Gone 6...

He wasn't able to spot the red light coming in order to stop it immediately.

But wait...

Had he actually spotted the red light but yet still refused to adhere to the traffic rules and forged ahead?

Did he actually know that they were both plotting against his true love, and he decided to play, or rather, act along?

Had he even loved Temi in the first place...?

He had always been the one forcing himself on her, she never made any attempt into loving him back.

But Temi had said that she had been waiting till when she was through with her education, supported with thee fact that she was still young(according to her...)

She was just eighteen (18) years...

At the thought of that, he groaned and then subconsciously pulled away from Olivia, but was pulled back, his body was merged with Olivia's, but they hadn't done 'it' yet...

"Ethan..." Olivia called softly as she held him back.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Am I not enough?" She asked again.

Ethan looked at her, but threw his face the other way.

His mind was elsewhere.

When he pulled himself away, Olivia held him back by hugging his waist.

" 'Ethan, what's wrong...?' 'Am I not enough...?' Am I doing it wrong...?"

The last question was asked, causing Ethan to turn his head to look at her.

He stared into her eye, darting his stare from one eye of Olivia to another, but his gaze was elsewhere.

This hurt Olivia.

'He must be thinking of Temi...!' She thought.

Parting her lips to speak, words could not form.

"Ethan...!" She called, her voice sounding shaky.

Ethan's mind seemed to return as she could feel his actual gaze on her.

Her heart leapt with joy.

Smiling faintly, she asked;

"Why are you doing this to me? What have I done wrong...? Why are you giving your love out to someone that you aren't sure lives you back...?"

"You haven't done anything wrong, but it's just that I don't love you!" Ethan said firmly.

That hurt. And Olivia wanted to start crying, but she geld herself back...

But that didn't mean her eyes didn't get cloudy...

"And that's what I'm saying, are you even sure she ever loved you back?" Olivia asked.

She was determined to get Ethan to be hers.

Ethan looked at her.

"Are you even sure, she loved you back and was willing to do anything just to be with you?" Olivia asked.

"Did you think, she was cut out for you...? Did you think she was a suitable wore material or could even give you enough of what you wanted, Ethan?"

"If yes, are you sure? And if you're sure, how sure are you? Why are you sure?"

"Here you are willing to give yourself for 'her' own life, but you aren't sure if she's willing to give hers...!"

Sighing, Olivia let the tears roll out as she said;

"Yet there are other girls who are willing to give up anything just to be by your side...but you focused more on someone else, blinded by her from seeing other girls!"

Although her voice was shaky, it was strong too, and to Ethan, what's she said made some amount of sense.

Slowly pulling his body away from her wrap, Ethan sat by the edge of the bed, his head lowered and in his hands...

Olivia loosed her hold over Ethan's waist as she watched him.

When she saw his head lowered in his hands, she smiled to herself, because she knew, he wouldn't be thinking of Temi any longer...

As Ethan pulled away from Olivia, he repeated her words over and over again in his head.

" 'Yet there are other girls who are willing to give up anything just to be by your side...but you focused more on someone else, blinded by her from seeing other girls!' "

Holding his head in both hands of his, Ethan thought.

What Olivia said made some sense...

He had always been the 'run-guy' type, and he had known Olivia way before he had known Temi, but had acted indifferent the day he came as a freshman into the school.

When Temi came into his life, he saw all what he did as nonsense and therefore repented, and now he was beginning to wonder if he had done so out of actual repentance...

Or if he had done it out of the lust that he had had for her.

If he had done it out if the lust that he had had for her, then that would have been the longest time he had never satisfied his desire.

And truth be said, he was even a virgin himself.

So why was he acting so holy and pure?

He was the 'King Of Runs' and his friends were a bit disappointed when he never turned up at their clubs any more and it had been because of Temi...


That girl never made him think straight.

He was so bothered if she ever loved him or not...did himself ever love her...?

As he was busy thinking about that, he felt some things like fingers caress his body.

He felt aroused...

Olivia watched him for a moment as he thought. She knew that if she let him be like that, he would decide on getting back Temi, so she had to do something about it.

Moving across the bed slowly on her hands, she sat down behind him...

She knew that if she didn't take hold of the opportunity, she would be a fool to let it slip by, so reaching out her arms, she wrapped them around Ethan...

Ethan was still deep in thoughts about his life when he felt something cold wrap themselves around his upper body...

Ethan frowned.

"Olivia, what are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm cold Ethan, I need some warmth...!" Olivia said in the softest voice.

Shaking his body slightly to get her hands off, Ethan said;

"You're on top of thee blanket, use that...!"

"It's too cold too...!"

Ethan turned back and looked at her.

"Really...?" He asked.

Olivia nodded like a child as she played with her fingers.


Staring at her for a while with a disgusted face, he turned his head back to the front as he tried to think.

Olivia frowned

'Why isn't this working...? It does work in movies...even my friends testify to it!' She exclaimed in her head.

Ethan lowered his head down as he fiddled with his fingers.

Seeing this, Olivia released her face a bit.

'Maybe I should try harder...!'

Then in a small voice, Olivia began complaining...

"C'mon Ethan, I'm cold...!" She said as she wrapped her arms around her body and pretended to be shivering.

Ethan didn't give her attention, though he heard what she had said.

Olivia gritted her teeth.

"Ethan...!" She called in a small voice.


"Ethan...!" The more she called, the more annoyed and irritated they both got, because, one wasn't answering the other, and the other wasn't getting her results.

"Ethan...!" Olivia called one more time, her voice sounding shaky.

Finally, she couldn't hold it back anymore.

"Why? Why are you doing this to me...?" She asked tearily.

Her teary and shaky voice got Ethan's attention, although, he did not look back.

"Why do you have to torture all the other girls that were and are still madly in love with you...?" She asked.

"Ever since Temi came into your life, you've been acting indifferent to me ever since...!"

"You've known me longer than her, I know you, or should I say knew you better than her...there at girls that you knew way longer than you've ever known Temi and the same goes for her, yet you treat every single one of us as trash...a piece of your past that you don't want to associate with anymore...!"

Olivia sounded...

No, she was hurt.

Seeing that Ethan didn't move, Olivia sighed as she lowered her head and closed her eyes.

"It's not like I'm not older than her and haven't known you the longest when it comes to being in and out of school, but, when you came into the school that day, everything changed...!"

"It's like I didn't know you anymore...!"

"You totally ignored the fact that you knew me and went for someone else...!"

"Or was just like you were meeting me for the very first time or something...you didn't even act as if you met me even if it was just once, but you totally ignored me...that was mean...!" Olivia pouted behind Ethan, though Ethan could not see her pout.

When he didn't reply, Olivia sighed softly as she lower her head.

Then silence reigned...