Maurice pulled into the hotel parking lot and everyone got out. The hotel was rated 3 and a half stars and looked to be about 15 stories high.

"Phew! We can finally rest after such a long ass day!" Maurice said as they were approaching the hotel. Krycella looked the most tired of them all.

She was used to sitting in a room all day for so many years and to suddenly come to go on such a wild adventurous day was hurting her somewhat.

They walked into the hotel.

The lobby was nice. It had hardwood floors, brick walls, a few seats, a front desk with an older woman sitting at it, and homey feeling lights.

They walked up to the front desk.

"Excuse me, may we get a room with 3 to 4 beds?" Maurice asked.

The woman yawned and looked at a piece of paper on a clipboard.

"I only have a few rooms with 2 beds open..." She said, looking as if she could fall asleep at any moment.

"Shit... Then a room for me and this one" Maurice said pointing at Krycella.

"and another for these two!" Maurice said pointing at Zoar and Kasstia.

"Okay..." the woman spun around in her rolling chair and grabbed 2 keys.

"You two better settle into a relationship and talk things out while y'all are in that room together!" Maurice whispered to Zoar and Kasstia loudly.

Zoar sighed and flustered a little.

Kasstia turned red as a cherry.

The woman turned back around and handed one to Maurice and the other to Zoar.

"Thank you, ma'am," Maurice said.

"Yeah, yeah... The rules are don't be too loud doing whatever you do and don't steal anything..."

"Yes ma'am," Maurice said.

They looked at their keys.

Maurice's room number was 414.

Zoar's room was 409.

"We're both on the fourth floor it seems," Zoar said.

"Yep! Elevators that way!" Maurice pointed and they walked there.


"Here's our room," Zoar said, nervous as Hell on the inside and so was Kasstia.

"Well, we'll be going to our room now then," Maurice said and began to walk away.

"Don't be loud in there!" Krycella said smirking.

"We won't-" Zoar stopped too late.

Zoar sighed and walked into the room.

Kasstia followed.

She closed and locked the door behind them.

Zoar stood looking out the window, silent.

Kasstia stood by the door, silent.

Neither of them knew what to say, but both of them wanted to talk to one another more than anything.

"So-" they both say in sync.

They stop and blush.

"You first..." Kasstia said.

"Right... uh..." Zoar slowly turned to look at her.

Zoar felt his heart skip a beat.

He took a deep breath and just let himself talk.

"So we are closer now and we feel more than friends would feel..." Zoar said, palms sweating.

Kasstia was red, but she was starting to feel more comfortable.

"Yeah, uh..." She said, twirling her hair.

"I was thinking that we can't be a thing or whatever right now because we're busy with Neal and stuff..." Zoar began to very slowly make his way closer to her. Kasstia began to very slowly back away from him.

"Yeah..." Kasstia said.

"But don't worry... After we're done, I was thinking we could... start dating then..." Zoar's never felt so nervous in his life. He felt happier than ever to be with Kasstia though. She made him feel something that he wanted to feel for a long time.


He never knew what he wanted until he finally got it.

Zoar continued to get closer to her as she backed away.

"I would like that...." Kasstia smiled a little and closed her eyes for a brief moment.

Kasstia stopped.

Zoar was very close to Kasstia now, as she was now against the wall.

They stared into the eyes of each other with grace.

"Zoar..." Kasstia took Zoar's hand.

"May we please be together.... side by side... for tonight." Kasstia had both his hands now.

Their faces were centimeters apart as Zoar looked down at Kasstia and as she looked back up to him.

"Of course-" Zoar couldn't hold back anymore.

Their lips embraced each other like two hands locking. They had to let go for brief moments to get air so they could breathe.

As the kissing moved to more than just the mouth, they made their way to the bed and things just escalated from there throughout the night.


Maurice was knocking on Zoar and Kasstia's door.

It was 9:50 AM.

"C'mon you damn ..." Maurice said things that he shouldn't say in public.

"I think I'm too young to know what any that means..." Krycella rubbed her arms.

The door opened.

Zoar stood there.

"We're coming." He said and pushed Maurice out of the way.

"Why in the Hell are y'all sleeping so late!?" Maurice said.

"We were up pretty late last night..." Zoar said, stretching.

"Doing what!?" Maurice winked at Zoar.

"Mostly talking and other private stuff." Zoar popped his knuckles swiftly.

"Other stuff?" Krycella tilted her head.

Kasstia and Zoar blushed.

"We should head out, I heard there's a pretty good blacksmith out here," Zoar said

"Changing the sub-!" Maurice was cut off by Kasstia.

"That's a great idea! Let's go!" Kasstia said as she and Zoar walked away.

Krycella soon followed.

"Damnit..." Maurice followed behind them.