I’ve Stolen a Doctor

"Stop yelling at me already" Kai whined.

Arlo opened one eye to see Kai and Sho arguing the next morning. Morning? Was it even morning? He felt like his head was going to explode.

Oh hey Sho looked a lot better, he was on his feet and looked very alive. That was good. Arlo tried to sit up and immediately regretted it his whole head felt like a modified pancake. He winced squeezing his eyes shut. A few seconds later he felt a hand gently push him back onto the pillow.

Arlo opened a bleary eye, Sho was looking at him with a concerned expression.

Sho turned back to his brother, "You idiot, you should know better than to let him drink that stuff."

"He did it of his own accord don't look at me."

"Next time I'll force a bottle of it down your throat."

"Would you both chill" Arlo mumbled weakly. Their arguing was not helping. Now that Arlo looked at them both side by side they definitely had some of the same features. Kai's hair was much darker than Sho's silver hair but they had similar noses and chins.

Their attitudes were completely different, maybe that was related to the age difference though.

Sho glared at his brother "You're an adult now so stop acting like your ten."

Huh 14 was an adult in demons? No wonder they were a mess. Arlo tried to picture himself if he was an adult at 14, yep that would not have ended well.

"But Shoy, I don't want to be an adult yet." Moaned Kai.

Shoy? Arlo smirked and tucked that back in his memory for if he ever wanted to annoy Sho. Oooh his brother probably knew all his secrets. Arlo felt like smirking again until another headache made his eyes water.

Sho looked at Arlo "Don't let this idiot fool you, he is a full grown 18 year old brat."

18? Hadn't he said 14 at one point. Huh guess he is an adult. Wow he really doesn't act close to it.

"Shoy you are ruining my life!" cried Kai, "Arlo was going to be like another big brother to me."

At this Arlo couldn't help letting out a small laugh that turned into more of a groan. Sho smacked his brother on the head and came and sat next to Arlo. He gently pushed a few strands of his hair back.

"Ignore the idiot, how are you feeling?" Sho asked.

"Fine" Arlo replied, even talking made him wince; shoot his lie wasn't very convincing.

Sho smirked a little, "Good you haven't lost your spunk since we last met." Sho paused to stoke Arlo's hair a bit more. Arlo wasn't going to complain it felt quite good. "Kai called a doctor last night regarding me, but it seems you're also going to need one."

"But I'm fine," Arlo tried to say again.

"Liar" Sho replied "you can't fool anyone when you can hardly talk right. And two your side effects from the level boost potion look worse than most cases, so there is no way I'm letting you say you're fine." Sho smirked and lightly kissed Arlo's head.

Arlo's heart fluttered. I forgive you for everything, you are the best Sho he thought. Arlo closed his eyes again enjoying the hand Sho was running through his hair.

A knock sounded at the door and Kai went over. A few seconds later another demon appeared. Arlo nearly gasped in shock, he had just gotten used to demons looking like humans and here was a demon who looked more like a proper demon, horns and all.

[Alyo Secondfire, level 82 Chief(SS)]

Yeeekkkkkk that demon looked terrifying.

"Hey Arlo, this is an old friend of the Whitewolves. Who also happens to be a great doctor." Sho said.

"Greetings" said Alyo with a nod of his head.

"Hello" said Arlo still terrified by the horns and the level.

Well even if terrifying he acted like a normal doctor, heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, etc. The familiarity gave Arlo a slight sense of calm among the whole don't panic it's an actual demon thing.

He ended up prescribing some type of pill and gave it the paper to Sho. Great more pills thought Arlo, after that level boosting potion he didn't really want to touch demon made goods.

Alyo seemed nice enough. After finishing with Arlo he started examining Sho as well.

He murmured something into Sho's ear and Sho grimaced slightly.

"What!" gasped Arlo and Kai at nearly the same time.

"You can tell them" Sho muttered "It's not like they wouldn't find out."

Alyo paused for a moment then said "It seems Sho picked up a long term damage affect that will continue to drain his energy repetitively and reduce his max over time. I currently do not know any cure for it."

"Wait does that mean….." Kai's voice trailed off.

"I don't know how long he will last." said Alyo. The whole room went quiet for a little.

"I'm going to find Arlo's pills" said Sho standing up and leaving. Neither Kai nor Arlo knew what to say.

When Sho returned Arlo tried to start a conversation "Sho I…. well you…. Um" he gave up his voice trailing off, what do you even say if someone is told they might not live much longer. "We'll find a cure." Arlo stated firmly.

Sho smiled weakly then wrapped an arm around Arlo, "worry about yourself before others, pipsqueak" He handed him a pill and some water. Arlo ate it without complaints, how could he even think of complaining now. Sho smiled then buried his lips into Arlo's.

Arlo slept next to Sho for a bit, it was obvious that Arlo was still tried from the after effects while Sho was probably up most of the night worrying about Arlo.

Now it was Arlo's turn to worry again. Sho may try to brush it off but Arlo was not going to let him die after all his hard work. Nope not happening. Cure, cure, energy deficiency how does one even cure that? Back to the stage of needing more information.

When the pill the doctor gave Arlo took affect the change was easily noticeable. Arlo's head felt fine except for a slight dizziness if he moved too fast. Heck he could even say he felt great. He had Sho back step one of his ever evolving saving Sho plan. He no longer wanted to die from moving. And finally he was sleeping next to Sho's warm body, totally a normal thing for demon friends to do.

Arlo had decided to modify his expectations of demon friend vs. more than a friend.

He wasn't sure how long he snoozed for but when he opened his eyes he found Kai staring at him his nose almost touching him.

Arlo yelped and felt Sho move slightly behind him.

"Good morning, now that you know my actual age, such a shame, how about we hang out over in my bed?" Kai said.

Arlo just stared at him for a solid minuet. Wait what? Did he already consider Arlo that close of a friend, Arlo definitely wasn't ready for anything like that. Demon's are just way too hard to understand.

"Um sorry, I'm just going to stay here." Said Arlo enjoying Sho's warmth against his back.

"Ah come on, just for a little bit." Kai asked again.

"You can't have him," came Sho's groggy voice as he opened his eyes and lifted his head up slightly.

"What you said yourself that Arlo didn't belong to you? So what's wrong with me trying to make him my forever?" asked Kai.

"What's a forever?" asked Arlo confused.

"It's the demon equivalent of marriage." Replied Sho.

Arlo yelped "Ah yeah sorry, I um, I'm honored you feel that way but sorry I cannot be the same." Wait marriage, I thought we were demon friends why they both suddenly upping the steps, where did dating go?

Seeing Arlo's face Sho smirked and added "Forever claims are the last type, they are also sometimes called partner claims, they are the only optional claim type. I think you might be able to guess the rest."

Arlo shut his mouth that had been hanging open. No he didn't want to go there, not anytime soon anyway. Also demon women didn't seem to be a thing the whole gender of the entire population was already a mess.

The thought of Arlo turning into a female and having kids sounded so weird he couldn't even fully comprehend it. I think I'll just stay happily single Arlo thought.

"What you going to do if I claim him then?" asked Kai still arguing with Sho over something that seemed so not going to happen.

He said it was an optional claim right? Arlo was stating here and now he was opting out.

Arlo stiffened slightly as he felt Sho's tongue lick up the back of his neck. Sho glared at Kai and said. "Mine."