WebNovelDear LOVE71.68%

Suspicious Ratih Attitude

Moments Before.

Sitting in one of the coffee shops on the ground floor of the hospital. That's where Ratih is currently. She wasted her time because she was trying to get rid of her annoyance, especially if she had to remember Irfan who didn't allow it earlier.

"Dad? I'm fine. Sorry if I can't come back home yet." Ratih said he was talking to his father.

"What about Iwan's condition?  Mr. Irfan, I mean. So it's true that that's his real name?"

"Yes, Dad. It turns out, that his name is Irfan." Ratih answered a little lazily while stirring the black coffee she had half-finished.

"Ratih..? Many say that the man is already married. It means that your relationship with that man can be said to be legal and..."

"Dad!" Ratih slightly snapped at her father.

"Hmm..., we'll talk about this later. You don't have to call me. I'll call you myself." Said Ratih annoyed, and ended the conversation on the phone.