WebNovelDear LOVE80.35%

Help Me To Remember Everything

Irfan woke up too early that day, even though his body was still on the bed and he was too lazy to do anything. Not because he wasn't sleeping or having nightmares, but because he didn't feel like all these comforts would pass quickly.

A woman he still didn't know very well was already near him. Putri's lips were too close to his neck. The two of them innocent bodies were only covered by a thick silk blanket. The sunlight was not visible, there was only a faint light that had not managed to penetrate the gap in the window covered by the red curtain.

Irfan looked closely at Putri's face, his wife was still fast asleep with a very calm face. This is the first time for Irfan, after making love and being able to see Putri who can calm down, even sleep in his arms.

It felt like Irfan couldn't help himself, he kissed Putri on the forehead. While his wife only moved slightly, muttering incoherently. "Mm...? Was it hard to wake you up?" Irfan asked slowly.