Flashback - Does she know we did it?

One Year Ago.

There was still a feeling of irritation in Putri's heart, and she couldn't contain all that annoyance.

She looked out the classroom window and thinking about what to do now?

Putri began to stand up and move towards the exit of the classroom. Her eyes began to search.

And finally, she focused on a student who was sitting.

"Fia, you're here!" Putri called after finding her friend who was cool to drink a glass of juice in the cafeteria.

"Putri, why you surprise me!" said Fia looking at Putri, who was standing across from her desk. And after that, she approached with an anxious face.

Fia decided to sit beside Putri, "Why do you look panic, Putri?" Fia asked and, see Putri's sour face.

Not long after, two other students came, eagerly sitting side by side with Putri and Fia.

"Putri! Mrs. Anggi, looking for you." Nada patted Putri's shoulder. Her face looked worried when she gave the information. Regarding the supervising teacher, who is looking for Putri.

"Mrs. Anggi? She looking for me?" Putri ask again,

"Yeah... but don't worry. We didn't talk about what happened yesterday." Ria whispered while looking around, worried that someone else would hear their conversation.

Fia's face had turned curious, starting to pay attention to her three friends with a serious expression.

"This is all because of Mega, which is getting more annoying. Did she intentionally report because of what happened that time?" Said the Putri in an annoyed tone.

"But in my opinion, it's our fault, Putri. What are we doing at that time? Isn't it too bad?" Fia said guiltily.

"I thought so too. are we not crossing the line, Putri?" Said Nada while hugging her notebook tightly. Ria also nodded seriously.

"Why do you guys look scared?! With what we've done to Mega, she should be the one scared of us. I can't just stop!" Said Putri with a rising intonation.

"I think this is enough, Putri? What's your real problem with Mega? To the extent that you hate her so much?" Fia asked while moving the bottle of juice that had run out. She was annoyed with Putri's stubborn attitude.

"I thought we just wanted to make fun of her. Remember with Mega's book we broke? And yesterday, her tracksuit?!" Fia's words stopped because she saw Putri's face that was getting annoyed.

"What's the matter with you, Fia? You added the sauce to Mega's tracksuit! And Ria, you cut her sweatpants too, right!" Putri's gaze shifted from Fia to Ria.

"Ehh... I just got carried away, Putri. Actually, I also feel sorry. It seems we have crossed the line." Ria tries to defend herself.

"Enough! Don't fight anymore! Everything has happened, and we can't go back in time, right? Besides, we have other things to think about right now!" Nada looks worried. She tried to put an end to the fight between her friends.

Putri, Fia, and Ria noticed Nada, who started to speak.

"We have to make a plan. That's the most important thing. I heard Mega speak in the counseling room, and... she mentioned your name, Putri." Nada explained seriously.

"How is that possible? Does Mega know something?" Ria asked innocently. While Fia folded her arms with a serious face while looking at her three friends.

"At that time, I'm the last one to leave class, And that's when I met Mega at the classroom door. Could she possibly suspect me?" asked Putri inadvertently. She bit her lip in annoyance.

"Huh.. who knows? So, it means... Mega saw you, Putri? She could be suspicious, and... what should we do now? What if we all get caught as the culprit because we had damaged Mega's belongings!" Ria looked more and more worried at that time.

"I have a great idea." Putri snapped her fingers with a happy face.

"I will say that when it happened, I was with you, Nada. And at that time, we were in the library doing an assignment. Not just the two of us, but there were Fia and Ria who did the work together," Putri began to explain the idea.


Counseling Room.

Putri and her friends had already discussed their plans. And after that, Putri had prepared herself to meet Mrs. Anggi.

Putri had walked towards the counseling room, looking at the door was still tightly closed. She realized if there was anxiety she was feeling at that time.

Putri raised her right hand and knocked a few times on the door. But there was no response from inside the room. Once again, she did the same thing, but the result was still the same.

Putri also ventured to open the door slowly. She saw that the room was still empty.

"Could it be that Mrs. Anggi hasn't come yet?" Putri thought as she walks, and entered the room.

Actually, the room is quite spacious, if there is no table large enough in the middle of the room.

A long brown sofa, whose color is similar to the color of the wall paint, is placed in the corner of the room. Many bookcases are big and filled with lots of books.

It's the first time Putri entered the counseling room. It turned out to be not as scary as Putri imagined.

Not long after, Putri heard the sound of the door opening, and she saw the figure of Mrs. Anggi, who had just arrived and looked at her through thick glasses.

"Ooh..? Putri, you already came. Sorry if you waited too long, Putri," said Mrs. Anggi. Then she crossed her arms while looking at Putri with a smile.

"No problem, I just arrived," Putri answered sweetly, then sat down without waiting for instructions from Mrs. Anggi.

"I hope you are not afraid to be in the counseling room, Putri. You know, the students make scary gossip about the counseling room," Mrs. Anggi still smiled too wide, it made Putri feel weird.

"Of course not," answered Putri briefly.

"Well, there is indeed something I want to ask you, Putri."

Mrs. Anggi started to straighten her body and took out sports clothes from under the table.

The clothes looked dirtier full of various dirt, and in a tattered condition. Putri was a bit surprised because Mrs. Anggi kept the clothes. When she placed it on the table, make Putri thinks if this is Mrs. Anggi's plan to find out her reaction.

"Remember, Putri! You must calm down." Putri thought.

"Can we talk about the main problem right away? Because I don't want to miss math class," Putri said arrogantly and holding her head up.

"Ok! I won't keep you here too long. I think you already know what happened yesterday that happened to your classmate. Mega has been treated badly by someone irresponsible," Mrs. Anggi said while taking a deep breath.

"Yesterday, she came crying. Mega reported that someone had damaged her tracksuit." Mrs. Anggi began to stare cynically at Putri.

Putri only showed a flat expression.

"What happened yesterday?" Putri pretended to think.

Mrs. Anggi also stood up and walked beside Putri, then walked towards the table, and now her position was leaning, standing up and still staring at Putri.