Shimotsuki Style

Outside of the bar Jack quietly followed behind Kenshin, he still didn't get over the bloodlust he felt earlier and would still tremble whenever he remember that feeling of helplessness just like facing a monster that is coming after his life.

Making their way towards the port area where the pirate's ship was docked Kenshin who was silent the whole time stopped walking and murmured to himself while looking at the line of ships in front of him.

"Hmm, a small caravel ship would suffice for now. stealing a big ship isn't helpful because there won't be enough people to man the ship."

When Jack heard Kenshin talking about stealing a ship, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. this boss he is currently following was really unprepared and only plans on the spot.

He then looked towards the Caravel ship and saw a bunch of pirates drinking onboard the ship, Jack then turned his attention towards Kenshin and said "Ken, it's not like I don't believe that you're stronger than me but I still want to know the power of the person I am following."

Kenshin smiled when he heard Jack's words, he slowly walked towards the Caravel while slowly unsheathing his sword.

The pirates who were busy drinking saw a random swordsman heading their way, a pirate who looked like their captain stood up and raised his hand that was still holding a bottle and shouted, "What do you want brat?"

Kenshin ignored the pirate's question and continued walking in their direction, the pirate captain looked pissed when Kenshin ignored his question. he immediately told his crew to pick up their weapons.

"What an arrogant brat. Everyone, go and finish this brat off so that we can continue our little banquet." The pirate captain ordered.


The crew members jumped off the ship and ran towards Kenshin with their weapons raised high ready to slice him down.

Seeing a dozen pirates rushing towards him Kenshin closed his eyes as he held his sword in front of him.

"Shimotsuki Sword Style: Gengetsu!"

Kenshin's sword drew a half-circle in front of him slicing all the pirate's waists cutting them into two.

*Plop* *Plop* *Plop*

Dozens of upper torsos fell down on the ground making a plopping sound, but each torso that fell made Jack's and the pirate captain on board hearts race, they didn't expect Kenshin to kill a dozen of pirates with just a single slash.

Staring at the bodies in front of him Kenshin swiped his sword to remove the bloodstains, he then glanced at the pirate captain and said, "Now that your subordinates are all dead you have two choices. First, follow me and become one of my subordinates. Second, give me your ship and I will let you leave unscathed."

The pirate captain gritted his teeth while glaring angrily at Kenshin, he went inside his cabin and took all his belongings, and left the ship in a hurry.

Looking at the captain that left Kenshin didn't feel any pity because he knew that they weren't good people, he gave the captain a choice to follow him because he didn't have any clue where to go right now and he also doesn't know how to navigate a ship.

Jack who was a few meters behind Kenshin was already dumbfounded after seeing the gory scene in front of him, he didn't think that Kenshin would be such a heartless fella that would kill his opponent right away.

He slowly approached Kenshin and said while staring intently at the young swordsman in front of him, "You really are a decisive person, I don't know what happened to make you such a decisive killer."

Kenshin looked back at Jack and replied with a small smile on his face, "If you experienced what I have experienced when I was still a kid then you wouldn't be surprised as to why am I like this right now."

After speaking Kenshin boarded the ship and asked Jack who was also coming up, "Hey Jack, do you know how to navigate a ship?"

Jack stopped and sighed, he knew from the previous experience that Kenshin doesn't really know how to plan things.

"Yeah, I know how to navigate a ship. It's the least I could learn when sailing the sea." Jack replied.

Knowing that Jack knew how to navigate Kenshin couldn't be any happier and said with a cheerful voice, "Then I will leave everything in your care then, Jack!"

With that said Kenshin went inside the captain's cabin and slammed the door shut leaving a dumbfounded and pissed Jack outside the deck.