WebNovelDear LOVE93.64%

Searching For Information

There were five people in the room. All of them looked tense, looking at Sabrina, who was struggling with her laptop. Some black wires are connected to the two little black boxes.

Nothing came out of Sabrina's mouth. She was still silent and focused on what she was doing. Dimas was beside Sabrina, accompanying her if she needed anything.

Irfan approached Rita, and Putri was talking. Both of them were sitting on a long sofa in the corner of the room. 

"Hahh..." Irfan sighed in frustration as he sat beside his wife.

"Calm down, Irfan. You need to rest too," said Putri pressing her husband's shoulder. So he could be calmer and relaxed. 

"I can't! Because my mind keeps playing with that fragment of memory. A dangerous thing is about to happen. How can I be calm?"

"Irfan, if you are like this. It also doesn't help much at all! You have to calm down... what Putri said is true." Rita chimed in, and Irfan just snorted at his sister's words.