Everlasting City Siege (9)

--- Everlasting City Council ---

From Baron Lark's red eyes, one could tell he had cried beofre entering the room.

His frown traduced an immense anger towards the one who had slayed his niece.

"She was only nineteen...And yet he killed her, just like that", Baron Lark spoke with deep sadness

Jack Bare frowned: "Sir, with all due respect, we are bound to suffer casualties in war. Rather than falling to despair, we should focus on how to take revenge for her"

Baron Lark nodded: "I appreciate it, my friend"

Jack Bare smiled: "Please send me"

Baron Lark titled his head: "I can't. You will die meaninglessly. You have seen the boy's strength. The range, the power and the slowing effect of his [Ice arrow] far surpasses any of the spells we have encountered. I can't believe that he has reached such a deep understanding of the most basic ice-elemental spell...Based on his age, he must have reached the intermediate rank not too long ago, yet I can feel that his magic power is almost on par with us, despite the fact that we have cultivated for decades"

Jack Bare nodded: "It's true. In a normal duel, based on magical attainments or even battle experience, I will probably lose. He must have fought a lot of acolytes back in the Ivory Tower after all"

Baron Lark shook his head: "Then why? Why would I send you, since you can achieve so much from the walls?"

Jack Bare smiled and revealed an [Earth Golem Core]: "This is my trump card...A Golem Core capable of using [Advanced Swordsmanship] with strength and regeneration abilities of a golem. Even a peak advanced rank knight would not be able face it, not to mention a young acolyte"

Baron Lark squinted: "How could you get your hands on such material? If I am right, ancient golem cores manufacturing methods have long been destroyed from this plane after the [Great Magus War] a thousand years ago..."

Jack Bare smiled: "I have known you for fifteen years, my friend. Yet, you never once asked about my origins. Are you curious? I might sell it to you"

Baron Lark laughed: "You will be wealthy anyway if we win this battle"

Jack Bare nodded: "I actually come from a Magus Household. My brother killed my father in order to inherit the household, and would pay a fortune to kill me. At the time, I was only ten, so I did not manage to inherit much from my family. I heard he advanced to the Advanced Rank a dozen years ago, so my hopes of returning to my family are close to zero. My butler did steal a few treasures, including this Earth Golem Core"

Baron Lark was shocked: "I should not have asked..."

Jack Bare laughed: "Don't worry, I have never heard about my brother for the past three decades, and I changed my name, appearance and location after an assassin seduced and almost killed me"

"With the golem core, are you confident in killing him?", Baron Lark asked

"Actually...I am not. We know close to nothing about the young boy. Spies have only reported that he has earned a tremendous amount of respect from soldiers, and the morale in the Elderwood army couldn't be any higher after our consecutive losses from his daily rampage"

"Do you think us 4 intermediate rank acolytes attack him together?"

"No...Too much movement would cause suspicion and he is always protected by knights, even when he casts he ice arrow spells. However, his fearsomeness also makes him very vulnerable. Casting so many [Ice Arrows] devoids of him of mana. An acolyte without mana has no chance against a golem core", Jack spoke, "If worst comes to it, I can always retreat"

A woman, who had stayed silent until now, smiled: "Let me accompany Jack. I won't fight the young Landragon heir, but I will make sure that Jack does not die in battle"

Baron Lark nodded: "I never thought witches were courageous. You have proven me wrong today"

A dark aura started to emit from her black eyes: "Don't take me lightly. I might not look like it, but I killed dozens of intermediate rank acolytes in my life"

Baron Lark knew better than angering the witch.

[Aurora Blastford]

A witch who had hidden her identity, and worked in Everlasting City as a proficient doctor. Some called her the best healer in the region, but Baron Lark knew better than that. Aurora was a Dark Acolyte, who was a wanted criminal. In exchange for a cover and a place to settle, Aurora would provide him with various 'services', mainly curses and shadow-type magic whenever he needed things done.

Aurora was quite infamous as the [Black Witch], from her dark attire. In the past, she had deceived countless acolytes in a wandering acolyte organization called the 'Ten Fingers', tricking them with her beautiful appearance, and killing them in bed, absorbing their lifespan.

Although she was over eighty, not a trace of aging could be seen on her face or vitality. Her strange cultivation method, relying on the killing of strong acolytes and knights, had allowed her to cheat the passage of time, remaining very young.

With such an ally, Baron Lark originally felt confident about the war, but Arthur Landragon changed everything.

"To be fair, I have never seen such a strong acolyte in my life...", Aurora spoke, "There is more to him than his [Ice Arrows]. Sending us will allow you to understand our enemy better. Without him, the Elderwood Alliance is nothing. Arthur is their commander and their strongest mage. Numbers matter not when there are acolytes at play"