Black Widow Brotherhood Raid (1)

The seven acolytes split up. In order to maximize the effect of surprise, they needed to target key locations.

Billy decided to go after the patrolling acolytes. It was less risky, and definitely important.

His approach was simple. He created four clones of himself, using bugs as organic resource and magic power to control the four clones at the same time. Although Billy lacked firepower, he was incredibly resistant. Unless you killed the [Soul Bug] that was in each one of his clones, the clone would keep regenerating as long as there was enough organic resources nearby. It included corpses, meat and flesh.

Besides his high vitality, Billy possessed shadow affinity and he had mastered the spell [Shadow Veil], a stealth-based spell allowing him to turn almost invisible during the night, although it was utterly useless in daylight.

Still, with his dagger mastery, killing acolytes who were on the lookout for orcs was an easy task.


Almost simultaneously, his four clones took out four beginner rank acolytes who were guarding the Northern, Eastern, Western and Southern Gates respectively.

Meanwhile, Lucile used her stealth to kill sleeping acolytes, feeding on their souls. Most didn't suffer, unaware of an enemy attack during the process.

Helena Fireborn was the first to blow things up. She literally shot ice spears throughout the settlement, killing the enslaved beasts contracted to acolytes. It included horses, wolves and bears tamed by some acolytes with little talent. Without their enslaved beasts, they could not do anything.

As for the others, they began to take care of the Crimson Clan Elites. Bjorg and Allan were fighting together, using swords and spell enchants to support each other. From a distance, Arthur shot arrows on casters that threatened their lives. Each shot proved lethal. If it didn't hit a vital organ, the ice poison aura would slowly kill them.

Unless you possessed a strong antidote, then surviving the spell would take tremendous vitality. Unfortunately, acolytes were not known for their high vitality. They possessed high magic power, but this was a result of intense research and studies, rather than physical training.

In a way, Arthur was their worst enemies.

Plus, it was much faster to shoot an arrow than cast a spell, making Arthur more efficient than the army of acolytes which were getting out of their tents in a hurry.

Slowly but surely, Arthur was growing increasingly stronger with each skill.

[You have killed [Level 4 Acolyte - Robert Jakerson]. You have earned 60 EXP]

[You have killed [Level 6 Acolyte - Nassy Rickerston]. You have earned 120 EXP]

[You have killed [Level 3 Acolyte - Julie Bane]. You have earned 30 EXP]

[You have killed [Level 3 Acolyte - Rick Winter]. You have earned 30 EXP]


It was a disaster for the Crimson Clan.