An intresting place[R18]

"Yohan...i am so happy to see you..."Yulia Crossed her arms around Yohan's neck and said those words in both trembling and seductive voice.

Yohan smiled upon hearing Yulia, earlier when she used her spiritual senses he was able to track down the source and was surprised to see her and thankfully at the same time Alma decided to clean herself as her body was covered with sweat and his sticky semen.

"I thought you were not going to wake up until tomorrow,"Yohan gently caressed Yulia's slender neck with his lips.

"Mmmm...i wonder...''Yulia chukled as she caressed Yohan's hair while he explored her slender neck and reached to her lips,his cock was deep buried inside her pussy but he hadn't made any move.

"Don't use your spiritual sense carelessly,you might end up in trouble after all some of my partners are hot headed."Yohan said while licking yulia's lips.