WebNovelDear LOVE64.74%


"RAJA..!!! Do you want me to throw this vase to your head?" Rafa is already upset with the behavior of his twin brother, who is still busy making out with his girlfriend.

"Hey, Raffa? Are you jealous?  You can kiss the vase if you can't stand it and miss Mira. I will go with Mita," Raja embraced Mita, who smiled sweetly.

"It's been three weeks, and my sister hasn't given any news. I heard that being an assistant to a famous artist is indeed busy. Huh, luckily, I didn't accept Steve's offer." Said the woman with long curly hair named Mita.

"Hhh! What's famous?! Steve is nothing to mem" Rafa has started to hug the ceramic vase, and his mind drifted off again.

"See, I told you. This is the first time he's looked stupid like that." Said Raja chuckled and started walking towards the front of the gallery.

"Where are you going?" Rafa asked again. "May I join with you guys?!"