Flashback - Putri's Plan

Soedarmo Family Residence.

When dinner arrived, only Putri and Wira were visible. Their two twin brothers, Raja and Rafa, are still busy with campus events.

Surya, who just got married, does not live in the same house with them. Actually, because of the conflict between father and son. Surya and Bambang's relationship was not good. While Roy, since working he prefers to live in an apartment to live independently.

Currently, their parents are still on their way abroad for work.

"Wira?" call Putri.

"Is Rian not home yet?" asked Putri with a straight face while she stuffed some vegetables into her mouth lazily.

"There are school activities that he can't stay. It seems Rian is busy today," replied Wira with a sweet smile.

At that time, Putri was very close to Wira. Even her brothers always spoiled her sister. Wira often listens to the outpouring of her sister's heart. Occasionally Putri talks about Mega, according to her always tries to be superior to Putri in every lesson at school. But not all things are told by Putri.

"Why do you look bored when I'm here? Are you having problems at school?" asked Wira seeing Putri's expression getting bored.

"Trouble at school? No, everything is fine. It's just .., aren't you bored?" Said Putri while playing a spoon.

"Miss Putri, are you full?" Asked Lastri - the maid. She just came, put a few glasses on the dining table.

How surprised Putri was to see the message notification that appeared. And Putri hoped that what she saw was wrong, trying not to believe her vision.

A new message that appears on Wira's phone

Mega - Class 11 :

I'm fine and need to rest. You don't have to worry about me, but I thank you for all your attention.

Putri quickly finished her dinner, and before she left the dining room. Putri has taken a notification image on Wira's cellphone screen, using her cellphone.

A piece of evidence has been stored safely in the gallery of her cellphone. Wira did not look suspicious and did not know that his sister had checked her cellphone without permission.

After receiving the book was bought by Wira and finishing dinner. Putri immediately rushed into her room and started sending messages to her friends.

Putri dropped her body onto her soft bed by tilting her body. Putri hurriedly sent the photo she had taken secretly just now to a group chat.

"I'm still hungry, even I will eat a lot tonight," replied Putri smiling.

Wira looks busy playing with his cellphone, occasionally seeing the expression of Putri, who is lazing at the dining table and busy playing with the food on her plate.

"Have you done your schoolwork?" Ask Wira,

"I've done everything," replied Putri, but she saw Wira, who had been distracted on the phone screen.

"What's wrong with him? What is he looking at, that he's acting so weird like this?" Putri thought just kept watching Wira.

Wira got up from his seat. Saying, "I just remembered something, and it's for you, Putri. I put it in my room," he said and left quickly, leaving the dining room, which was increasingly looking deserted.

Putri just looked at her brother's face strangely and looked back at her plate, which was still full.

After Wira left the dining table, his cell phone rang quietly again. Distracted Putri's thoughts and attention.

"Any incoming messages on Wira's cell phone?" Said Putri slowly glanced at Wira's cellphone. Then she looked around and saw no one, including Wira.

Carefully, Putri took Wira's cellphone and saw the notification that appeared on the cellphone screen. And even though it's locked, Putri can still see the contents of the message that just came in.

Girls - Group Chat

An image - containing Mega's chat with Wira was send by Putri.

*Ria: typing.., Wait, what is that? Hah? Wow..?

*Putri: What do you think about it?

*Ria: So this message was sent by Mega to Wira?

*Putri: Yes, that's right. This thing makes me angry.

* Ria: Mega and Wira, do they both have a special relationship?Uhm..?

*Putri: What do you mean if they are dating, Ria?

*Nada: typing.., What're wrong guys? I still don't understand what you're talking about it? I can't see the picture. Wait, let me check first.

*Ria: Nadaaaa...!!!

* Nada: Don't be noisy, Ria! Wait a minute, isn't that Mega's message with Wira? Tell me! If this isn't true!

(Ria mumbles, "Isn't this chat, she can't hear my voice, can she?")

*Putri: That's right, Nada. It's Mega's chat for Wira. I was already suspicious when I saw Wira's strange behavior at dinner.

*Ria: Are they dating, huh? Wira should have chosen me over that girl!

*Nada: The two of them are dating? But, I don't see how close the two of them are at school.

*Putri: This sucks. I can't accept that the two of them are dating! I feel like I want to punch Mega in the face.

* Ria: Wow... Putri, you look so scary. Never mind, don't be too angry, it's better if you start a good relationship with Mega.

*Putri: Ria! Don't scold me. Do you feel my punch?!

* Ria: Don't be angry with me, Putri! I'm just giving you advice. Besides... since when have you been able to boxing?

*Nada: We can't do anything if they love each other. But... very tragic for Putri. Hahaha... you have to accept this situation.

* Ria: Yes, that's right, Putri. You can't bother Mega anymore. If Wira finds out, he will surely be angry with you.

* Nada: It's no longer fun like this.

(Suddenly Putri thought of an idea to vent her frustration)

*Putri: Uhhmm... guys? Do you want something fun?

* Nada: Uhm ... I feel something scary from your words Putri.

*Ria: What Scary? And Where is Fia? Why did she not reply to chat in the group? Where is she?

*Nada: I hope you don't think about anything dangerous, Putri,"

*Ria: What are you guys talking about? Where is Fia, don't you guys know where she is?

*Putri: I will explain tomorrow morning, you have to come early.

*Fia: Typing...Typing..... (She looks like he is about to type something, but he doesn't send a message)

*Ria: See you tomorrow morning,

*Nada: Well, I hope I can come earlier.

Putri put her cellphone on her forehead, still in a lying position. She is still thinking hard to carry out a plan. That will make Mega regret having dared to approach Wira.

Putri stared back at her cellphone screen, a little confused by Fia, who didn't write anything in the group.

"That's weird. Is she still mad at me?" thought Putri.

That night Putri could not sleep well. All evil plans were being thought out hard.

Although sometimes, it occurred to her not to carry out these plans. But anger, hatred, resentment, revenge all mixed into one.

Although still in a sleepy state, Putri woke up very early. She even skipped breakfast. For the sake of starting the plan, she had been thinking about it since last night.

Wira was also confused because Putri was escorted by a driver without Wira or Rian participating. As a result, Wira and Rian went by motorbike to school.

Arriving at school, the atmosphere still looks very quiet. Putri immediately sat in class and put her bag on the bench while she sat on the table while taking out her cellphone and starting to send texts to her friends in the group.

"Where are you?" she types with a sour face.

"We are here!" Suddenly Nada and Ria's voices appeared from behind the classroom door.

"Why are there only you, and where is Fia?" asked Putri, who noticed her friend's absence.

"Since yesterday, I haven't heard from Fia," Nada said as she put her bag on the chair.

Ria is still busy styling her hair.

"It seems she is angry with the three of us. Is it because of what happened yesterday?" said Ria guessing. She took out the powder and a small glass from the small bag she had brought with him earlier.

"It's up to her!" Putri said with annoyance and put her cellphone into her shirt pocket.

"I hope you don't prank Mega badly, Putri?" Said Nada, who was starting to worry about what Putri was thinking.

Putri just replied with a big smile.

After the bell rang, Putri, Nada, and Ria returned to their seats. Putri just stared at the bench beside her, which looked empty, still waiting for Fia might come.

It was as if there was lightning on a sunny morning at that time. How not, Putri saw Fia entered together with Mega. They even look very familiar. Nada and Ria were no less surprised than Putri.

The three of them looked at each other (Putri, Nada, Ria). Nada just raised her hands and shoulders, while Ria just shook her head slowly while smiling strangely.

"Shit... did Fia tell Mega about our plan?" Putri sent a short message to Nada. Even though Fia was sitting next to her. She didn't care about Putri at that time.

"I don't know, Putri." Reply Tone ordered.

"Then let's use a backup plan." Putri typed briefly and began to face the blackboard, worried that Mrs. Rani was teaching would find out that Putri was using her cell phone in class.

You can see Nada whispering something to Ria. And Ria's face looks very confused.