I’ve Been Stolen by a Dark God

Solarisa the sun god let out a yelp. "God Dameon it's….. lovely to see you." The tone and expression she gave him said it was anything but.

"Greetings Solarisa." He answered curtly, "Per your earlier request you owe me one. I find this specimen to be highly interesting so I'll be taking him." He looked at Arlo like he was a piece of tasty meat making Arlo shiver.

"Dameon, he is human, there is no reason for you to have anything to do with him."

"No worries, that can always be corrected."

It was over in a second the Dameon god? If that's even what he was, grabbed Arlo and black smoke surrounded them both. When it had cleared the bright room and four smiling gods were gone.

The cold black room was anything but inviting. It felt more like a prison making Arlo shiver.

"Um Dameon sir, might I ask…" Arlo was cut off as Dameon held up his hand. He paused as if considering something then frowned.

"I'm sure you can figure the rest out for yourself. Welcome to the demon realm." With that he waved his hand and the black smoke surrounded Arlo.

"Wait demon?!?!?!" he yelped. But no one answered. The black smoke continued to swirl around him for a few seconds then it cleared leaving just Arlo all alone on the edge of a cliff.

Arlo immediately backed away from the edge. The whole place was rather dark and dead trees surrounded the area. Arlo looked toward the distance; at least the cliff was good for something. The area around Arlo maintained the dark foreboding presence. In the very far distance was a large wall higher than the cliff which was easily 100 meters.

On the other side was a sunny land full of green. Arlo gulped he remembered the gods mentioning three races; humans, monsters, and demons. It would seem he had somehow ended up in the demon zone. The place definitely screamed demons. Dark foreboding, traces of lava everywhere. Totally a demon paradise. But what about him he was a human!

"Uh stats?" he asked to know one in particular remembering how the original god had said it would be similar to a video game for him. The following information appeared.

Name: Arlo

Race: Demon

Class: ????

Subclass1: Ranger

Unique skill: ????

Title: ????

Level: 1

EXP 0/100

Mana: 0

Energy 5/5

HP: 100/100

Well at least he could understand it. The video game feature really helped. But what the heck! Demon. I don't want to be a demon!

Arlo sighed, it wasn't like he had a choice in the matter. So much for his nice reincarnated life. He would have cried if his previous life hadn't already constantly gone wrong. He really should have expected this much.

Okay! Thought Arlo slapping his face. First thing to do in video games is collect more information on my surroundings. So first I need to get a class type, my subclass is ranger? I thought it was called archer. No matter, that's a start but I don't have a bow. What were the other classes again.

"Okay system, uh class assign wizard!" nothing happened. Arlo tried again "Class assign: Ninja!" still nothing. Oh right the demons used different names. Ugh did that really matter to the system. Really! This was going to be like playing the game on difficult mode. Or worse, what if he never got his primary class or unique skill.

"Come on positive thoughts." He muttered to himself. Let's see about finding a town. Surely demons have those as well.

He looked off the cliff for a bit until he saw what looked like a small collection of huts in the distance. A few had smoke rising from them. He called the huts, but the word didn't really fit. He tried to think of a better name for them as he started walking, homes, houses, caverns, odd caves, spiky death traps, then gave up. Let's just see what the other people called them.

Arlo paused, demons, what the other demons called them. Do demons even call each other demons? Humans called other humans people after all. This could take more work than he originally thought. Even the trees he could be sure if they were called trees. What if the gods hadn't given him a translation feature. Stuck in a potentially dealy place not able to understand the inhabitants he might....

Arlo slapped himself again. "No snowballing, not yet anyway." He muttered. The place so far reminded him of a volcanic land with lots of ruins. Demons must build a lot of houses to have this many shells everywhere.

He was still walking an hour later when he heard a rustling noise. He stiffened and slipped behind a ruined wall of stone. Further up ahead a large rat wandered out of the trees.

This must be the monster class the gods had mentioned. Indeed as soon as he wished for more information on the beast an …..announcement? of sorts appeared.

[Large Rat level: 5 Weakling]

[HP: 500/500]

Arlo froze and began to slowly walk the other direction. Where were the level one monsters at! Maybe he just got dropped in the wrong area. At least it wasn't like level 50 he thought bitterly. Thankfully he managed to slide away enough and picked up a jog with a wide circle around the rat.

Only problem was about six minutes later there was another one.

[Large Rat level: 6 Weakling]

[HP: 600/600]

Why!!!!! None of these were what he would call weaklings! This one also noticed him. Arlo gulped and immediately started running. The rat pursued him with a shrieking noise. Alro tried to make his legs move even faster.

The rat was gaining on him. There! An old well was in the rocks. Arlo didn't even think about its depth as he jumped in. Turns out it was shallow, way to shallow.

He barely was able to squeeze down far enough to avoid the snapping jaws of the rat. The rat was persistent. It took several hours for it to leave. And Arlo didn't move for another hour before barely peeking out of the stones. It was starting to get dark.

Arlo gulped and grabbed some nearby rocks to cover the top of the well hole. He'd just spend the night here and hope that tomorrow would somehow go better. All night long he heard shrieks and scraps as large creatures moved around. When morning rays of sun started to poke through the rocks he hadn't managed to sleep at all. He couldn't help thinking it might be better to just die again and maybe end up in a better place.

He crawled out of the stones and continued heading for the village. He really, really, hoped it was a village. The next monster made him want to scream in anger, a large worm like creature that could have been a mix of a scorpion, ant, and worm was blocking his path like a giant snake.

[Wormapeed level: 18 Average]

[HP: 1800/1800]

Who the heck would call that average it was a freakin tank! Not to mention 18 times stronger than his current abilities. Which he couldn't even classify since he didn't have class!

It would be very hard to go around it but Arlo didn't see another choice. he started to back up when of course the creature awoke from its nap.

It spun its head toward Arlo and opened its wide mouth revealing fangs. Arlo gulped. So much for his reincarnation there was no way he'd escape this thing. He watched it hover over him for a second then its mouth crashed down toward him.

Arlo squeezed his eyes shut and waited...…but it didn't come? He opened one eye to peer out. The worm lay decapitated on the ground standing on its back was another…demon? He had silvery white hair and silver eyes. Arlo would call him beautiful if he wasn't currently drenched in blood and worm guts.

"Whats an F ranked weakling doing out here." Growled the stranger. He didn't even wait for a reply before saying "Go back to your owner already." With that he jumped away disappearing from sight within seconds.

Arlo wanted to cry mentally why haddn't he even stayed for a second to chat. Arlo would have loved to gain even just a hair of information.

Sulking he continued his route. Then he had an idea, "Hey system: set my main class to ranger."

[Error: ranger is already set as a subclass and cannot be changed, improved, or edited.]

Arlo cursed and kicked a rock. Then yelped as the small rock didn't move and his foot hurt. This place was the worst. Basically the kicked out of heaven class was his new life. Welcome to the underworld.