Following the interrogation, we let him rest, eat, bathe and sleep. That day was quite harsh for us.

As always, I wake up right when the sun rises and go wash up. Since the meat supply is still ready, it looks like I didn't have to go hunting for a while. As Raellis has always been with me after Sheila death and Ren would linger here from now, I need to cook more.

"Looks like we already have a task for him."

After cooking, I clean up the entire palace as always and go to Sheila grave right away.

"Looks like there is nothing to do now."

It's been so long since Sheila death, and I never go hunting. It would be good if I'll practising a bit.

Ah, it looks like the kiddo is already wake up. I think it's time to get back.

"Good morning, Ren."

"G-Good morning."

Oh yeah, I didn't tell him my name yet. But is it okay to tells him since he is quiet, sharp? Alright, then.

"Let's called me Hina. Have you regain your recovery?"

"Yes, Young Lady Hina. I'm now healthy thanks to your treatment."

Hah, I thought I nevermore heard this thing after she goes.

[Welcome back, Your Highness.]

"Good to hear that. Then, you will have your breakfast with Raellis. Make sure to clean your dishes and come to the research room, understand?"

"Yes, Young Lady Hina."

As Hirana walk out and take a stroll, Raellis became confused with the sudden change of Hirana. Hirana hates formality. Yet, she still allows the heir of the Yeull clan to call her formally.

"Ren, do you call her 'Young Lady' just now?"

"Why? Am I make mistakes?"



Even though I never know what she likes or hates, one thing I'm sure about this Riolla is that she hates formality even though she is a princess. And, it looks like she doesn't tell him yet about her identity nor about 'that' thing.

"Well, let's eat for now and please don't mind what I just said earlier."


"Please refrain from try spying on her too. I know it's good to know her before she becomes your master. But, one day, you will regret it. It would be better if she is the one who is open up to you."

The moment Ren heard that sentence, he is surprised. As he never expected her to know that thing. In silence, Ren nods and continually eating. After done, he goes to the research room, as Hirana mentions.

As Hirana await for he arriving, she reading the spells book. In the hope, the thing she needs will pop out in front of her eyes.

"Ah, so you already arrive."

Ren, who arrive just now, halt a moment in front of the research room door, looking at Hirana face that sweetly smiling. At that time, he is strike by love in one glance. At the same time, our little princess, who didn't know about those things, tease him by walking closer towards him and whispered.

("Prepared yourself, sir.")

"Since you will be practising all you need with me for four years from now."

After that, they're heading to the library since she wants to go easy on him on the first day. As they're sitting, Hirana explains the situation.

"Since you want to be my familiar, I will help you with your practice. As my future contractor, you have to protect your contractor and their pride also, be good at etiquette and manners. Plus, the most important is how reliable are you at stabilizing mana. You also need to know how to read the rooms. Because of that, I with Raellis will help you."

"Lady Raellis?"

"Don't call her formally and don't call her name in front of the people in the future. Originally, only I can see her, but since you will bond with me in the future, you be able to see her."

"I see."

"Anyway, let's start today with etiquette and manner class."

Like that, they're passing through the whole four years, and without realizing it, Hirana birthday will coming soon. But, Hirana birthday this time is different and make her wary of His Majesty acted. There is one letter that comes straight from the main palace, and it is a summoner letter. Plus, it comes from His Majesty himself so, it can't be helped but have to go.

"Miss, I have something urgent to tell you by now!"

"Hey, how many times I already tell you that it's rude to come into the ladies room without permission."

"Ah, sorry, Miss."

He never called me 'Young Lady' anymore ever since Raellis tell him that I didn't like a formality. Well, since he behaves properly, I'd give him a permit to called me 'Miss'. It's already four years since Ren coming here yet, he seems to be about to reach out to his adulthood. I'll have heard that Yeull is a living thing fast reaching adulthood and lives so long. But I never thought it would be this faster. I'd think I need to ask the chief about this.

"You Ren, do you know that you're so good looking? You should feel grateful for having a master that is not falling for that thing. Usually, people can get sway to this face you'll know?"

"Miss, if I...happen to want to seduce you with this face, what will you do?"

Ah, maybe I go too far? Why does he thinking until that far? Well, not to mention, his face is so good looking that I'm scared that I want to lock him up... Wait, what was I thinking? Get a hold of yourself, Hirana! You are still eleven years old.

Let's, tease him for now.

"If that is the case, then maybe I'll kidnap you and lock you in my room so that no one can have you. And only have you the one who will serve me."

As I said these words, I'd walk closer to him as I was the one who seduced him. And, as I'd expected, he did fall for it.

"But, that only if you seduced me when I was an adult, so if you seduced me now, there is no use."

He must be feeling down right now, so let's kick him out sweetly.

"Only when you are an adult that you will fall for it, right?"

"I-I think so?"

W-Why does he suddenly like this?

"Then, I will wait until you reach adulthood."


"Until then, I will make sure that Miss fall for me."

D-Did he just CONFESSED to ME?!