
Zoar felt dizzy.

He kept his eyes closed becuase he was tired. He didn't want to wake up. He wanted to play wherever he was forever.


He thought he heard a voice, but decided to ignore it. His head hurt from hitting it on something.

"Zoar get up!"

Zoar couldn't move, or at least he still didn't want to. "Where am I?" He though to himself.

"Zoar! Zoar, please!"

Suddenly, he remembered the series of events that just happened. The Ravens, the ground collapsing and everyone being split up. Zoar realized the voice calling to him could be Kasstia.

Zoar forced himself to awaken.

He quickly raised himself up and looked around.

He then saw Kasstia.

She was crying.

"Zoar! I thought you were dead!"

She launched herself onto to him, locking him in an embrace full of tears.

"Kass..." Zoar decided to not say anything and hugged her back.

"Sorry..." Zoar said awkwardly.

Kasstia peeled away from him and stood up.

"We have only a little bit of light coming through..." Kasstia said, looking up.

There was a small crack above the small cave area they were in. The crack was being covered by debris from the ground collapsing.

"Any idea where we are?" Zoar asked, getting up.

"I heard there was a underground maze of caves around Reinstom that were in use by mutant creatures about a thousand years ago... I guess we ended up in it..." Kasstia slowly slid down on wall onto the ground.

Zoar looked around for an exit but couldn't find one.

Zoar feared that the others were dead and that they wouldn't ever get out.


Zoar wanted to comfort Kasstia by saying something hopeful, but he couldn't conjure anything to say.

Instead, he sat down on the opposite wall, across from her.


"Holy shit... that was a close call man..." Maurice panted while laying down on the ground, beside the giant plantation of the ground that had just collapsed.

Maurice had just barely evaded falling into the caverns.

"How the Hell did you get us out?" Maurice asked Krycella.

"I used my ICE and ELECTRICITY magic to make hovering platforms to carry us out. You're heavy Mr. Falcon..." Krycella nervously laughed.

"All my muscle weighs quite a bit! Anyways, where did them lovebirds run off to?" Maurice looked around, looking for Kasstia and Zoar.

"Um, they fell into those holes, but now the holes are covered up..." Krycella said, twirling her fingers around.

"Goddamnit!" Maurice got up and kicked a rock.


Maurice and Krycella turned around and saw a member of The Ravens.

Krycella fired up her magic and Mauricr put up his fists.

"Relax. I'm only here to give you some advice." He said.

"Spit it out then!" Maurice yelled.

"We Ravens were never bad... Neal only put a bad name on us. We were originally all only trying to help those in need, until Neal came along and spreading lies about The Ravens..."

He said, clenching a fist.

"What!? Everyday, we hear something new and terrible about that bastard..." Maurice put his fists down.

"Oh no..." Krycella said.

"We were following you to try and help you. Anyways, Neal is planning on using a device to suck all the magic from the world and use it for himself so he can become the king of Earth." He said.

"Theres more magic out there?" Krycella asked.

"That's right. Neal has another device set up somewhere that's making it to where all magic is staying hidden within its owner. Only a certain device he created can turn it off." He said.

"Neal pisses me off so damn much!" Maurice punched a tree.

"He's too evil to be human..." Krycella said.

"You should get your friends out and hurry on to Griffnine. His doomsday happens in 4 days. Here's a flashlight to help you find your friends. I would help, but we're really busy back at Reinstom. Good luck" The man turned around and walked away.

"Thank you!" Krycella said, waving at him.

"Let's hurry up and find them! They need to hear this information we just got!" Maurice jumped into the pit and began digging around.


Zoar and Kasstia sat in silence for what seemed like an hour, but was truly only 25 minutes.

Zoar noticed the sun was starting to go down and they were losing alot of light.

Zoar suddenly heard Kasstia start crying, softly.

"I..." Kasstia wanted to talk, but her tears kept coming.

"Want to give up? Me too." Zoar said.

Kasstia's sobbing got worse.

Zoar stood up.

Kasstia looked beautiful. Zoar always thought so, but never realized how beautiful until now.

"I have no one. My mom is a stranger to me. My dad is scum. And my sister... I don't even know her either..." Zoar was closer to Kasstia now.

"But..." Zoar kneeled down in front of Kasstia.

She looked up at him, the sobbing stopped but tears stayed.

"Your alone... just like me... Mom... Dad, both are gone... Just like me..." Zoar looked deep into her eyes.

"Like you said that one time... my parents are dead to me... We're both alone, Kasstia..." Zoar caressed Kasstia's face with his right hand and wiped a tear away, gazing into one another's eyes, faces inching closer together.

"It took me until now to notice this.... A solution for both of us... Me and you... we can be alone together..."

Kasstia and Zoar were still for a few seconds, but Kasstia lost all control.

She launched her self onto Zoar and kissed him like there was no tomorrow, like the end of all was coming in 3 seconds.

Zoar wanted this. He knew he did, so he returned the affection to her.

For the first time in his life that he can remember of, he cared for someone.


"Look! Theres a crack here!" Maurice yelled to Krycella.

Krycella ran over their with a flashlight.

"Lemme just... WHAT!?" Krycella was shining the light down the crack.

"What is it!?" Maurice asked.

"They are down there... and they're kissing!?" Krycella said, confused.

"What the Hell!? I always felt a strange romantic tension between the two, but this ain't the time to be making out in an underground cave!" Maurice said scratching his head.

"Is there ever a time for that?" Krycella asked.

"Well, uh you see... Never mind that, let's hurry up and get em out!" Mauricr yelled and began tossing debris.

Krycella soon joined them.

Kasstia and Zoar split apart, both blushing and panting.

They stared at eachother for a few seconds then rocks began falling in.

They both looked up and saw Krycella and Maurice at the top of the hols, which was now 10 times bigger.

"Maurice! Krycella! Did you s-" Kasstia was cut off.

"Yep! Seen all that tongue licking and lip biting! Hurry up and get out before more holes start opening up!" Maurice reached his hand down for them.

"Alright!" Zoar said.

He walked over to Kasstia and picked her up.

She squealed a little out of surprise and Zoar lifted her up to Maurice.

Maurice pulled her out.

"Y'all need a damn shower!" Maurice said and reached his hand back down.

Zoar jumped up and grabbed his hand and Maurice pulled him up.

The ground suddenly started shaking.

"Let's get out of here!" Maurice yelled and climbed out of the ditch and ran back to the road.

Zoar, Kasstia and Krycella soon following behind.

They stood and watched the ground collapse even more, holes to the underground tunnels appearing and Maurice's car being uncovered.

"My car-" The car exploded as it started to get crushed by rocks.

"God...damnit..." Maurice sat on the ground and covered his face.

Zoar looked at Kasstia.

He walked over to her.

"We should talk later." He whispered in her ear.

Zoar could see her get flustered and shiver a bit.

She nodded.

Zoar wanted Kasstia, but their relationship would have to be on hold until after Neal is defeated.

Zoar was happy though and Kasstia was too.

The embarrassment was only their becuase of how sudden and fast everything had just happened.

Zoar still had Neal on his mind.

He felt even more prepared and determined than ever to take Neal down.

Neal would soon meet his downfall.