Chapter 3.

Chapter 3.



Once the first child of the King and Queen was born. An announcement made its way throughout the kingdom. informing the people of the Sapin Kingdom that a heir to the throne was born. Excitement and joy filled everyone of their hearts, the thought of having a potential new and improved king just sounded too good to them.

The other Kingdoms though, they didn't think much of it... They just hoped that the child wouldn't be incompetent, and would eventually have enough strength to fully stand with the other kings.

{A/N. I know that some of the kings aren't even silver core mages, I think. So yeah, and if they are then my bad.}

Within the Kings palace, a small little one year old boy with short glossy pitch-black hair, teal-pale eyes and skin as white as snow, could be seen standing to the side of his father. His face was expressionless but within in his eyes he held a bit of worry for his new mother as she was going through Labor once again...

Blaine and Priscilla had already known what feelings they would go through during the children's birth, but that didn't make it any less harder for Blaine to keep his cool.

"Arrrrgh!" She groaned, applying with the nurses command to push. She herself is very excited for this child but the way she has to give birth to them is making her change her mind...

"Hnnng! I c-change my mind! I d-don't want children!" She shouted, pain filled expression on her face as she clenched her teeth and shut her eyes. Blaine's worried expression switched to a wry grin as sweat dripped down his face.

'But you're the one who wants a family!' He cried internally, making sure his expression of worry never changed.

Azrael heard this and couldn't help but smile wryly too, he's well aware of what goes on in the palace thanks to his spatial perception. It's true that Priscilla was the one who wanted a family, she kept mentioning a daughter and maybe another son, though she mostly wanted a daughter next...

'...Please be a girl... I don't think I can handle hearing those noises any longer!' Azrael pleaded, though his expression, just like his fathers, never changed.

The nurse and the maids who were in the room all held in their chuckles as the ones who had children could completely agree with her Highnesses pain and change of mind. But it's a little to late for that now...

"Come on madam! Just a little more! I can see the head!" The nurse encouraged. Blaine's eyes widened as he once again was filled with a familiar sense of expectance and excitement. Azrael, however. Already had the surprise of the gender spoiled, much to his pleasure.

The worry in his eyes died down as he saw that Priscilla wasn't going to be in any danger during her birth, and that the child she was birthing was completely fine as well.

Turning towards his distracted father, he prepared himself mentally as well as physically for his upcoming performance.

Taking in a deep breath, he opened his mouth...

"F-father! I-I can't stand this anymore! Mothers in pain a-and!-"

Hearing his son, he quickly turned towards Azrael and saw that he had tears pooling up in the corner of his eyes, he was gripping on strongly to his beautiful red gold lined robe. His face softened as his worry was completely hidden.

"It's alright, I'll stay here with your mother you go on ahead and wait for us to come down, okay Azrael?" Blaine suggested as he gestured towards a maid to come and get Azrael to lead him out of the room.

Azrael nodded his head frantically as he wiped the fake tears that had fallen on his cheeks. The maid that was ordered by the King had come and swiftly guided Azrael out of the room and towards his own...

The whole way there Azrael had to keep up his pitiful act of immaturity as he didn't want the maid with him to catch on.

Not speaking even once, the maid had successfully guided Azrael towards his room, and once he was inside the room the maid rushed back towards the room with her highness and his highness. She didn't want to miss the birth of a potential Princess after all...

With Azrael.

Inside his room, he jumped on his giant bed with white silk sheets and red blanket. Wiping his tears he mentally mused.

'... Guess I figured out what time line I was born in... And I seem to be before Arthur, so thats interesting. Curtis is being born now, which means Kathyln should be following two years later... Gives me quite a lot of time to get used to my abilities as well as train in different weapons. I'll also need to train my body as well, having the limits taken off of it means that I could potentially become as strong as a God if given the right circumstances...'

Rubbing his one year old chin, Azrael frowned as he thought about his future path. He didn't fully catch up on The Beginning After The End since he rarely had time to read, but the time he did have to read, he only made it to Adventurer Arc.

Meaning everything after that was a mystery to him. If something that wasn't originally in the story were to happen then he wouldn't even know.

Thinking about the future only seemed to make him worry... He has no intention of becoming a King, and he damn sure doesn't want to be tied down to such a grand position. He wants to live his own life, but just doesn't know where to start...

'... Guess I could always start with 'leveling' up my abilities...' He concluded, letting out a sigh as his frown relaxed and he plopped on his back.

He sat in this position for a few minutes, deciding to wait for his baby brothers birth before he falls asleep to start his new training for years to come.

Azrael's eyes shut as a small smile traced his lips. While he wouldn't admit it, he was quite worried for his new mother and hoped that there wasn't any complication during her birthing session...

And much to his happiness...

Curtis was born.



Short chapter once again.

Still need time to plan things for the story so I'm having the story progress slowly...

Training chapters with time skip? Or time skip with no training chapters and just a list of his progress.

I don't actually have all that much planned for his life in royalty, it was mostly used as a reasonable excuse for him to have different strong teachers to teach him the different ways of weapons.

Anyway, a love interest has been chosen! Now I just need to come up with a plan to integrate her into Azrael's life.

