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The Truth For Irfan Wijaya


Irfan got into Rita's car with a loud "Buk" sound. He couldn't help but obey Rita's arbitrary attitude. Currently, he and Rita are in a luxury black Limo, and Rita is sitting opposite her brother.

Rita still looks relaxed, brushing her hair back. And seeing Irfan Wijaya with a sly grin, "Don't act too much, Irfan Wijaya! We have many things to do today!" Rita said, starting their conversation.

"You are a rude woman," Irfan cursed, feeling annoyed, and he rubbed his wrist tightly. 

"Are you really lost your memory? But why is your arrogant attitude still attached? Why you can't  get rid of that annoying attitude of yours!" Rita said annoyed.

"I don't know you! So what do the two of us want now?" Irfan asked still curtly.

"Yeah... yeah... just keep saying that! I don't care because we don't have much time. Daddy will be free, and you still haven't solved the problem that made you lose your memory," Ratih said and took his white laptop.