WebNovelDear LOVE27.17%

Meet The Wijaya Family - Part1

Mega looked at Putri confusedly and still couldn't believe all of Putri's stories. Mega tried many times to open her voice, but she quickly closed her mouth again. Confused about what advice is good to give to her best friend, and Mega again can only stare at Putri with empathy and sympathy.

"I really can only surrender for now." Putri looks desperate when she says it. Mega is getting worried about seeing her. 

"If you don't. So..., You can refuse  that matchmaking, right?" Ask Mega.

"I haven't even started, haven't even decided yet. How can I refuse?" Putri asked back looked at Mega, who was confused by her answer.

"Ahh... this is confusing. Even I wouldn't be able to be in your position, Putri." Mega started to think hard. 

"Dilemma, isn't it," said Putri.