RIN: Unveiled

Cinderella ran towards the king who greeted her with a kiss. "Rin, it is over at last", she said as she hugged him, excited over what can only be a perfect future together.

"Yes, it is. It has ended, finally." Rin said in his normal calculated tone and yet hearing his voice made Cinderella's eyes widen in shock.

She let go of him as she stepped back, "No! This can't be," fear engulfed her whole being as she looked into his eyes.

He was darkness, not just his eyes, not just his voice, not just the way he held her wrist and kissed it. "Darling, why are you suddenly so afraid?"

"Unhand me, please." She tried to pull her hand away from him but he gripped her hand tighter and in one swift stroke broke her wrist and joints.

She howled in pain, called for her guards, begged for anyone to help her. "Hush... they are all dead. Is this not how you wanted it to be, just me and you, alone in your perfect world."