Jagorn Wooden Forest Elven Tribe

--- Jagorn Wooden Forest Elven Tribe ---


They were beautiful creatures, truly. Loved by nature, naturally gifted with marksmanship and loved by spirits, elves lived in isolation, secluded in their own, respective forests. The Porfield Kingdom was filled with elves, and humans knew better than meddling with those creatures.

As beautiful as elves were, they weren't as docile as the legends described them as. Elves were hunters, and they didn't view humans as good creatures. Although they would often be spotted with domesticated wild animals, they would mercilessly hunt any foreign human on their territory, so as to prevent invasions.

Many adventurers and mercenaries had lost their lives helplessly, dying before even spotting the elf archer who would take their lives. Elves were not ambitious, and rarely conquered lands. However, they would go to extreme lengths if it meant protecting their forests.

The Jagorn Wooden Forest Elven Tribe had many dealings with humans in the past. They had signed a magical contract with the Lark Household. The founder of the Lark Household had saved these elves from slavery, and gifted them a plot of land. Soon enough, the plot of land became home to the Jagorn Wooden Forest Elven Tribe, and a forest was created out of nowhere thanks to the druid magic.

In exchange, the elven village chief had promised that he would complete three of the Lark Household's request, even if it meant going to war. Over the years, two requests had been made. One remained, which Baron Lark didn't plan on wasting. It was his trump card.

At first, he didn't think he would need it.

After all, as big as the Count Elderwood's Army was, he didn't believe that mere mortals, and a couple of knights, could siege his city. Not only was his castle safe and full of food, acolytes shined in wars of attrition. With only a thousand soldiers, charging through the gates would only result in casualties from the Elderwood Faction. They could try starving his city all they want, but they would never manage to get past the walls. Not to mention his intermediate rank acolyte realm, his sons, brothers and wife had all mastered a couple fire-type spells. Although they were only beginner acolytes, if they worked together, a barrage of spell could instantly take out dozens of soldiers.

Frontal attacks would not work against him.

But...Baron Lark was afraid of one individual who was planning on joining the battle: Arthur Landragon.

Baron Lark had learned magic from his father. His father had learned it from his own father. The teachings were passed down through generations. Arthur Landragon, however, was different. Although he was young, he had already reached the intermediate acolyte realm, and he had graduated from the Ivory Tower, a place where eminent Magi had begun their path.

If it was him, then breaking through a barrage of spell might be doable.

In the Jagorn Wooden Forest Elven Tribe, similar fear were shared.

"Hildir has fallen", elder Freya spoke, "Even the cooperation of our five best healers didn't help. One of our elders has been cursed to death, and we were not even able to prolong his life"

The other elders shared similar depressed faces. Hildir was not just any elder. He was one of the five intermediate rank druids who had allowed the Jagorn Wooden Forest to evolve from a small elven tribe to the current Elven Fortress. Humans, magical beasts and goblins all feared this forest and respected its boundaries unlike before, where slave traders would regularly raid their village.

"Hildir died in order to warn Arthur Landragon...But Hildir ended up offending him by threatening him. Hildir died while apologizing for his mistakes, and warned us about the boy's powers. If possible, I would like to stand out of this incoming war opposing Baron Lark and Count Elderwood. The powers at stake surpass our tribe's reach", Freya continued.

"If we don't supress the Count, then our forest will be burnt in a decade's worth of time! We can't afford to take the risk! We have to help the Baron Lark once more, and then, we will be free from his requests. Don't forget the oath our ancestor swore"

"Yet...We might encounter this Arthur Landragon on the battlefield. He is a bloody warrior who has gone through the Ivory Tower's challenges. According to my network of spies, he was one of the strongest acolytes in this place, and only returned to his Household in order to complete the contract made with Count Elderwood. The sooner the war ends, the faster he will return to the Ivory Tower!"

After hours of deliberations, Freya ordered: "I wanted to ignore the war, but it seems like all of you think otherwise. Since you have decided against it, I will follow your advice. Ready your best hunters, and ready your best druids. The Landragon Army is already marching to join Count Elderwood's army. We have to ambush them and kill Arthur Landragon. If we fail, this will mark the end of the Jagorn Wooden Forest. If we succeed, we will no longer owe anything to Baron Lark and our tribe will prosper"