Jack's power

As the two pirates ventured the grand line with their trusty caravel ship, a galleon ship appeared a kilometer away from them and was closing in on them.

Jack who was at the helm noticed a huge ship at their west that was fast approaching and immediately notified Kenshin who was training.

"Boss! we have visitors!" Jack shouted towards Kenshin who just finished his daily routine.

He dried off his sweat and put on his black jacket as he made his way towards the helm of the ship, there he saw the galleon ship that was already a few hundred meters away from them.

"Hmm, they have a big ship but it doesn't mean that they are strong. Jack go and test out if your training was effective or not." Kenshin said as he pushed Jack at the edge of the ship.

Jack who was suddenly put on the spot looked at Kenshin with a betrayed look on his face, he took a deep breath and carried his huge hammer as he awaited the arrival of their enemy.

On the opposite side of Kenshin's ship the pirate captain of the galleon ship used his telescope and saw only two pirates, he couldn't help but laugh and said, "Looks like we are in luck boys! we only have two enemies on the enemy ship, we can easily steal everything they have."

"HAHAHA, we really are in luck captain!" A crew member said as he licked his blade while staring at the caravel ship.

"Get ready boys! we are about to make contact!" The captain said as he unsheathed his sword from his waist.

He stared crazily at the two men that was in front of him and shouted while raising his sword, "Attack!"


As soon as the captain shouted a huge person jumped off from the caravel ship and slammed his huge hammer at the center of the galleon ship making a huge hole on the deck while the ship started rocking it left and right.

"Enemy attack!" "Ah! Help!"

A crew member shouted before the humongous hammer slammed towards him killing him instantly.

Seeing their crew member getting killed by a simple move the rest started getting nervous while the captain was gnashing his teeth in anger.

"You really are ballsy to attack my ship all by yourself." The captain said as he took a step forward directly facing Jack with his bloody hammer rested on his shoulder.

Jack looked down towards the captain, glaring at him as he spoke in a cold "It's not too late to surrender, my boss only wants to know if you have a Sabaody's eternal pose."

The captain smirked hearing Jack's words, he reached his pocket and showed 3 eternal poses and said with a ridiculing smile, "Sabaody's eternal pose? is it this one? hehe, if you want it you should come and get. that is, if you can."

Jack upon seeing that one of the three eternal poses had the name "Sabaody Archipelago" written on it nodded his head and raised his foot as he stomped onto the deck of the ship rocking it again.

The captain who was still smirking was caught off guard at the movement of the ship and fell down on his butt, he looked up at Jack only to see the giant hammer slowly falling towards him.

"Sto- stop!" *Splat!*

He tried to stop Jack but was smashed immediately by Jack, the three eternal poses rolled on the floor as Jack took all three of them. he then turned his attention towards the rest of the crew and said.

"If you want to live then bring all the treasures and food towards the other ship." He then stared at the pirate that was manning the ship and said.

"Bring 5 capable helmsmen that can man a caravel ship, you will be now serving under my boss."

The pirate nodded his head repeatedly not wanting to anger Jack lest he get smashed to death like his captain.

Upon returning to the ship Jack saw Kenshin frowning and asked in confusion, "What's the problem, boss?"

Hearing Jack's question Kenshin glared towards him, "Who told you to destroy that ship? we could've upgraded our ship to a bigger one, tsk tsk."

Jack sweated nervously when he found out the reason and could only blame himself because he was the one who destroyed the enemy ship.

Not long after, all the food and treasures were transferred towards the caravel ship and 5 helmsmen were standing in front of Kenshin nervously waiting for his command.

Kenshin who was seated at the newly obtained captain seat studied the 5 helmsmen and said while releasing his bloodlust, "I'm not that strict, I only want you to work under me until we reach Sabaody. so I hope that none of you will think of sabotaging and endangering the safety of the ship just because you want some revenge."

The 5 helmsmen who felt Kenshin's bloodlust bowed their heads in unison and replied, "Understood, Captain!"

Kenshin nodded his head in satisfaction and commanded, "Let's set sail then!"