WebNovelDear LOVE63.58%

Irfan: You don't care about me anymore, Putri?

One year later.

"PUTRI..!" Raja had suddenly opened the door to Putri's office room.

Putri was looking at her work report, was immediately shocked and surprised.

"Raja, why do you shout at me?! What the hell! Can you lower your voice because this is not at home," said Putri in annoyance.

"I have to go to the gallery now. Rafa needs help at the gallery. May I ask you a favor? Please..," Said Raja smirked, and his sister looked at him suspiciously.

"What do you want me to do?" asked Putri. But her gaze was still looking at the computer screen.

"Hmmm... Well..., This is about..." Raja mumbled incoherently. He scratched the back of his neck and didn't give any explanation.

"Are you going to keep quiet? If you keep bothering me, you'd better get out of my room!" Putri sneered and still didn't turn to Raja's face.