WebNovelDear LOVE47.40%

Flashback - That Little Boy

Brama Wijaya put down his coffee cup carefully. His gaze was very uncomfortable for the boy standing in front of him. The boy bowed in fear, and he stood stiff and prepared to accept his father's wrath.

"So, what happened to your friend? Did you really hit him until he passed out?" Brama looked at his son with a cruel look. 

"Keep your head up!! And don't make me repeat the question!!" Brama snapped.

Irfan straightened his face, and his face was no better. Irfan got four stitches on his right temple. His lower lip started to swell due to the blow from his opponent. Not to mention some scratch marks that can be seen around his hands.

"Yes, Dad, but that's because..."

"Your behavior is really embarrassing me, Irfan! Do you want to be like a street kid?!" Brama interrupted his son's words, moving quickly to Irfan. Holding Irfan's chin firmly and looking back at his son's face with annoyance.