Archery Master


[Critical Strike! You have dealt 28 points of damage]

[Target dies]

[You have successfully killed [Adult Dire Wolf]. You have earned 2 EXP]

Arthur calmed his excitement by breathing in and out in a regular rhythm.

Calmly, he analysed the numbers and stats of the pack of dire wolves.

Over a hundred wolves were already moving and slowly surrounding the tower. Clearly, an intelligent [Alpha Wolf] was somehow using strategy, to the point that it was scary. Each wolf seemed to follow some sort of primitive formation. After all, it only took a few headshots and crippling shots for the wolves to start distancing themselves from their peers, making the process of accurately shooting arrows precisely much more difficult than before.

Still, as Arthur continud to shoot, he was getting stronger.

[You have earned one point of proficiency in the skill [Archery]]


[Critical Strike! You have dealt 14 points of damage]

[Crippling Ailment Inflicted. Bleeding Ailment Inflicted]


[Critical Strike! You have dealt 18 points of damage]

[You have successfully killed [Adult Dire Wolf]. You have earned 2 EXP]

From the lower floor, the party of acolytes were desperately calming the horses, unsure of how the night would end. They had no idea about Arthur's actions above. Still, they followed his orders, and continued to look out for holes in the walls.

After ten minutes, Arthur had already killed over twenty wolves. Most of them were adults, as he focused on the strongest ones.

[Name – Adult Dire Wolf

Class – Level 2 Wild Beast

HP – 18 / 18

→ Experience Stored: 895


Strength – 3 | Agility – 3 | Vitality – 2

Status - Healthy

Skills - Bite (28), ...]

This was the standard of the strongest wolf within the huge pack of wild dire wolves. These wild beasts would be considered monsters if encountered on Earth. Almost two-meters-long, they were enormous wild beasts that travelled in huge packs. Even though they possessed no magical power, and only possessed physical strength, they survived on Naarth Island, proving how strong they were.

Any beast or species on this island had survived natural selection, and thus adapted to the harsh environment. They survived for centuries even though they were surrounded by magical beast. High numbers and strong physical bodies was not enough to explain their overwhelming presence in the island.

The key element behind their survival was their intellect. Or rather, the intellect of the [Alpha Dire Wolf] leading the pack with strategy and overwhelming intellect. A battle was similar to chess. It was imprevisible, yet foresight, strategy and tactics were factors that could tell who would win and who would lose. This battle was similar to Arthur's party possessing strong pieces, for acolytes could easily kill several wolves on their own. As for the wolves, it was similar to them possessing an enormous amount of pawns.

In order to win, each size only had to take down the enemy's leader, Arthur or the Alpha Wolf, but it was easier said than done. Arthur had no way to find the Alpha Wolf, and his magical ring could only appraise the wolves one by one. As for telling them apart based on their physical appearance was very difficult due to the darkness. Plus, alpha wolves weren't only slightly bigger and stronger than their peers. Their title only came from the fact that they usually reached dominance in the pack, and were thus more likely to be strong physically in order to submit and kill their predecessors.


[Critical Strike! You have dealt 28 points of damage]

[Target dies]

[You have successfully killed [Adult Dire Wolf]. You have earned 3 EXP]

[You have earned one point of proficiency in the skill [Archery]]

Arthur smiled. This was heaven. The arrows he had purchased had cost him several dozens of gold coins, but they were extremely efficient and light, making it easy to aim at enemies, even if they were hundreds of meters away. His elven bow was also made for strong elven knights, and although it was quite exhausting to shoot repeatedly, Arthur was a knight already. His pain tolerance was much higher than others too, as he trained harshly on a daily basis with inhuman intensity.


Below, wolves started to charge the wall, banging their head into the sturdy wooden walls they had built hours ago.

"I need help! This will not last for long!", John said as he was barely keeping the northern part of the wall together

Karl's eyes widened as his side too was starting to weaken.

'Is it the end?', he thought with fear