21. The shoe-pick face

At this point Qiao still doesn't know what happened in the forum.

When Lao Cai came to class holding the test paper, it was a spring breeze.

The students in Class 19 estimated that he had never been so happy on the day of his wedding!

"Look at the little excited expressions of the old class. Could it be that our class did a good job this time?"

"It's pretty good. It's impossible, it's impossible in this life!"

"I want to do well in the exam, too, but the school tyrants around me wrote and covered it, so they were afraid that I would be copied! So I can't blame me for the poor grades! I have tried my best!" I tried my best to plagiarize.

"The same world, the same schoolmaster!"

"It's all in class, why is there anyone talking?"

Lao Cai put the test paper on the podium while wiping the sweat from his forehead.

The classroom became quiet for a moment.

Although the grades of the scumbags are not good, but the teacher in charge of Lao Cai has never looked down on them, so what he said, the classmates still show face.

"The results have come out! Needless to say, you should also know how you did in the exam!"

"Looking at your achievements one by one, I blush for you all when I look at it!"

The scumbags were thicker than the wall, so Lao Cai spit on his head, filled with indignation and hatred for iron and steel, they were still indifferent.

If their academic performance fails, then they will go home and inherit the family property. Although there are no hundreds of millions of property, there is a one hundred million at random.

So don't worry.

Lao Cai looked at the appearance of their dead pigs not afraid of boiling water, and his chest hurts with anger: "Okay! I don't bother to say you! As if I force you to study for me! You love to learn or not to learn!"

"Fortunately, there is another classmate in the class who is very good, and achieved good results in all subjects in this exam!"

Before Lao Cai said the name, everyone's eyes focused on Shi Qiao.

When Shi Qiao heard what the class teacher said, she knew it in her heart.

But her face was still faint.

On the contrary, her deskmate Bi Yuntao is more excited than she is. If it weren't for class at the moment, she would definitely be yelling.

"Old class, is it our classmate of Xueba!"

"It's still a question, it must be her!"

"Of course I know it is her, but I want to know how many points she took in the exam and how much she ranks in the whole year!

" I also want to know that Lao Ban is going to stop selling off, let us know!"

Lao Cai had been selling well before he patted the table and said, "You keep arguing and let me talk about it! Shi Qiao is winning honor for our 19th class this time. She was the number one in the whole year...100! "

When everyone heard the first one just now, everyone's eyes widened with excitement. they didn't expect him to add a hundred characters after the long tone!

Look at this panting, it's really not ordinary skin!

But the 100th place is not bad too!

After all, in the past, almost no one in the nineteenth class was in the top 1,000. They have always contracted dozens of places at the end!

Everyone cheered, and some took the lead in applauding.

"Study Ba is worthy of being a Xueba, it really gives us a lot of face!"

"How else is it called Xueba?"

"Xueba will continue to work harder, the face of our 19th class depends on you!"

When Lao Cai heard this, he almost vomited blood: "You bastards! Couldn't you guys study hard, Qiao, and get into the top one...thousand?"

He originally wanted to talk about the top 100, but when he reached the tip of his tongue, he swallowed it back.

The scumbags in Class 19 heard this, and no one took it seriously, and Lao Cai was so angry.

Lao Cai teaches mathematics, and Shi Qiao scored 130 points in her math test.

There is no full score, but this result is the best she has got since she studied!

She felt a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment that she had never had before!

It turns out that learning makes people happy really exists!

She will study in the future, and study harder!

** After class,

nineteen classes were learning slag as birds out of the nest, have to move.

"Hey, which place did your class take the most powerful exam?"

"It's only two hundred, so you have to keep working hard! The student in our class got the 100th place! The 100th place in the whole year, how about it? Great, isn't it?"

Students in the ordinary class: "..."

when Shi Qiao went to the bathroom and passed a certain ordinary class,

Hearing this, she hurriedly covered her face and walked over as if she did not know him.

Just as soon as she went back to the classroom, she was thrown cold water by the little man: "This is only the 100th place, and none of them get full marks. Your head teacher and classmates are too fussy, right?"

Shi Qiao reached out and poked his little cheek: "It's rare for me to improve so much, shouldn't you praise me? If you do this, it will easily dampen my confidence!"

Mu Huaiyan pushed her hand away with a "pop", and hummed: "I should praise you for such a little achievement, and think really beautiful!"

As soon as the voice fell, he was poked hard by Shi Qiao, and the whole person turned over backwards.

He was startled.

Baozi's face was full of shock, as if he was saying, "You actually pushed me!"

Shi Qiao resisted the urge to laugh, and instead of explaining, she closed the desk door with a "pop".

The desks in No. 1 Middle School are all equipped with doors and locks. Although that kind of lock is useless, it gives students a little more space for themselves.

The reason why she is so "fierce" to the little man is because she feels that his temper is getting worse and worse recently.

Although she was willing to spoil him, she did not want him to be too proud of spoiling him.

Mu·Huaiyan became even more embarrassed: "..."

Not only did she push him, she also locked him up!

This scumbag is simply too much!

The system popped out in his mind and said: "Host host, I don't want to help you this time. You obviously love Miss Shi Qiao so deeply, but why do you always duplicity?"

Mu Huai said with three black lines on his forehead: "... System, you are a stubborn cp fan, shut up!"

System QAQ: What it says is obviously the truth.

Mu Huai said that he didn't move at first, and he wanted Shi Qiao to come back and admit her mistake.

But after a long while there was no movement, he couldn't help being a little uncertain.

Could it be... Are the words he just said really excessive?

Or is he supposed to occasionally... praise her like the system says?

The system jumped out again: "Sweet talk will make people secrete dopamine and make people happy. Host host, you should learn this skill!"

Mu Huaiyan grimaced the bun and shut the system into the small black room.

Really talkative!

It's so noisy!


Shi Qiao shut the little man into the desk, then took out the papers and started to write the test papers.

She happened to be stuck in the 100th place. If she wanted to go further, she had to work harder than others.

But after a while, I saw Bi Yuntao rushing in and said, "Shi Qiao, why are you still studying?"

Shi Qiao looked up: "What can I do without studying?"

"Don't you know about your being posted on the forum?" Bi Yuntao raised her eyebrows.

Shi Qiao was taken aback, and shook her head: "I don't know, what did you say?"

Bi Yuntao took out the phone and opened the post to her: "Look! Although the title does not mention your name, the innuendo shouldn't be too obvious! And it's obvious. Someone is guiding everyone to lead the post to you!"

Shi Qiao took a quick glance at her mobile phone.

Indeed, as Bi Yuntao said, everyone didn't think about her at the beginning, but later a few people ended up and guided everyone to guess about her.

She answered the scholar's question last time, plus she was admitted to the top 100 in this exam, she is a bit of a small name.

So when those few people mentioned it, everyone immediately thought of it.

The matter involved the rich and the sisters vying for the school grass, which immediately aroused everyone's interest, and the posts became popular.

Some of these speeches are very ugly, such as:

"A native chicken who came back from a mountain village, where did she feel confident that she could grab the outdated Yanran?"

"Yes! Shi Yanran is a little beauty anyway, and I heard that she grew up with Meng Xiaocao. How can Meng Xiaocao like her as a real childhood sweetheart?"

"Is it the only one who thinks she is shameless? She actually robbed her sister's fiancé!"

"This may be hereditary! Haven't you heard of it? She is an illegitimate daughter, what kind of talent will be an illegitimate daughter, your character!"

Shi Qiao returned the phone to Bi Yuntao, her face indifferent.

Bi Yuntao is more anxious than she: "What are you going to do?"

When Shi Qiao was about to say that she was not going to talk to him, he saw Bi Yuntao cried out again: "Fuck, Mencius ,the shoe paddle have a sick face! They really ended up!"

Shi Qiao took out his mobile phone and saw an id named "I am Mencius ".

"I'm sorry for taking up public resources! I was notified that I was named by the forum after class was over! After reading the post, I felt uncomfortable in my heart! First of all, we are still high school students. At this age, we should devote our minds to learning ! Secondly, I have no feeling for an illegitimate girl."

Shi Qiao was really disgusted when she saw Mencius's reply.

Bi Yuntao didn't ask what Qiao was going to do this time, she was already in the water.

"I polish! Shoe-pull face, you really think you are RMB, do people love me and see me drive? I yuck, you just have that shoe-pull face, sister, I don't like it at all!"

OWhen the other students in the class came back, after learning about this, he immediately followed Bi Yuntao to help Shi Qiao at the end of the game.

"Some people think that when someone calls a school grass, they really think that as long as they are a mother, they will like him. If you are so narcissistic, does your mother mosquito know?"

"Is the shoe plectrum above you want to laugh at me? But I didn't think much before, once I accept this setting..."

"Hahaha, you guys must be trying to laugh at me so that I can inherit my flowers!"

Shi Qiao looked at the classmates who were helping her heartily, with unspeakable warmth in her heart.

They are all poor students in the eyes of teachers and other students, a group of abandoned people, but their hearts are all made of gold!

She decided that she can't make progress alone, she must help everyone make progress together!

Then she opened the forum and registered an ID, which also ended up with her real name.

She replied:

This is Shi Qiao. First, I am not an illegitimate girl, who is an illegitimate girl who has acne on her face!

Secondly, I am inexplicably disgusted with all things that are shaped like shoe handles, so you know.

As soon as her reply came out, the post was swiped again.

"Fuck me! Can I say that reply is cool?"

"I didn't expect her character to be so rigid! It's too shabby!"

"But the salt is sweet! But the wolf is milk! Mom, I'm good again!"

When Bi Yuntao and the classmates in Class 19 saw Shi Qiao's reply, they couldn't help laughing.

Mencius almost exploded with anger when he saw the shoe-pick face full of the screen!

He looked at the phone with a dark face and posted a photo on it