Everlasting City Fall (2)

--- Elderwood Alliance Settlement ---

The five lords had gathered, Arthur presiding the strategic reunion.

Of course, the five lords 'cooperated' in name only. It was common knowledge in the settlement that Arthur decided matters alone, without considering the other lords' opposition, only taking in suggestions. He had the power to do so, and used it to prevent any indecisiveness from deviating his plan.

So far, absolute success had derived from his strategy, causing the lords to be more tame.

This time around, they could not understand.

"Are you saying that Baron Lark will launch a charge in the coming days? Why are we not preparing for battle then?", Count Elderwood roared with a rare ferocity.

Arthur stared at him with unfazed eyes. Like a bottomless pit, Arthur's eyes reflected absolute apathy towards the Count's actions. It was as if he was a bored caretaker listening to the capricious nature of a child. It infuriated the Count, but it was clear to the other lords that the Count no longer retained any authority or dignity.

Baron Halefire, who wnated to avoid the awkward humiliation of their liege lord, sighed and explained: "If they see a battle formation, they won't attack since it wouldn't be a surprise attack anymore. We are not overly preparing our soldiers so that they will be baited into attacking us"

Seemingly, his explanation also cleared the doubts of Viscount Palford and Baron Galeheard.

It truly seemed like the younger generation was sharper than the older one. While Viscount Palford, Baron Galeheard and Count Elderwood were resting on their laurrels of victory against the Dalian Kingdom twenty years ago, Arthur Landragon and Baron Haleford were studying the art of war and the art of combat from books, battle experiences and personal meditation on the subject, keeping their mind sharp.

Arthur nodded, and once again, felt like the Halefire Household was worthy of becoming a close ally of the Landragon household. With Baron Halefire at its head, the household was bound to grow more powerful in the near future.

"The enemy army will not reach us anyway", Arthur spoke, "The [Dragon Army] is managing the ballistae, and my brother will personally command them to shoot them. With untrained militia and a couple hundred soldiers, I expect half of their forces to die before reaching the settlement, not to mention the traps we have built in the past month"

Viscount Paleford titled his head: "It won't be that easy...With their acolytes, they might throw fireball and destroy those ballistae"

Arthur smiled: "Which is why I will be personally assisting my brother with the Falister Knights and Landragon knights, targeting the acolytes. I will also cast [Ice Shield] to fend off any weak fireballs they might send. I expect casualties, but nothing much. Then, the [Halefire Heavy Infantry] and the Palford Elite Guard will lead the charge against the survivors, supported by Count Elderwood's massive army of half-trained soldiers"

Count Elderwood frowned: "Are you implying that my soldiers were not trained properly? I might share a deep friendship bond with my father, and I definitely admire you as a warrior. However, I won't allow you to disgrace my-"

Arthur cut him: "The laws in the settlement that I implemented show it clear. Out of the 248 duels in the past two weeks, 112 involved Elderwood Army Soldiers and Knights. Out of those 112 duels, 88 resulted in the loss of the Elderwood Party, 11 in draws, and only 13 wins. Please do not make a fool out of yourself, Count Elderwood, I am merely stating the facts and staying objective. Delusions have no place in a strategic meeting"

Count Elderwood fumed with anger: "I trusted you to be the commander, and so far, I was admiring your actions. What is the meaning of this insubordination?"

Arthur shrugged: "Insubordination? I am merely following your orders to win this war, my lord"

Count Elderwood instantly felt better after being called Arthur's lord, but felt uneasy. For the first time in a long time, he felt like he could not see through Arthur's true intention and ambition...The three other lords were awkwardly looking away, as if they had never heard about this conversation.

Arthur continued: "Then, we will take Everlasting City by force. With no more resistance, it won't be much of a hurdle. I won't allow rape, or any meaningless killing of inhabitants. Please remind your men that I will personally execute those who involve themselves in acts worthy of beasts"

On this note, Arthur left the room, leaving the lords speechless.