staring at her half-sister's ass and her brother's balls, with most of his cock disappeared up into Kiyi's reluctantly welcoming quim.

"If you're looking for something to do, dear sister… my balls could use some service."

Kanna sputters at that, but before she can offer protest, Kya claps her hands together excitedly.

"Wonderful idea! I'll help~"

And so not one, but two tongues are soon on his nut sack, even as Hato moves his hands down to Kiyi's ass cheeks and grips them tightly. As he begins to fuck her, he continues to use his Bloodbending to great effect on the poor older girl, making her gasp and shudder and quiver as he does all sorts of interesting little things to her already roiling blood.


She looks at him with new eyes, Kiyi does. Hato grins wickedly and nods.

"Me. Not so weak and inferior now, am I?"

Kiyi's blush is a sight to behold, especially when he manages to fuck an orgasm out of her right when she's going to respond. She might have intended some form of defiance, but instead, his cock punches up into her womb, and she's left crying out in an ugly fashion as she creams herself all over it. As a result, when her response does finally come after she recovers…


They'd never made any secret of it. Both Kiyi and Kanna saw him as weak. They saw him as inferior to their father in every way, but not just him. No, they thought Hato was inferior to them. Even with their titles stripped from them, even with them reduced to Imperial Concubines, they still saw themselves as above the rest of the younger generation of the Royal Family.

Gripping all the tighter at Kiyi's ass cheeks, pounding his pale half-sister upon his cock harder and faster by the moment, Hato grunts.

"It's really not fair how you and Kanna have been monopolizing father all these years. Do you know how many times I had to act as a shoulder to cry on to one of our little sisters because of you two? Tch… it's really enough to light a flame in my heart, you know?"

Grinning a savage grin, Hato stares Kiyi right in the eye.

"If father won't punish you for your greed… then I will."

And that's when he shows he's been holding back. Like father, like son. With a roar, Hato stands up. Both Kya and Kanna are forced to accommodate the sudden movement, their tongues and mouths continuing to service his balls, even as Kiyi squeals and has to suddenly grip tightly at his body, wrapping her limbs around his torso and holding on for dear life as he fucks her in a standing position.

Slamming her down onto his cock again and again, Hato doesn't hesitate, nor does he slow down for even a moment. All the while, all around him things have evolved into a full-blown orgy. While he's busy with Kiyi, Kanna, and Kya, everyone else is just as busy. Gozu will no doubt breed his mother and the Joo Dees soon enough. Ignis is breeding his daughter. June is being bred by her son. Than will end up breeding his sister and their daughter once again, and Ying and Hope will be bred by Valor.

All is as it should be. The moment is perfect… and so Hato fucks Kiyi into a stupor, bringing her to climax after climax, and then fills her womb with his seed. He doesn't hold back, nor does he try to last any longer than necessary. After all, she's only the first woman he's meant to breed today. As he finishes filling his pale half-sister to the brim with his seed, Hato pulls her off of his cock and turns, gently setting her down on the chair he'd just vacated in order to give her a rest.

As he does this, he hears the yelp of his full sister behind him, as Kanna is suddenly grappled by their mother and manhandled into the position he and Kya had discussed beforehand. Turning back around, it's to find Kanna's tanned behind high in the air. Where once his sister had been a chiseled, and toned woman, with an athletic body… five years as Imperial Concubine and a mother besides had changed her.

Her plush backside jiggles and bounces, beautifully bountiful as Hato crouches over it and brings his cock up under to her cunt. As Kya holds her down, Kanna scowls at him from her rather humiliating position.

"W-Weakling! I could… t-take you even now!"

Hato just chuckles and shakes his head, before bringing a hand down hard on Kanna's ass.



"No, you couldn't."

Once upon a time, he'd both admired and lusted after his older sister. Now? Now, he just lusted after her. She was no warrior, not anymore. She was their father's concubine, and frankly, both she and Kiyi had ignored the reality of what that truly meant for too damn long. And so Hato drives deep inside of her, filling her with his cock right there on the floor of the chamber. He fucks her and plows her silly.

Thanks to his Bloodbending, not even Kanna lasts very long. His unique, special technique allowed him to wear down and conquer even his strong-willed, possessive older sisters. Of course, it's always nice to have his mother's help. As he fucks Kanna from above and Kya holds her down, the young woman squealing and cumming her brains out against her will, Hato leans forward and catches Kya by her lips, giving his mother a long, deep, tongue-filled kiss.

Kya happily returns it, even as she helps him breed his older sister silly. And when they pull apart for air, she beams happily.

"I'm quite looking forward to our trip home for the Winter Solstice Festival, my darling son."

Hato's eyes flash at that, and he smirks and nods. In his mind, he remembers Ghazan and Toph. As he thinks about the two of them for a moment, the mental image shifts… to that of him and his own sister, Katara.

Looking into his mother's eyes as he fucks Kanna into the floor, Hato grins a vicious grin.

"I'm looking forward to it as well, mother."

They go back to kissing after that, while Hato fucks Kanna through orgasm after orgasm, using his Bloodbending to wear away at her resistance just as he did Kiyi. In the end, neither of the two older siblings are able to withstand him anymore than they can withstand his father. In the end… he conquers them, just as Zuko would and had.

A glance around them as he and Kya break apart a while later for air again shows Hato that the others are already finishing up. Every single woman in the chamber has been creampied at this point save for Kanna herself. He's been fucking her so relentlessly this last little while, but hadn't cum yet… but there's no point in holding back anymore, now is there?

With a groan, Hato fills his second sister with his seed, breeding Kanna just as he bred Kiyi. He fills and fills her, and in response she trembles and quivers her way through one last explosive orgasm as well. It's exactly what's proper, quite frankly. Exactly what should happen. Kanna and Kiyi had their chance, and the blew it. Now… now it was Hato and Izumi's turn. It was their time, and Hato at least had no intentions of letting this opportunity pass him by.


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