Flashback: When we went to the clinic for my second opinion.

"I'm happy for you, H! Thank you for allowing me to be an aunt soon! I will spoil your twins soon! I swear, gurl!" Kristine squealed.

We went out of the clinic. I was overwhelmed about the results and planning to Edge about it later when I get home and explain everything about the misdiagnosed incident last August.

"Let's go to our favorite spot for the little celebration." Venice suggested.

I was just agreed with them as we drove in Kristine's car.

After they ordered at the counter, they sat at our usual table and talked about random things about my pregnancy.

"Is there any possible names in your mind for the twins?" Kristine excitedly asked.

I think about it for a little while, "If they were both boys, I would name them Spencer and Race." I answered.

"What if the twins were both girls?" She asked again.