WebNovelDear LOVE36.99%

A Clue: That Man!!

"Sunday is free time. I met Irfan on Saturday. That was after I finished with lectures in the morning." Putri took a quick sip of her drink and started to stop putting food in her mouth.

"Sorry if I ask too many questions." Steve immediately noticed Putri, who had become very awkward. 

"It's okay," Putri shook her head quickly.

"Irfan must really love you so much because he always tries to protect you and sends Dimas to take care of you, Putri," Steve re-opened the conversation.

Putri laughed a little when she heard Steve say it. For her, it was not like wanting to be guarded but like being watched constantly.

"Maybe, because we weren't dating before. So Irfan seems to have too big a worry with me," Putri took another sip of her drink.

"You guys never dated before?" Steve seemed interested in Putri's statement,