Soedarmo Family

Putri looked at him with a strange smile, and Wira didn't seem to care about his sister, who was grinning strangely at him.

"Enough, Ok! Don't bother your sister anymore!" Mariana said to intervene and approached Putri with a caring attitude.

"Can I ask your help, Putri? After school later, to meet Surya. Please give this to him." Mariana said in a low voice. Even she is talking too close to Putri's face while tucking the envelope into her daughter's pocket.

Wira glanced slightly at Mariana and Putri, but then he started to get busy by reading his book – pretending not to see Mariana and Putri's strange attitude.

Mariana quickly turned around and looked busy again.

Bambang, Rafa, and Raja didn't realize Mariana was talking to Putri.

Their father advises his twin sons to be more serious about their studies. Raja and Rafa listened to his father's words with a forced attitude.

Putri looked at her pocket and immediately took the envelope. She looked curiously. But he decided to put the white envelope back in her pocket.

Not long after, the bell rang loudly, and then Andy's voice from a distance came from behind the entrance, saying his greetings.

Putri immediately straightened herself, got up from her chair, and got ready to go to school.

"Looks like Andy has come! I have to go to school right now," said Putri.

She waved her hand to everyone in the dining room.

"You don't want to be delivered by car, Putri?" Mariana asked.

"Mmm... I think not, mom. It's better if I go with Andy." Said Putri with a smile.

Yes, that was an honest answer from Putri. She felt better avoiding the stares of her friends at school, trying not to be too flashy, remembering what she had done in the past.

"Mom, have you seen Rian?" Wira asked while looking around him.

"Rian? He has already left, and he said he was with Jeremy," replied Mariana.

"Do you want to go with me? Or do you want to be accompanied by a driver?" Bambang offered his son.

"Looks like I just ordered an online motorcycle taxi. After all, very different direction. I'm worried if dad will take the road to the office too far later," Wira replied flatly.

"What's wrong with your motorbike, Wira?" asked Bambang again.

"I'm just lazy to use my motorbike. Coming to school is a luxury car? Ah... I don't think that's a good idea, dad." Wira started to stand up while giving her parents a short kiss on the forehead.

Putri followed her brother's steps. She didn't want to lose to Wira. Immediately, she rushed to the outside door. Putri did not pay attention to her brother, who was staring cynically.

The figure of a tall boy. He wears a uniform with a bright orange jacket was waiting for Putri from behind the main entrance.

His bangs are quite long, and his hair is too straight. Making his face sink with his hair.

Plus the accessories he wears on top of his head. A pair of swimming goggles were placed over his head like a headband.

Putri could only shake her head at the classy appearance of her friend.

Andy is quite handsome, coupled with his towering height. But his nature is not to be regulated, and style as he pleases. Keeps him away from the girls who want to approach him.

"And..? You're late than usual? Are you busy dressing up?" asked Putri sarcastically.

"What the hell? That was a flat tire on my motorbike, so I had to fix it first," Andy said with a serious face.

"Ooo .." replied Putri flatly.

"What are you wearing swimming goggles for?" Putri asked with a serious face. Andy smiled broadly, showing a row of front teeth.

"This?" while he holds swimming goggles over his head.

"These glasses protect my eyes from the glare of the sun. How about that, isn't it great?" Andy chuckled and winked at Putri, who was staring in amazement.

"Morning, Wira," Andy greeted cheerfully.

He had just seen Wira, who appeared over the shoulder of Putri.

Wira also replied without looking at Andy and was still busy staring at his cellphone.

"Finally. I got it," Wira muttered as he put his cellphone in his shirt pocket.

"Are you two going to school together?" asked Wira sarcastically.

"Ehm..." Andy mumbles with a little smile.

Putri immediately nudged Andy's stomach and signaled for his friends to left, to avoid Wira's other questions.

"Sorry, but we have to go right away. Andy, you don't want us to be late, do you?" Cut Princess with a smile.

Wira did not reply to Putri's words. He just leaned his body against the wall while still watching his cellphone screen.

Several gardeners who had been watching Andy all this time smiled and shook their heads at Andy's appearance.

Whispering holding back a smile, and still watching. Andy, who realized that he had become the center of attention, waved his hands while doing strange movements that made them unable to hold back the laughter on their faces.

"Andy, what's wrong with you?! Are you spreading charm with the workers here?" Putri said curtly and pulled Andy's clothes, so she immediately went to the outside door of the house.

"That's the difference from me, Putri. The charm of a real man." Andy gave a big smile.

Reaction Putri was disgust to Andy. "Whatever..!"

Andy looked at Wira, who was also watching him,

"Bye... My brother-in-law, see you at school." Andy said in a mocking tone, but Wira just looked away.

"Wow... I didn't think that Wira was a person who was too serious and difficult to talk to." Andy chattered slowly as he walked towards his motorbike.

"That's none of our business, it's better if we can get to school sooner. I have a lesson with Ms. Rani at the first hour," said Putri as she remembered.

Putri and Andy had left the yard. Unfortunately, the motorbike they were riding in turned out to still have the same problem.

On the way, Andy's motorcycle tire punctured again and they both had to struggle to find a place to fix it.

After that, they also had to wait for a long time for the repair.

And because of that, they both came late to school. They even had to seduce Mr. Nano - the school gatekeeper. In order to allow them to stay in the classroom.


Disappointing day for Putri. And it's all because of his friend - Andy.

Patching motorcycle tires and coming late to school?

As well as getting punished by Mrs. Rani - a Biology teacher.

A punishment for summarizing the lessons in the book in just one week.

Meanwhile, Andy, who is in a different class with her. Can be saved, because the art teacher was not present during the first hour.

During school breaks.

Putri is still in class holding a Biology book. Sitting seriously holding her pen and book, muttering in annoyance.

In her mind.

"The punishment from Ms. Rani that I received, it's all because of you, Andy! Arrgghhh...!!! I feel like screaming as loud as I can."

Putri threw the paper she had crushed into the classroom trash can.

Putri looked at the window out, the atmosphere at that time was not so hot, the clouds were seen a lot and covered a fairly large schoolyard

For Putri, everything is a priceless gift.

His father, Bambang Soedarmo, is the president director of the largest industrial f&b company in Jakarta.

While her mother, Mariana Soedarmo, is a housewife and personal assistant director of Bambang Soedarmo.

Putri doesn't have to worry about finances because her rich family can give anything to Putri.

Moreover, she is the only daughter in the Soedarmo Family.

But she was never treated so spoiled or like a princess.

But, on the other side. Sometimes many demands are given to Putri. She had to show her six brothers that she could be the smart, intelligent girl her parents wanted her to be.

His father was very strict. Even more stubborn. No one can go against his father's will and choice. Only Mariana can melt Bambang's, hard heart.

Putri recalled the incident one year ago when she was still in 10th grade.

The discomfort then appeared, remembering it made Putri feel something was blocking her heart. At least he was trying to start fixing things.


Just one word. But why does that sound so painful - she thought. Currently, there is only Andy as her friend.

"Ahh... why remembering friends makes my tears flow," said Putri quietly and wiped a few tears from her eyes.

Putri also remembered the envelope in her pocket. Carefully Putri took out the white envelope.

Putri felt the envelope. It looks like a card. Yes, this is a credit card! Said Putri in her mind.

"Putri, what are you doing?" Andy's voice startled Putri from her daydream.

Andy's sweet smile momentarily fascinated Putri. And Putri forgot that she was upset with him.

"Andy? You surprised me!" said Putri. It seemed that Andy had not taken off his swimming goggles.

Andy also handed a bread and milk box on Putri's table, smiling broadly.

"This is for you! Not bad for filling your empty stomach. You must not have eaten, right? Sorry, because I heard you got punished by Ms. Rani?" Andy said with a pitiful face.

"Because I'm hungry, I accept food from you. But there is still one more condition." Putri grins, making Andy confused, and realizes that there is another plan that Putri is thinking of for revenge.

"You weren't thinking about pranking me, were you?" Andy asked with a serious face.

"After school, take me to Surya's house, okay?" asked Putri.

"Okay! But..." Andy's words were cut off.

"Don't ask me anything else. After school on the back park bench, I'll be waiting for you, Andy." Putri cut her friend's words.

That's when the bell rang.

"Huh? It's time to go to class! Hurry up and get out! Go back to your class, Andy!" Putri said while pushing Andy's body out of the classroom.

"I'm going out, ok! You don't need to push me like this, Putri. Even though I still want to linger here, who knows there is a beautiful girl I can tease," Andy said, teasing Putri,

Putri just replied with a glaring look of annoyance.

Andy left the class, and at the same time. Some students started to come in and came into the classroom. Once in a while, Putri saw Andy smiling and teasing the students a little. Even though the student's reply, even more away from Andy.

The atmosphere of class 11 was back to normal. The students began to issue textbooks for the next class.

Mr. Raden. The math teacher came on time. Mr. Raden is also the homeroom teacher of the Putri class.

Not surprisingly, during his class teaching sessions, Mr. Raden always pays more attention to all his students in class.

He began to reprimand some students who scored poorly in some lessons. Such as language, chemistry, physics, even giving some religious lectures.

The last class began: The Language class.

Putri has started to feel bored, not to mean to be arrogant or anything. But Putri is the overall champion in her school.

While listening to the language teacher, who is still explaining the material. Putri took out the little book that she always carried with her. And she started writing down what was on her mind.