
'Use my experience points to level up', Arthur said with excitement

[Your existence is growing stronger...]

[The World Consciousness is helping your growth]

[You have levelled up]

[Your Magic Power has risen by one point]

[You have chosen to increase your [Strength] attribute by one point]

[Name – Arthur Landragon

Class – Level 6 [Beginner Rank] Acolyte (0 / 1 600 EXP)

HP – 31 / 50 | Mana: 60 / 60

→ Experience Stored: 25


Strength – 8 | Agility – 3 | Vitality – 5 | Magic Power – 6

Skills: Basic Swordsmanship (49), Magical Knowledge (30), Ice Magical Knowledge (25), Archery (22), Spell Reading (18), Scroll Copying (15), Cartography (16), Eloquence (12), Deceiving (10), Trading (8), Acting (6), Information gathering (6)

Knight Technique: Heavy Vertical Strike (16), Power Thrust (8), Killing Intent (6)

Spell: Freezing Touch [Low Grade – Rank 0] (16)

Items: Celeste (Medium-grade Enchanted Weapon), Ring of Courage (Low-grade Enchanted Item), Amulet of Healing (Low-grade Enchanted Item), Orc General Flag (Low-grade Enchanted Item)]

After Arthur killed the mighty Alpha Wolf, the four acolytes hiding behind his back sighed in relief.

"This...This was amazing!", Evangeline exclaimed while healing Karl, who had fainted from blood loss.

"You became stronger...", William analysed, "I suppose it is good for us. However, we suffered quite a few injuries in this ordeal. Will we be able to complete the mission still?"

John shook his head: "My left arm is hurt, and even if Evangeline does heal us, there is no telling whether we will encounter another pack of hungry dire wolves"

Arthur, however, laughed: "Cowards..."

His insult made the three acolytes drop their faces.

"We are not as strong as you, Arthur, but you can't just insult us!", John exclaimed

Arthur, however, moved forward and choked his subordinate: "We will start marching tomorrow, at dawn and recover in the mountains while observing the orc settlement. I will not hear another word of it. Understood?"

[You have activated [Killing Intent]. John is inflicted with fear ailment]

Evangeline came closer to Arthur and embraced him: "Please stop for tonight. I will agree with whatever decision you come up with"

Arthur nodded and freed John who was looking at him with fear.

'I almost died', John thought with great fear

William was watching from behind, looking at the cemetry of fallen wolves from a distance. Each wolf had been hit with one arrow at most.

'I never saw Arthur use a bow...But to think he was able to hit each and every single target in the head from afar...', William thought in awe

"I will agree with Arthur's decision, but I would recommend we recover our forces before attacking", William said.

Arthur smiled inwardly. From an outsider's point of view, it might look like Arthur killed most of the wolves single-handedly. However, he couldn't have achieved half of what he did during the night without the help of his four subordinates. Although they only acted as meat shields, it had given him room to shoot accurately without fear of being attacked from behind.

Although he was much stronger with a sword, most of his contributions during the night was achieved thanks to his archery mastery.

'Depending on the situation, using the most fitting skill is more important than the one with the highest proficiency'

Had he fought with his sword, injuries would have accumulated on Arthur's body, and he might not have been able to fend off the Alpha Wolf without using his [Frozen Hand] spell. This night's battle had proved more than rewarding.

Not only did it allow him to earn more than 300 EXP, it also increased his [Archery] skill's proficiency by 6 points, which would have taken weeks if he had trained it at the tower.

However, Arthur was not content with how things were going.

Karl had turned suspicious of his decisions. Going through these plains while fully knowing the dangers was indeed a bad decision as a leader. He couldn't even say that he didn't know about that, since William perfectly knew the dangers as a patrolling acolyte. Since Arthur was a patrolling acolyte as well, he was more than aware of it as well.

However, it was also true that the more they waited, the more difficult the mission would become since orcs would have time to make traps and strengthen their settlements with wood and metal. From the mission's perspective, it did make sense. And this was the excuse Arthur gave.

But his realm aim in entering these plains was different.

Arthur carved for blood. This battle had earned him 300 EXP, something that would have taken a month with the high-grade meditation technique to gather. Even if he endangered the life of his companions, the gains far outweighed the losses of reputation in Karl and John's eyes.

'Still, I don't want John and Karl to repeat their suspicions to Dorian. It would greatly damage my reputation...Seems like they give me no choice...', Arthur thought with a cold gaze.

Arthur volunteered to stay awake during the night so that the rest of the group would be able to rest.

In the middle of the night, Arthur scanned his subordinates.