We’ve Stolen Our Way to The Human Realm

"We are not taking them back to their homes" muttered Sho, "They can walk back from whatever village we come across first."

The wolf hot air balloon ride continued to glide east away from the demon realm wall. The three humans removed their contacts and Arlo and Sho put in new ones.

"Oh dear, it seems we are attracting some company." Muttered Sho watching some humans scampering around like tiny ants below.

"Well we are on a giant floating wolf" Arlo replied. "I'd be more worried if they weren't fleeing from us."

Sho pulled out a map, "let's see, nearest town.... Random question do you guys really just call your capital, capital? Oh nearest town is Ginger."

"We do, got a problem with that demon." Jake said.

"Nope just curious." Sho replied.

"Oh man my hair still looks white" hissed Jake looking super annoyed.

"You are alive get over it." replied Sho earning himself a glare.

"Just dye it when we get to Ginger." Muttered Ryan. He looked upset but Arlo couldn't figure out what would be bothering him.

Blacky reached the ground and shoved a few humans aside with his tail as they ran into the nearest forest. To his surprise the three humans hid with them instead of running back to the rest of the humans, interesting.

They traveled a little north and Ginger came into view. Blacky shrunk and climbed up Arlo's back and into his hood. Humans were way easier to lose than demons.

"Um Arlo?" said Ryan.

"Hmm?" he turned to the small human.

He pointed to his necklace "Is there a way to make these say anything?"

Curious Arlo nodded.

"Can you make it say like Ry Tally?" he asked.

Arlo took the necklace and reprogrammed it, "what afraid to go home or something? Or just looking for a future identity to cause mischief with?" he asked jokingly.

He reprogrammed Sho Smith and Aaron Johnson as well. Turns out Alice and Jake also changed their last names to both be Clark. Why would a group of young humans want to hide? Eh didn't matter maybe they just wanted to avoid trouble from their parents.

The town of Ginger was adorable. All the houses looked like little cottages in the forest around a lake. It reminded Arlo a little of the hot springs town, but on a much smaller scale and no steam.

Sho and Arlo were about to continue on their way when a guard's voice stopped them. Two uniformed men headed toward the group.

"Prince….. Price Ryan?" the guards stood looking at him in shock. Another guard ran up with a more irritable look.

"You freeze!" he yelled. Sho turned around about to knock him unconscious when he noticed the guard was looking at the three humans. More specifically Ryan.

The three of them had stopped moving and Jake looked ready to murder the two guards.

"Former prince Ryan," Stated one guard, "You're under arrest by order of the new king Oliver."

Arlo blinked a few times, former prince? What was this?

What nonsense, why would they pick up a royal human of all the humans in the world? Former….. so no longer, guess that did make him an average human then.

In his ear he heard Sho whisper "You just had to save the human most capable of causing a commotion didn't you."

Arlo helplessly shrugged. It wasn't like he tried to pick up more trouble. The guards were three level 40's. Sho could take them easily but he also didn't look specifically like he wanted to. The guards had surrounded the three humans who had drawn their weapons.

"Aww come on Sho" Arlo whispered, "We said we'd take them home safely."

"No actually we didn't." Sho replied. He glanced at Arlo and uttered a long drawn out sigh as Arlo did his best puppy dog face. "Fine" he muttered, "but they are definitely sleeping away from us tonight. I have to many plans that I've had to put on hold."

Sho who was now level 59 destroyed the guards with ease. Arlo at level 43 didn't even have to raise a hand to help.

"Spill" growled Sho, "I want the full story, if you leave anything out I will happily drop you off at the nearest prison cell." He dragged the humans and Arlo into a nearby deserted alley and back into the forest.

Ryan was the first to speak, "My name is Ryan O'pal, the former king Tyler Sunray is my father. He died of poison five weeks ago. Well O'pal is the name on my mother's side, she wasn't the queen. King Oliver is my uncle."

Ooh a plot twist thought Arlo, the unofficial prince steals back his throne and gets rid of his evil uncle! His face fell a bit at Ryan's next statement.

"I don't want to be king. I just need to disappear." Ryan stated. Lame thought Arlo, Ryan should totally take back the throne and make things more interesting.

"Disappearing is harder than you think." Said Sho, "are you sure it's what you want?"

Ryan nodded, "I have Jake and Alice, they are all I need. Besides if I chase the throne they'd just be in danger."

Sho scanned his face as if looking for something, "fine," he finally stated after an awkward bit of silence. Sho tossed him a pair of blue contacts to cover his brown eyes. "From now on you're Ry Clark."

Jake spoke up, "Don't place this on us, if you want to chase the throne we're behind you 110%!"

Ryan gave a slight smirk "Maybe when I'm stronger. Oliver is high leveled and I'd need the citizens' support."

Alice then chimed in, "We'll just work from the shadows until that day comes then, just like a league of the underworld, rulers of the dark market. It won't be hard Oliver treats the general citizens terribly."

Ryan or rather Ry smirked slightly. "Thanks you guys."

Arlo somehow managed to find another bottle of bleach and some dyes. Then he made all three of the humans' hair brown. The three looked like siblings now. Arlo wanted to fuss over them more, but Sho dragged him away leaving the humans to find their own fates.

"They can deal with themselves now." Sho said, "we have our own demon to go find."

Right, thought Arlo, Cyan. Where would they even start though? He and Sho had re-entered the town while the three humans took some food and supplies and headed east toward another city called Firehorse.

Arlo over heard a human advertising and his hopes grew, "Have a pain? Come enter! Doctors said it's incurable? Not a problem! Come enter Cyan Water's healing raffle available once a year!"

"Excuse me!" called Arlo heading over, "could you tell me more information, also is it possible to speak to Cyan?"

Sadly the advertiser was just that, a money collector of little information. However he was able to say that Cyan would appear in the town of Raven's Caw in a week.

Arlo looked at the map he and Sho had. Raven's Caw wasn't too far south east. They could make it in a week if they didn't stop. Hope fluttered in Arlo and he grinned widely at Sho who looked slightly more upbeat.

Simple enough if Cyan had a heal and didn't want to give it to Sho, Arlo would just make him choose between his life and healing Sho. That should make the decision really simple. The only problem was Cyan's potential level and any guards.

They checked into an inn in Ginger for the night and spent the rest of the day collecting supplies for the journey.

That night Sho crept closer to Arlo. "Those pesky humans are gone." He said his smile growing. Arlo felt a shiver go up his spine as Sho licked his lips. "I'm going to enjoy this." He stated as he leaned over Arlo and began to lick him while removing his clothes.

"Can we not for one night?" asked Arlo gripping the side of the bed already trembling.

"We already had one night." Sho replied, "now we have to make up for it. What are your thoughts on a forever claim?"

Arlo's eyes widen, "not yet, marriage is too soon." He replied. Sho chuckled and ruffled his hair. "I won't be able to hold off forever, you should know you are far too cute for that." With that he lowered his head between Arlo's legs and began to dine.