Who Did This?

Asil was surprised at first when he heard of Sirius's request, but then he thought that it was because of the sudden change in energy purity and that it was because of something dangerous. If it wasn't something dangerous, the master wouldn't have banned him from using them for whatever reason.

Asil approved with a nod and spoke. "I promise that I will not disobey my master's word on this matter. If I disobey this word, let the divine lightning strike me and subject my soul to eternal pain." Asil looked around after promising, then continued to speak: "Master, if there is nothing I must do here, I will go out to find my way out."

"You don't have to stay here. Go and find a way out. When you get back to the inn, we'll have plenty of time to talk anyway."

After Sirius's words, the Asil's spiritual body emerged from the necklace, and his consciousness returned to his true body.