Everlasting City Siege (5)

--- Everlasting City Hall ---

"I have known Count Elderwood's ambitions to invade my land for quite a few years now...When he tested dozens of his vassals' offspring in order to find a magically talented heir and spent tens of thousand of gold coins as well as hundreds of magical crystals to send the young Landragon Heir to the Ivory Tower...I knew for sure that he would come for me as soon as he would reach the intermediate rank realm", Baron Lark said, "I have thus prepared a lot of grains in the city warehouses, but I never expected the Landragon heir to break through at the young age of 15. Even at the Ivory Tower, this is quite unheard of, especially for someone who has grade 2 talent, which is only decent"

"You told me previously that the city would easily last for two years considering the food reserves...But that was before a warehouse was forced open and stolen by thieves a week ago. What is the situation-", Jack Bare, an intermediate-rank acolyte who was famous in Everlasting City for the magnificent clothes he made in his establishment [Blue Oax], spoke, before being interrupted

"Sir...I have grave news...", a young wandering acolyte tasked with observing the enemy arrived, his breathing irregular and his back drenched in sweat.

Obviously, he had run all the way to the City Hall with his frail condition as fast as he could in order to alert the Baron and the other intermediate-rank acolytes who were managing the siege. Acolytes were not very good at running.

Born in a mediocre family of merchant, James' life changed when his father proved to be a beginner rank acolyte. Together, they meditated and practiced spells. Although they kept it hidden from everyone else, they eventually escaped the suspicions of the village they resided in and started to live in Everlasting City, a place where they were accepted for what they were: magicians.

It must be said that most acolytes did not have it easy. In villages, those who displayed magical talents were often mistaken as witches and sorcerers. In extreme cases, some acolytes would even end up being subjugated by knight-level guards who would burn them. After all, the common folks were quite afraid of acolytes. Most of them had heard the stories of ancient magi turning entire kingdoms upside down, completing experiments birthing monsters and such things.

Knights were different than Magi. They were strong, but they followed a code, a principle that made them protect the common folks. Magi only did what benefitted them the most. They would not mind attacking a territory for the sake of a couple magical ingredients, if this is what they were lacking for their next experiment.

Thus, Everlasting City was a paradise for wandering acolytes. The baron would keep them in check, but also provide them with benefits. The folks all knew the Baron Lark's true origins, and accepted it. They even admired the baron for his magical prowess, since a strong lord meant strong protection.

"Take your time, James", Baron Lark spoke in a calming voice

"I have observed the situation just as you ordered, using my spell [Sand Eye]...However, it was detected by the intermediate rank acolyte Arthur Landragon, who did not even spend an hour before sensing the spell and casting an [Ice Arrow], destroying it", James spoke hurriedly while groaning in pain, "I can still sense the spirit backlash. I apologize for my diziness"

Jack Bare frowned: "Impressive...the [Sand Eye] is known to be one of the best observation spell because it does not release a lot of elemental particles, making it particularly difficult to pinpoint. For Arthur to discover it merely an hour after arriving, he must have quite the mana sensivity..."

Baron Lark nodded: "Did you learn anything?"

James nodded: "Besides their forces, nothing much...Count Elderwood still has over six hundred soldiers following him. With Baron Halefire's 80 infantry soldiers, Viscount Palford's army of 300 men and Baron Galeheard's 100 heavy infrantry soldiers, they have more than a thousand men still, including several strong intermediate rank knights. However, the Landragon Army should not be much of a threat, considering that they are all cavalry"

Baron Lark smiled.

Indeed, cavalry was not very strong in a siege battle.

Little did he know, for the next month would teach him a harsh lesson