29. Parallel space-time

Shi Qiao did not expect to dream of his uncle Shi Mingchen again.

But the place where she appeared in this dream was not a mansion, but a villa.

The design of the villa is generous and fashionable, and it is the hand of the famous family at first glance. It is only in black, white and gray tones, giving people a cold feeling.

The afterglow of the setting sun shined through the floor-to-ceiling glass and stained the entire living room red.

Shi Mingchen was sitting on the sofa, wearing a pair of vintage gold-framed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and a black shirt with two buttons open at the neckline, revealing a slender neck and a sexy collarbone.

His eyes were fixed on the notebook on his lap, his slender knuckles were resting on his chin, his brows frowned.

The orange sunset shrouded him, and his whole body exuded a cold and lonely aura.

Shi Qiao looked around and found that there was no one in the huge villa except Shi Mingchen.

Just when she was hesitating how to speak, Shi Mingchen suddenly raised his head, his eyes fell precisely on her, and his pupils shrank.

His eyes were as sharp as a sword out of a sheath, and he shot Shi Qiao over.

Shi Qiao's heart tightened, and he took two steps back subconsciously.

Could it be... he can really see her?

The next moment I saw Shi Mingchen put down the notebook and walked towards her quickly with long legs: "Who are you?"

His voice was deep and powerful, as good as she thought.

Shi Qiao looked up at the man in front of him: "My name is Shi Qiao, is your name Shi Mingchen?"

"Shi Mingchen?" The man twisted his eyebrows slightly: "I am not, my name is Qin Yan."

Qin Yan?

When Shi Qiao heard this, her eyes widened, "You said you weren't Shi Mingchen?"

How is this possible?

Except for a bit more mature, he looks exactly like Shi Mingchen before his disappearance.

Even the position of the little mole on the nose is exactly the same!

She suddenly remembered that when she was in the building, the female staff called him President Qin, but she ignored him at the time.

Are people similar?

Qin Yan calmly looked at the girl in front of him: "Why are you here?"

There are various surveillances around the villa. Once an outsider breaks in, the system will notify him as soon as possible, but after she has been there for so long, the surveillance has not responded.

It was the same as when I was in the building that day.

When he saw this girl, he felt an indescribable sense of familiarity, especially her eyebrows were so similar to his own.

The girl seemed shocked when she saw him, her mouth was open, her eyes kept falling on him.

It stands to reason that he should have been used to other people's eyes on him, but when he saw the girl, he couldn't tell why, and he always felt as if he knew her.

Then before his brain could react, his legs walked towards her, but she disappeared before he came to her.

Instantly disappeared from him!

He was shocked at the time, and quickly asked the people around him if he had seen where the girl had gone, but what made him even more shocked was that everyone didn't know what he was talking about!

They said they didn't see any girls from start to finish!

He felt something strange at the time and immediately asked the security guard to call out the surveillance, and there was indeed no one in the surveillance!

At that time, the subordinates looked at him as if they were looking crazy.

Someone helped him to hide that he might be too tired and dizzy, and some people privately said that the building might be dirty, hell hell!

Only he knows that he has no dizziness, and he hasn't hit a ghost.

And he believed that the girl would definitely appear again!

Sure enough, after ten days, she evaded surveillance again and appeared!

Shi Qiao blinked and said, "Dreams are uncontrollable, so I don't know why I am here?"

"Dreamland?" Qin Yan was startled for a moment, and raised his sword eyebrows. "Don't you think we are in your dream now?"

Shi Qiao nodded: "Yes, we are in my dream. I dreamed of you last night. You look exactly like my uncle. I thought you were him. Now it seems that everything is just thinking about you. ."

Qin Yan didn't laugh at her incredible words, but grabbed the key point of her words: "You mean the last time you saw me was last night?"

But he obviously saw her ten days ago!

Shi Qiao nodded again.

Qin Yan's brows tightened further: "No, the last time you appeared in the mansion was ten days ago. I had just returned to China at that time, and now I have returned to the South."


This time Qiao was stunned: "Although this is in a dream, it is too strange. Where is the southern country in this world?"

Qin Yan grasped the message in her words again.

As before, he didn't feel that he had hallucinations, he didn't believe that he was hell, and he didn't feel that he was in her dream.

At this moment, she was very awake.

Next, he rationally and clearly demonstrated to Shi Qiao that she was not in a dream at this time, and that the environment she was in was real, and he was also real.

After some explanation, Shi Qiao felt that her brain was not enough: "So you mean, you are not a dream I created, but a real person?"

If this is not in a dream, then this world may be a parallel world.

In this world, some things overlap with the world where she wears books, but some are different.

For example, this world has an additional country called Southland, and there is no city like S in this world.

However, in Qin Yan's words, she grasped one important point, that is, Qin Yan had an accident five years ago, and all the memories before the accident were gone.

Over the years, he has been searching for his own memories and family, but he has found nothing.

Shi Qiao was about to continue speaking, but her body suddenly became transparent.

Seeing this, Qin Yan immediately took off the Buddhist beads he was wearing on his left hand, and quickly put it on her hand.

But before he could speak, Shi Qiao disappeared in front of him.


Shi Qiao woke up from her dream.

She glanced around in a dazed look, the white sky lake, the lake blue curtains.

This is Shi's guest room.

So it was a dream just now?

But if it were a dream, it would be too clear, right?

Shi Qiao lay on the bed for a while before sitting up to get up to wash. The next moment she saw the Buddhist beads in her hands, and she was taken aback.

Not a dream! ! !

The Buddha beads were worn on her hand by the man named Qin Yan before she disappeared!

If it was a dream, how could the prayer beads in her hand explain?

Hearing the movement, Mu Huaiyan walked out of the cave with a yawn, and saw her staring at her wrist unblinkingly, and couldn't help but look over.

The next moment his brows frowned: "Where did the agarwood beads in your hand come from?"

Shi Qiao didn't expect the little man to see the material of the Buddhist beads at a glance.

She walked off the bed: "Xiao Mu, I dreamed of my uncle again, is it wrong, I dreamed of a person who looked exactly likemy uncle, but he said that he called Qin Yan and the beads were given to me in the dream. !"

If this is heard by ordinary people, they will definitely think she is crazy.

But Mu Huai said he would not.

Because his own experience is incredible enough.

He pursed the bun's face and said, "Tell me the details of what you dreamed about!"

Shi Qiao thought of the high-level system behind Xiao Muu, maybe they could answer her doubts, so she didn't hesitate to tell the story of the dream.

After speaking, she frowned and said: "Xiao Mu, do you think there may be multiple parallel worlds in this world, and the human soul will travel through time and space by a certain chance, enter another world and never go back again? ."

Mu Huaiyan stared at her face, but did not speak.

Shi Qiao was inexplicably seen by him: "What's wrong with you? Why do you look at me like this?"

Mu Huaiyan squeezed the bun's face and said, "Next time you meet that man named Qin Yan, remember to stay away from him, do you know?"

Alone men and widows are in one place, who knows if the other party is a beast?

Shi Qiao didn't expect that he had so much brain replenishment, and thought he just cared about her.

She squeezed his bun's face and said: "Xiao Mu, you really care about me more and more now."

Mu Huaiyan pushed away her hand and said with a solemn face: "Who cares about you? You don't put gold on your face. I...I'm just afraid that something will delay me if something happens to you!" That's it!

Seeing his duplicity, Shi Qiao was immediately happy to spend: "Xiao Mu, your duplicity is so cute!"

Mu Huai said: "..."

After a burst of laughter, the two returned to the subject.

Mu Huai said: "If parallel time and space exist, do you suspect that the person named Qin Yan is your uncle?"

Shi Qiao paused before nodding: "I was thinking, is there a possibility that my uncle had an accident five years ago, and then his soul traveled through time and space to another parallel world, because he was injured while traveling. , So he lost his memory in another world, so he can't remember the past?"

Mu Huaiyan raised his eyebrows: "According to your assumption, he won't be able to return in almost all cases, because his body in this time and space may have already died!"

Shi Qiao was silent after hearing this, and it took a long time to say: "What you said makes sense, this matter is a bit complicated.

She turned around to wash, digesting what had happened before.


When I saw Qiao entered the bathroom, Mu Huaiyan immediately called the system out.

He opened the door and said: "Is Shi Mingchen still alive?"

The system nodded and shook his head again.

Mu Huai said: "What do you mean? Talking about people!"

The system said: "From a medical point of view, he should be considered alive. Five years ago, he had an accident at the ski resort. Although his life was saved, he became a vegetable!"


These three words pierced Mu Huaiyan's heart like a sharp blade.

His face turned pale before he continued to ask: "Then he has been in a coma?"

The system shook his head: "He woke up two years ago, but his brain was severely injured. After waking up, he could not speak or walk. Apart from blinking his eyes, he was no different from a vegetable."

Mu Huaiyan thought of himself in real life, and his heart became heavier: "Where was Mingchen's soul at that time? Is it still in this body?"

The system was silent for a while before saying: "No, Miss Shi Qiao's guess was correct just now. Her uncle's soul passed through the parallel world five years ago, and is now in another world."

Mu Huaiyan raised his eyebrows: "So you mean that the person named Qin Yan is actually Shi Mingchen in this world?"

The system nodded: "Yes."

Mu Huaiyan didn't ask any more, but let the system leave.

He knew that with the system's ability, he might be able to get Shi Mingchen back, but the price to be paid might be a bit high.

He didn't know whether Shi Qiao wanted Shi Mingchen to come back.


At this time, another time and space.

Qin Yan kept staring at the place where Shi Qiao disappeared, and did not move for a long time.

Like Shi Qiao, he was digesting the information the other party told him.

Similarly, he also thought of the concept of parallel time and space.

He has always been very interested in the physical theory of parallel space-time. He has consulted a lot of materials and watched a lot of books and movies about this kind.

So when Qiao talked about her world, he subconsciously thought of the concept of "parallel space-time".

Although the theory of parallel space-time has not been confirmed, he believes in the existence of parallel space-time.

Five years ago, he woke up from the hospital with no memory, no family or friends.

He didn't know where he came from, he didn't know who he was.

The police station said he grew up in an orphanage, but the orphan should also have friends, but he didn't!

Later, he founded a multinational company with his own ability.

He thought that as long as he stood tall enough, his family and friends would be able to see him and come to him.

But no.

For five years, no one came to him, nor did he find any information about the past.

He seems to have appeared in this world out of thin air, so this world has no trace of his past.

This made him doubt his origin and identity.

This idea is too crazy, he has never told anyone.

No one can talk about him, because as five years ago, he has no family and no friends.

He is one person from beginning to end.

And the appearance of the girl gave him hope.

It took a long time for Qin Yan to come back to his senses.

The setting sun has completely sunk, and the living room is completely dark.

He stood in the dark, his brows and eyes cold.

The girl disappeared before his eyes again, and he couldn't do anything.

The only thing he can do is to patiently wait for the girl to come again.

He had a hunch that the girl must have something to do with his life experience!
