Chapter 9 : SECRETS

Zoar and Kasstia walked back to the group. Everyone in the city looked relieved that the power was back on. Zoar saw Maurice and Ami standing with Daryl. Blitray was nowhere in sight though.

"Zoar!" Maurice yelled.

"What?" asked Zoar as he and Kasstia made it to them.

"You won't believe who the leader of The Ravens of Reinstom is!" said Ami.

"Just tell me."

"Neal Abrain!" said Maurice and Ami.

Zoar stopped walking.

"How?" he asked.

Zoar wasn't very mad but he was to some degree. He wanted to save his anger for when he met Neal.

"It's true... Neal Abrain is the secret leader of that terrible group... He's the reason that their budget and overall net worth has sky rocketed all of a sudden. He took over the group last year to commit crimes in secret so he wouldn't be risking the name of his company..." said Kasstia as she walked ahead of Zoar.

"The more reason to stop that bastard..." said Maurice.

"I heard Neal is your father, Zoar..." Daryl said.

Kasstia stopped and looked at Zoar.

"That creature is your father?" she said.

Zoar could hear the pain and suffering in Kasstia's voice.

She had a dark look in her eyes. It seemed as if she could snap and turn into a demon.

"He means nothing to me. He abandoned me as a child. I shouldn't even consider him to be a human being, he is just a monster. 'It' kidnapped me from home one day after divorcing my mom. It tormented my mom for a while afterwards. Burning her home, killing her only friend and getting rid of me. That thing is absolute scum." Zoar said who got a lot more dark and serious than

"I'm sorry... for getting mad..." said Kasstia as she turned away.

"It's fine, I get it."

The atmosphere felt dark and everyone was tense.

"Thank you two for turning the power on. Anyways, Mr. Malite, would you and your friends like to stay here for lunch? It's just turned 9:30 AM and we'll be eating at 11:00 AM." said Daryl.

"I guess we have time." said Zoar.


An hour passed and everyone was keeping themselves occupied.

Maurice was helping out citizens who needed things done.

Ami was showing children things she could with her computer skills.

Blitray was nowhere I sight.

Zoar was confused by Blitray's absence, because Blitray was supposed to teach him more about magic and how to use it correctly.

"Could you walk with me for a second?"

Zoar turned around.

It was Kasstia. She looked bored.

"Yeah." Zoar said.

He got up from the log he was sitting on and started walking beside her.

They said nothing for a while. Zoar noticed they were getting far from everyone else.

They were now near the surrounding forest.

"My mom died from a virus. The virus didn't have a name." Kasstia stopped walking.

Zoar turned to look at her. She looked up at the sky.

"The virus slowly ate her blood cells and damaged her heart for atleast a year before finally dying." Kasstia squatted down to the grass and picked a flower.

"Why are you telling me this?" Zoar said, confused.

"That virus was created by The Ravens of Reinstom." Kasstia ripped another flower out of the ground.

"Wait..." said Zoar.

"My dad wanted to get revenge when he left me alone that day. He sought out redemption for the woman he loved so very much." Kasstia had tears going down her face.

"Kasstia-" Zoar couldn't finish saying his words.

"I was blinded! I was blinded by false thoughts! I though dad left to join those sick bastards! I was too angry to realize for so long! I ignored the words others told me!" Kasstia buried her face in her hands.

Zoar wanted to reach out to her, to give some sort of comfort, but he couldn't and didn't know why.

"It was when I found a letter... Written by my dad... It was in his old jacket that I kept hanging up in the closet after he died... It told me everything... It changed everything..."

Kasstia lifted her head up and laid back on the grass.

"Dear Kasstia, it's me, dad. I know you've been really sad ever since mom died and I hate to do this, but I have to. Those Ravens threatened me, you, and the whole city. They told me to join them or they'll blow up the entire city. The reason I'm writing this letter instead of telling you is that I only have 20 more minutes to be there... or they'll do it. You're not here right now so theres another reason of not telling you. I'm not telling anyone else about this because they'll just try to stop me. especially Daryl. When you read this I want you to give it to Daryl too. I hope you don't hate me for leaving you Kasstia. You're a strong young woman Kasstia. I dont want you to mourn me and your mom forever. I want to live. I want you to explore. I want you to find love. I want you to be happy. Your my daughter and I only want the very best for you, but... you're gonna feel alone sometimes. Your parents will be gone, but you can make friends and live like I want you to, Kasstia. Kasstia, I love you. It pains me so much to do this, but it must be done to protect you. Have fun with life Kasstia. Live. Love, Derek Goldenart... Y-Your... Da...d..." Kasstia was now off her back and on her knees crying.

Zoar head hurt. Her story reminded him of his own but worse. Zoar felt connected to her. He shared a similar pain as her. There was differences but the feeling of being alone was something Zoar felt for a very long time.

Zoar got down on the ground with Kasstia.

Kasstia looked up at him.

"I-it's Okay." Zoar hugged Kasstia.

Kasstia continued to cry while Zoar embraced her.

Zoar felt the pain pouring out of her. Zoar felt something new. Sympathy and pain for another.

Kasstia stopped crying after about 3 minutes.

Zoar released her and got up.

He turned around and looked up at the sky.

"I have a offer for you." Zoar said.

"What?" Kasstia said, sorrow still strong in her suttle voice.

"Come with me to Astran."

Kasstia looked up at him.

"As you know, that's where Neal Abrain is. The leader of The Ravens of Reinstom. Me and my friends plan on taking Neal out of his throne and having him punished. So, you can stay here or punish the man who basically killed your parents." Zoar balled up his fists.

"But, how do we stop him?" said Kasstia, the tremble in her voice was still there, but not strong.

"We have enough power to do it." Zoar turned to Kasstia.

"If we care enough, we will beat down Neal Abrain and make him suffer for what he's done to me, to you, to the both of us. So... What do you say?" Zoar held out his hand to her.

She looked at Zoar for a few moments. The wind blowing her hair lightly.

She smiled and grabbed Zoar's hand.

"Let's do this!" she said.

Zoar smirked a little and pulled her off the ground.